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New Space wolves army


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Finished my new(ish) Space Wolves army. These were done to replace the old army I sold off a few months ago. I had just intended to get out of wolves completely, but I went through all my figures and discovered that with just the bitz I had in my bin from doing numerous marine armies over the years, I still had a very viable 3k point army left over. Indeed it is probably a better 6th edition army than the original! Lots of grey hunters, lots of terminators, lots of long fangs, almost no vehicles. Color scheme is much faster as well, the old scheme too FOREVER to paint and had many many steps for each guy, which looked fantastic but took forever. These guys were done in just a few weeks.Standard is a bit lower than I like to do, but it's still a very playable table-top quality and looks fantastic all done up and on the table


Here's the wde shot



Grey Hunters



Lord, Priest and swiftclaws



Too many terminators to fit in a non wolfwing list



Long fangs and the vehicles I never field



and for comparison, the old wolves



More pictures of both armies in my space wolf gallery http://s1153.photobucket.com/albums/p512/R...Space%20Wolves/


What made these guys so much faster is that I started with Touch n Tone (rustoleum) grey primer (which is FABULOUS BTW, best primer I've ever used). Blocked in the colors: chainmail for the metal, charadon granite for the black, Calthan brown pouches, vallejo flat red and delta ceramcoat opaque yellow shoulders, vallejo white for the bone symbols/skulls/eagles etc. Shoulders got decals using gloss coat-microsol-gloss coat technique, white areas got a few washes of gryphonne sepia to stain them bone color, then the whole model got a good wash in a 2:1:1 devlan mud:badaab black:mixing medium, which was cleaned off the raised areas before it dried to make shadows and soft highlights. Metal and black areas then got a coat of badaab black. Bases were done with vallejo pumice paste, painted with DC burnt umber then highlighted with autumn brown and maple sugar tan, then everything was sealed with a semi-flat satin varnish to give everyhting a soft luster. Pretty happy with the results.

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