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Death Guard Allies?

Bearius Maximus

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Hello one and all,



With the hopefully and day now codex being released, I have a question. Which legion would be the most likely to ally with the death guard?? I have 4000 points of death guard and looking into a second chaos army with all these new untils we should hopefully be getting!!


I like to keep to fluff as much as possible and have read quite a bit about our beloved primarch getting on with Conrad Kurze as they were both outcasts.






Bearius Maximus

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I am sure you can find plausible reasons for almost any combinations of the old Legions and the Death Guard.

The sky - and just how close to the existing fluff you want to keep things - is the limit.


Personally I think that the Death Guard and Night Lords could ally fairly easily, especially if the commanders of both factions harkened back to the days of the Great Crusade. They would not only have a lot in common but they would also have the memories, or perhaps they even witnessed their beloved primarchs together at some point.

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I'd see them team up with the Black Legion too. Horus is dead for like 10,000 years, but he was one of the few Mortarion got along with. Whereas I doubt the Death Guard of the 41st millennium would care about that, the Black Legion is large, powerful, and doesn't ask too many questions.

Also, if you're looking for some variation, they're having a quite look and paint scheme quite distinct from the Death Guard.


Cheers, JT

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I've always thought Death Guard and World Eaters would team up, the WE not caring who they ally with as long as they get to sling around chain-axes and have fun, plus both being fairly brutal and uncaring legions PH.. Thats just me though, I could also see them allied with the Word Bearers, but not so much with the less gribbly legions like the IW+AL etc.
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I've always thought Death Guard and World Eaters would team up, the WE not caring who they ally with as long as they get to sling around chain-axes and have fun, plus both being fairly brutal and uncaring legions PH.. Thats just me though, I could also see them allied with the Word Bearers, but not so much with the less gribbly legions like the IW+AL etc.


Certainly historically this could be true. Alternatively, you could go for an Undivided sort of ally, or like The Purge/Cleaved.

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I like the idea of Night Lords and Death Guard teaming up. Death Guard used to infiltrate, so their tactics could match up.


Personally, I ally my DG with the Bleak Brotherhood. Not a legion, I know, but the only official thing we know about the Bleak Brotherhood is that they've been around the Cadian Gate, and that's where Typhus hangs out, too. Convenient (I don't play Mortarian DG, but I'm excited about the rumors of a model for him coming out from FW!).

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IMO, every legion can be made allies to your Deathguard. I myself use Iron Warriors with an allied Thousand Sons detatchment and I find it easy to justify in the fluff (so many reasons why two battered and small forces like my iron Warriors and my Thousand Sons have been "forced" into a mutual partnership, though of course, my Warsmith is waiting for the oppurtune time to betray the attrocious Magnusian Daemon Prince and etc.) All you need is immagination and some modicum of average intellect and then there really are few limits ;)


However, if you were to ally them with the Emperors Children then I sincerly advocate you to have some sort of relativly strong background story justifying it (not impossible at all, but really it looks silly if you dont have a very, very good explanation for such diametrically aligned forces allying)

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However, if you were to ally them with the Emperors Children then I sincerly advocate you to have some sort of relativly strong background story justifying it (not impossible at all, but really it looks silly if you dont have a very, very good explanation for such diametrically aligned forces allying)


And Tzeentch forces.

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