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Khorne and mutations

Lord Kallozar

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Lots of previous artwork sees khorne worshipers as having horns, weapon hands, spikes - generally anything that makes them more fighty or Killy.


I guess the anti-magic stance of khorne itself may at least be in part down to the lower mutation or "gift" rate but I can't see any real reason for it.

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They have as many as anybody else (barring Tzeentch followers) as far as I know. A lot of them are potentially less obvious though, like vampirism, acid blood, fangs, massive strength, iron hard skin etc.



Mind you, I agree on the artwork thing lately, there does seem to be less mutations in general compared to earlier stuff.

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Like what was said, most of the mutations have to deal with making the individual more able to kill. Or as punishment but that rarely seen from Khorne because those who deserve to be punished usually don't live long enough to be punished. But let's see, I know a few examples of Khornate mutations but they are all Black Library examples.


Tellos from the Soul Drinkers series by Ben Counter: Originally mutated by a Tzeentchi Daemon Prince named Abraxes. At first, he lost his hands and was able to replace them by slamming chainswords into his hilts so he could keep fighting. It wasn't long before he found himself falling onto the path of Khorne and was seen to have the ability to heal from any wound or body harm, even to the point of not only surviving explosive decompression with hazard gear, but he could continue to function in a zero atmosphere environment. Finally died when a warp portal exploded, killing him and throwing his soul into the warp to join Khorne.(I think. I know he died on a planet just after a warp portal went crazy but it may have been an orbital bombardment that did it. Either way, it took alot to kill him.)


While his mutations originally came from Tzeentch, they were moulded to the service of Khorne and were seen to become stronger and since he worshipped Khorne, it's logical to assume that it was Khorne who gifted these enhancements.


A character from the "Let the Galaxy Burn" anthology: Was gifted by Khorne with the "Words of Blood", which allowed him to stir up an insane amount of bloodlust in a mob and turn them towards worshipping Khorne. Or dying as cannon fodder.


The next one is the Skulltaker as seen in the BL novel, "Blood for the Blood God" by CL Werner: He was gifted with immortality, able to survive anything except a blow by the Bloodeater, a sword forged from the innards of a Bloodthirster of Khorne. The Skulltaker was also gifted with armor that would repair any and all damage and a sword that could cut through anything.

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You could say the mutations of Khorne only serve for combat, preferable close combat.


Having said that, I think the most common Khornate mutation is that of the mind and the musscle, so it can unleash it's rage in combat without any restraints.

As such this could represented by heavy muscle growth over the armour or simply a even larger individual in power armour. Wings, Hooves and horns should not be uncommen to since Khorne shapes his favourite servants into an immage of himself.


The codex sort of supports this.


Also do not forget all World Eaters have some form of "mutation" (even pre heresy), the nerve-implants which tremendously heighten aggressiveness, handed down from primarch Angron.

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Thanks for the replies. It has definitely helped clear a few things up. Though it presents another question - with mutations and daemon weapons and warp gates etc etc they are all magic related, so how does khorne do this if he dispises the use of sorcery and magicks? seems contradictory to me.....
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Thanks for the replies. It has definitely helped clear a few things up. Though it presents another question - with mutations and daemon weapons and warp gates etc etc they are all magic related, so how does khorne do this if he dispises the use of sorcery and magicks? seems contradictory to me.....
Could be me, but I don't see them as being magic related.


The Warp != magic


The Warp is (more or less) emotion/energy made manifest.

One could say that when Khorne chooses to gift a follower, he grants her/him a tiny piece of his own essence.

Or, he reveals something to said follower (e.g. the true name of a weapon-bound daemon), how to channel one's rage so purely/violently that it disrupts nearby psykers' ability to control The Warp.

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He's also blessed people with the mind of a beast, driving them into a constant frenzy, like Scyla in Fantasy, so not everything is a 'positive' mutation. As to whether Khorne likes magic, he actually does. The Warp 'is' magic, or at least psychic energy, which is a part of him, and his daemons. What he doesn't like is the "cowardly" use of it, i.e. using the Warp to throw fireballs at your foe instead of meeting them in honest combat. Khorne has no problem with using sorcery to enchant a weapon, or to bind a daemon, or to open a warp portal. After all, if Khorne didn't allow sorcery, his daemons wouldn't be summoned, his daemon-weapons wouldn't be forged, and so on.
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He's also blessed people with the mind of a beast, driving them into a constant frenzy, like Scyla in Fantasy, so not everything is a 'positive' mutation. As to whether Khorne likes magic, he actually does. The Warp 'is' magic, or at least psychic energy, which is a part of him, and his daemons. What he doesn't like is the "cowardly" use of it, i.e. using the Warp to throw fireballs at your foe instead of meeting them in honest combat. Khorne has no problem with using sorcery to enchant a weapon, or to bind a daemon, or to open a warp portal. After all, if Khorne didn't allow sorcery, his daemons wouldn't be summoned, his daemon-weapons wouldn't be forged, and so on.



Your point about magic is spot on. MANY people get this wrong. It's one of the most common misconceptions about Khorne I think.

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He's also blessed people with the mind of a beast, driving them into a constant frenzy, like Scyla in Fantasy, so not everything is a 'positive' mutation. As to whether Khorne likes magic, he actually does. The Warp 'is' magic, or at least psychic energy, which is a part of him, and his daemons. What he doesn't like is the "cowardly" use of it, i.e. using the Warp to throw fireballs at your foe instead of meeting them in honest combat. Khorne has no problem with using sorcery to enchant a weapon, or to bind a daemon, or to open a warp portal. After all, if Khorne didn't allow sorcery, his daemons wouldn't be summoned, his daemon-weapons wouldn't be forged, and so on.



Your point about magic is spot on. MANY people get this wrong. It's one of the most common misconceptions about Khorne I think.

Thanks guys for clearing this up for me. So Khorne does use magic just not as a weapon. So i take it Khorne warbands will also use psykers/astropaths to guide and steer their ships?

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He's also blessed people with the mind of a beast, driving them into a constant frenzy, like Scyla in Fantasy, so not everything is a 'positive' mutation. As to whether Khorne likes magic, he actually does. The Warp 'is' magic, or at least psychic energy, which is a part of him, and his daemons. What he doesn't like is the "cowardly" use of it, i.e. using the Warp to throw fireballs at your foe instead of meeting them in honest combat. Khorne has no problem with using sorcery to enchant a weapon, or to bind a daemon, or to open a warp portal. After all, if Khorne didn't allow sorcery, his daemons wouldn't be summoned, his daemon-weapons wouldn't be forged, and so on.



Your point about magic is spot on. MANY people get this wrong. It's one of the most common misconceptions about Khorne I think.

Thanks guys for clearing this up for me. So Khorne does use magic just not as a weapon. So i take it Khorne warbands will also use psykers/astropaths to guide and steer their ships?


Captured/enslaved Astropaths, enslaved daemons, who knows? No-one's ever gotten close enough to find out properly. My warband's ship has a vicious, bestial spirit that can only be controlled by the Daemon Prince that leads the warband. Khorne worshippers are, unfortunately, not really seen as interesting enough to be a popular protagonist for BL fiction. It's a damned shame too, there are so many things one could do...



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