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Decimators IA [V3]

Brother Cambrius

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Greetings battle brothers of the LIBER. Well I've returned once more form deep within the crypts of the Liber Heraldry Department with a reworking of an IA I created many years ago. I'm close to completion with this IA, I just need some valued opinions/critiques to improve the quality of my work, ready for when the Librarium is fixed up in the future.

Thus, here lies the Index Astartes profile for the Decimators:

[center; background-image:url(http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">Decimators [/center]


We live in a universe of apathy, greed, corruption and power, where xenos attack our every front and heretics attack from within. When it seems that all chance of mankind enduring is lost, there is hope, there is courage, honour and justice to protect humankind. For we are the Decimators, we are the sons of Ferrus Manus and we are the hammer that strikes against the anvil of war, forging our victories. We cleanse the xenos, purge the heretic and eradicate all who attempt to destroy us. May our enemies fear our name, for we are their destruction! - Chapter Master Fernos during the siege of Garosh.

Chalice Knights: The Chalice Knights descended from the geneseed of Sanguinius? Blood Drinkers. The Decimators had worked alongside them in a number of key campaigns, within the Segmentum Obscurus against a variety of foes, both Xenos and Chaos. The two chapters held a close bond for over two millennia prior to the Desolation, aiding each other when required and openly sharing their knowledge of current threats within the Segmentum Obscurus. The Chalice Knights? betrayal, falling to Chaos and eventually to Khorne, cut the Decimators deeper than any blow an enemy could inflict, leading to great changes in the outlook of the sons of Ferrus on the inhabitants of the Imperium of Man.

The fall of the Decimators? home planet, referred to as the ?Desolation? occurred at the start of the 874.M37, whilst a large force of the Chapter, including a large amount of its command staff was engaged in the retaking of the Calanus Gulf from an Ork incursion, leaving the Fourth, Seventh and Tenth Companies to guard and protect their homeworld. When the expedition force returned, they found their home system to be ravaged and desolate, Kairus itself scoured clean of all life.

As the stunned and battle-weary fleet searched through the wreckage of a space battle above Kairus, it was clear that their planet?s defenders were annihilated by Space Marines. It was soon identified the force responsible were those whom Decimators had once regarded as close allies. Discovering the distinctive black chalice symbol with an eight-pointed star behind it upon the enemy ships, it was insurmountably clear to the Decimators that the Chalice Knights had turned their back upon the Imperium. Stunned and almost in despair, Chapter Master Harmun ordered his Chapter to investigate the ruins of the Decimators? fortress monastery. Mercifully, the chapter?s geneseed vault was found to be left intact, its hidden location deep underground protecting the vault from the destruction above. For the three companies guarding Kairus however, the same could not be said; each and every corpse found had been desecrated and robbed of their geneseed.

Enraged further by this callous act, Harmun declared the Decimators would engage in a crusade to find and eradicate every trace of the Chalice Knights from the galaxy, avenging the loss of the Decimators? battle brothers and the inhabitants of their homeworld and to bring justice for the desecration of their battle brothers. Harmun then declared that he would slay the leader of the Chalice Knights personally to truly eradicate the taint of the renegades. Reporting the heresy of the Chalice Knights and recovering whatever they could from their planet, the Decimators began their crusade to purge all traces of the now traitor chapter. Over the next century, the Decimators searched for and destroyed any trace of wherever the Chalice Knights had been, baptising their crusade as the ?Cleansing Hunt?. The now renegade chapter leaving increasingly frenzied assaults upon planetary systems as they began aligning themselves to the Blood God, Khorne. The two former allies, now hated enemies, eventually faced each other in full force, ironically, within the Calanus Gulf, where the Decimators were located when Kairus fell. The controlled, righteous fury the Decimators brought to bear eventually overwhelmed and defeated the bloodthirsty and frenzied attacks of the Chalice Knights. The Chaos renegades were dealt a final blow upon the planet of Grimhold, where Chapter Master Harmun finally faced off against the Daemon Prince that now led the once honourable and loyal Chalice Knights. Engaging each other in singular combat as the battle raged around them, Harmun eventually felled the Daemon Prince with his mighty Thunder Hammer, at the cost of his own life as the Daemon Prince speared its warped blade through the Chapter Master?s hearts in a final hate filled strike.

The Huntsmen
After the sundering of the Chalice Knights on Grimhold, a handful of Decimators felt that any remnant of their enemy?s existence was a stain upon the galaxy to be cleansed. Requesting that they band together as a group, whose sole purpose was to destroy all remnants of the Chalice Knights, the new Chapter Master of the Decimators acquiesced to their request. Naming themselves the Huntsmen, this small group of twenty Astartes headed for the Eye of Terror, intent on finding any trace of the Chalice Knights and destroying it utterly until nothing was left of their existence. Each Huntsman altered their armour?s colour by replacing the red of their helms, chest Aquilas and gauntlets with an all consuming black. Contact with this band of Decimators was lost a decade after they had set off for the Eye of Terror. The fate of the Huntsmen is unknown to the chapter, some believing they died as glorious martyrs, whilst others hold the belief that the Huntsmen still fight within the Eye of Terror, eradicating all traces of the Chalice Knights. The Decimators keep a constant vigil for any sign of their crusading brethren, should the Huntsmen ever return with their deed done and oath fulfilled.
As the Daemon Prince was cast back into the warp, the few still sane remnants of the Chalice Knights began to fall back towards the small rift the death of their master had created, as the malefic body was sucked back into the realm of Chaos, knowing that the battle was lost and more slaughters awaited them in the future.

