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It's been a while since i've painted some Power armoured models so when I saw the Dark Vengeance box I knew it was time to get som Marines painted!

I'm proably going to focus on the DA's but since I first saw pictures of the Chosen models I knew I had to paint them as Emeror's Children. I feel the details on the Chosen really lend themselves to a colour scheme that relies on contrast as much as the EC shceme does.

The pink isn't everyones cup of tea, but I love it.







The DV models are a pleasure to paint though very time consuming what with all the small details. :)


Hope you like 'em.



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very nice models you have made my decision harder, i have been trying to decide what colours to paint them, EC was up there as a good solid choiceyeah i agree the models are very nice but im not too keen on the helbrute and the cultists, i think they will have to go on ebay or something
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i have been trying to decide what colours to paint them, EC was up there as a good solid

Do it, you know you want to! ;)


im not too keen on the helbrute and the cultists, i think they will have to go on ebay or something



Really? I personally think the Cultists are some the coolest snap-fit models GW have released in some time and are quite multi-purpose (traitor Guard/ Necromunda) and thus woth thier price tag.

I'm not the biggest fan of the hellbrute, i'll admit, but it does look like a fun model to paint ( a good reward for painting all those lovely chosen and cultists!).


Working on Chosen numbers 3 and 4, that being Lightning claw and Power fist marines, so pics should be up in the next few days or so.




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Absolutely love these! Real marines wear pink. The painting is great, any chance of a recipe for the pink and the paints you used to highlight the black? I think the Chaos models in DV are superb [making me very hopeful for the new Chaos releases] and you have done them justice. As a fellow Emperor's Children player mine will also be painted black and pink at some point, hope they come out somewhere as good as yours. :) Can't wait to see more.
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Thanks for the replies, muchly appreciated and i'm chuffed you like them :tu: .


Will you be painting the rest of the chaos forces in the box as EC?


I will defininatley be painting the rest in the same scheme! I think i'll either paint some cultists or tackle the Hellbrute next.

I'll admit i'm more leaning on the side of painting the Hellbrute though, the model is terrific.

I picked up a box of Chaos marines today and will be having a go at some conversion work. Should be fun.




tyrannosaurus- Thanks. See about putting up some pics of your EC when you paint them. There isn't enough EC themed models on show these days and it'd be great seeing some more around here. :tu:




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Great job on the models! The detail work seems to really suit the scheme well. Did you use the new paints for them? I've been using the new pinks and purples, and found them to be excellent.


The picture with the gooner on the bed is a bit weird though tbh :P


I'm waiting for the new codex before I commit any real hobby time to my currently very small force. I quite fancy a Flawless host warband if the models and book is any good. Naturally I'll post in the EC section should I get the chance.


Did you catch the link Garfy tutorial link I posted in the DV model thread?

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The picture with the gooner on the bed is a bit weird though tbh


You know, for about 5 mins I had no idea what you meant untill I saw that particular photo on my page! ;)

Thats 2 of my mates and they were in rather 'merry' spirts, shall we say.

I assure you that it went no further than that or I wouldn't have let them in my room! :P


I'm waiting for the new codex before I commit any real hobby time to my currently very small force. I quite fancy a Flawless host warband if the models and book is any good. Naturally I'll post in the EC section should I get the chance.


Same here really. I don't have a copy of the current 'dex and don't plan on buying it anytime soon so hopefully the rumors of the new 'dex being round the corner are true.


I'd love to see some Flawless host models!


I did catch the link you posted, was pretty cool.




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tyrannosaurus- Thanks. See about putting up some pics of your EC when you paint them. There isn't enough EC themed models on show these days and it'd be great seeing some more around here. ;)





Just realised my albums were private :devil: - got a few pics of mine up on there, the raptors might be worth a look if you have a moment. got about 1750 points painted up. Nowhere near as good as yours though dude, looking forward to seeing more.

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