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BtW's Word Bearer's


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Hey all! Thought I'd share some pics and a link over here in the Chaos threads for those that don't make it over to the WiP subforum.

First up, here is the Link for my WiP thread.

Second, Some pics of the Warmonger, the 34th Grand Host dreadnought.

Still got a couple more minor things to do on him but he is pretty much done...

Autocannon and DCCW w/ heavy flamer:



Plasma Cannon and DCCW w/ heavy flamer:



and Pair of DCCW's w/ heavy flamer and heavy bolter:




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I like it. You have a nice rich red there. NOW LETS SEE SOME MARINES!

Since you asked, lol....

These are some older pics, some additional work has been done since these were taken. I'll have to get some new pics soon..

Dark Apostle Marduk in TDA


Coryphaeus Kol Badar


First Acolyte Ashkanez


Icon Bearer Burias-Drak'shal


13th Coterie Exhalted Champion Sabtec


17th Coterie Exhalted Champion Khalaxis




Just a few pics...more pics in my WiP thread linked in the first post :)


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Nice work. The green on the dread contrasts nicely with the red.


I'd suggest getting a superfine pen, 003 or the like, for scribbletext, or alternatively using the tip of a toothpick whittled down extremely finely. That'll make scrolls, books and the like look so much better.


It could be the photos put a sepia wash on white/bone areas would help with definition.

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Some of it's the pics, and some of it's that the pics are older. There's been improvements on many of them as I've gone back and retouched areas. I'll definitely look into the micro pen, with my nerve damage doing the script is a bear, and I agree it could be much better. Thanks!



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