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Hellbrutes and Dreads

Kol Saresk

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I haven't seen anything discussing this but for curiosity's sake, since we are still using our 4th Edition Codex, how exactly do the Hellbrutes fit in our extremely outdated Codex with the release of Dark Vengeance and no new(as of yet) Codex with updated rules? Do they replace Dreads or are they a separate unit with separate point costs and unit options that are listed in the set?


EDIT: What I mean is do they have a separate points cost and options(a separate entry basically) or do they just "borrow" the Dreadnought's until the new Codex comes out?

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Yeah, I'd say that for the time being run the Hellbrute as a dred. If everything plays out it'll only be an issue for the next month *fingers crossed*


I personally held out on getting the DV set as when I was finally able to order one the LE was sold out, and I wasn't gonna pay $150+ US just to get the extra Chaplain. Figured I'll just get it next month along with the (hopefully) new dex. That way I can focus my attention wholly on Chaos next month.


Anyhow and on topic, I'd use it with the dred rules for now...




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