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Sanguine Archons

Commander Dante jr.

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Hey so I'm making this army that is a mix gene seed of the Blood Angels and the Dark Angels. I know the planet they live on is called Grarx 7 and the Chapter Master is Gaius Atlamuous. I need some recommendations for the paint scheme though. Any help would be appreciated. Death Company will be the Robed Men and they will have black robes followed by paint scheme.
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I'm sure the first thing you'll probably hear from most Liber Astartes vets is that, fluffwise, Chapters aren't built with mixed gene seed. You haven't asked for C&C on the chapter, though, so I assume you've got it how you want it.


As far as paint scheme though, that depends. BA and DA are very different armies, and their paint schemes reflect the difference in their combat doctrines, brazen red for the assaulty BA, and the reclusive and secretive dark green of the Unforgiven. Which style is your army exemplifying? My only recommendation so far is not to mix red and green unless you want an army that appears to have a Christmas theme.

It might help if we knew more about this Chapter. Going by what you've said so far, I only know that the Marines don't usually wear robes. Why call a force the Robed Men if everyone wears robes? So they don't wear robes. That, and the name. Obviously ties more with the Blood Angels than it does the Dark Angels. So from what you have provided, my thinking is that the Chapter is more Blood Angels-centric than Dark Angels. Plus, all of the added stuff you gave was Blood Angels-related. Nothing Dark Angels-related, like the Ravenwing, Deathwing. My non-paint scheme recommendation would be to just cut out the Dark Angels. If they're not all that important to the Chapter, why have it? But as someone pointed out, you're not asking for C&C, so feel free to ignore it.

As it stands, if the Blood Angels are the more dominant theme to the Chapter, why not follow more along their lines? Check out their Codex and look at the varied paint schemes for them and their successors and choose something accordingly.

Going with the Blood Angels as more dominant, and using the bleached bone of the Dark Angels rather than the green (because no Christmas themes, please) or the black (since black is more for the Death Company), I came up with this:


So (BA) angry + (DA) low self esteem = teenage marines in blood cover flannel.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Astartes!

Who massacre. Everything.

Out of curiosity, what is it you're trying to achieve by mixing BA and DA? Are you trying to get a certain personality with a certain tactical doctrine?


From my limited understanding of the BA and DA fluff, those are two chapters that are gonna do their best to not reveal the flaws present in their geneseed/their great shame to outsiders and so are very unlikely to let another chapter or even a third party get hands on with their geneseed. So if there's a particular effect you're after, maybe we can help you pick one or the other geneseed and then come up with a good fluff based reason why they have traits of the other. As an example, my white scars descendent chapter, see the link in my sig (plug, plug ;)), is not all assaulty and crazy hot-headed bike riding lunatics because I came up with a good (IMHO) reason why they weren't like that and were more like the Raven Guard.


As far as colour schemes, why not mix the minor colours of their respective schemes so black and cream or off-white? As has been pointed out you really don't want power-armoured christmas elves (maybe you do?)




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