With the battle over, the Decimators felt their duty to destroy the Chalice Knights had been done, the traitor Astartes having splintered into small warbands as they fled into the warp rift before it closed. However, the Decimators were dismayed to discover that the body of Chapter Master Harmun was lost to them, having been sucked into the warp with the Daemon Prince he had felled. All that remained of Harmun was his mighty Thunder Hammer and his helm, which had been knocked aside in the battle against the Daemon Prince earlier. Reverently recovering these items of wargear with pride for Harmun?s achievement in fulfilling his oath, the Decimators returned to Kairus to choose their new leader and prepare for their next action. Having acted as a fleet based chapter whilst hunting for the Chalice Knights and seeing its benefits, newly appointed Chapter Master Kell began the preparations for the Decimators to become permanently fleet based. The High Council of the chapter decided that Kairus? now desolate surface was a perfect place to train the recruits they would need in future and their Fortress Monastery was to be used a crypt for their fallen. As the Decimators regained their strength and reflected upon the horrific events of the Desolation and the Cleansing Hunt, the chapter grew an increasing wariness of those descended from Sanguinius geneseed. The chapter now convinced the flaws within The Blood Angels? geneseed were a major weakness that could be utilised by the ultimate enemy of the Imperium, the forces of Chaos. This wariness also flowed on to a mild distrust of other chapters who have descended from what the Decimators regarded as ?flawed and impure? geneseed.

In more recent centuries after the Desolation, the Decimators have faced the forces of Chaos repeatedly, seeking to purge any trace of its twisted mutations and weaknesses from the Imperium?s worlds. Their location within the Segmentum Obscurus has also seen the chapter face the numerous Black Crusades the Despoiler has unleashed since their founding. The Decimators have always committed their entire chapter strength against the Chaos armies during these crusades. The greatest and most hard fought defence the Decimators participated in was the 12th Black Crusade, when Abaddon?s forces emerged into the Gothic Sector, close to the region the Decimators? protect. The chapter suffered heavy losses, but their duty in cleansing the region of the forces of Chaos was achieved with the aid of their fellow loyal Astartes chapters and the further armies and Ordos of the Imperium. The Decimators have now developed their combat methodology to specifically counter the power armoured forces of the Traitor Legions.


The Decimators follow the Codex Astartes with little deviation from it, bar some of the names in their rank structure. But the chapter?s battle brothers are encouraged to not follow the codex by the letter, focusing on their own knowledge and initiative. In terms of wargear, the Decimators notably rely heavily on Predator Destructors in lieu of the Annihilator variant, after losing a large amount of their Annihilators during the Gothic War. A larger amount of Vindicators populate their armoury than what is considered the norm, with each Battle Company proudly containing two Linebreaker squadrons.

Land Raider Gladius
The Land Raider Gladius is a rare variant of the mighty vehicle and six are known to exist within the Segmentum Obscurus. It consists of a twin-linked autocannon turret atop the Land Raider?s hull, with twin-linked heavy bolters on its sponsons. Troops cannot be deployed within the Gladius, due to the amount of ammunition needed to be stored, but it has proved to be an effective battle tank against masses of Orks and other xenos with light armour. Their use against power armour however, has not proven to be as effective, but the variant has stood its ground on more than one occasion during sieges and assaults against the forces of Chaos.
The Decimators? 9th Company withholds most of the extremely heavy and rare vehicles of the chapter. These include at least one of the Land Raider Terminus, Ares and Achilles variants.

It is also known that the Decimators created a unique variant of the Predator and Land Raider chassis, as a result of two separate, vicious campaigns. The first being the Land Raider Gladius, created in M36 from the damaged remains of the Chapter?s Predator Destructors and a Land Raider Prometheus, during their fight against the Ork?s Goff clan. Four are known to exist within the chapter?s armoury, after the first Gladius proved its effectiveness against the Orks. The unique Predator variant created by the chapter is aptly named Predator Decimator. Created during the 11th Black Crusade by High Techlord Heran, the Techmarine built a Predator wielding a twin-linked autocannon turret with plasma cannon sponsons, its use against the advancing forces of Khorne?s forces, at the defence of the hive-city Brasshold. The tank proved to be lethal with its plasma cannons paired with the autocannon turret annihilating the power armour of the Chaos Marines. The variant has been adopted by a number of chapters the Decimators had fought alongside during and after the 11th Black Crusade, notably the Crimson Fists, Aurora Chapter and the Swords of Orion.


The Decimators use the seed of Ferrus Manus and there are currently no known mutations with their geneseed. The tithes with the Mechanicum have always been kept up to date, it is known for the Decimators to ask for their geneseed to be analysed more often, to ensure that it is as pure as it can be for the next generation of Astartes.
Being fleet based, the Decimators recruit new warriors from a number of planets varying in their geography, including desert planets and hive worlds.

The process for recruitment is one that begins with the hopeful aspirants being told that if they chose to join the Decimators, they would serve the Emperor and the chapter no matter what would happen. They are then taken off their homeworlds to the deathworld of Dermur, where the aspirants face the most gruelling and toughest challenges where failure means death or eternal slavery on board the ships of the Decimators as servitors and chapter serfs, thus keeping the promise that the aspirants would serve the chapter and the Emperor. The first challenge is a great march through the mountain ranges on Dermur?s largest continent, a region filled with vicious predators that stalk the ridges of the mountains. Those who fall are left where they are and the survivors are picked up later by the sergeants to convert them into servitors for the chapter?s fleet of ships. Other challenges and tests taken include tests of faith and skill, such as the aspirants being required to defend themselves from fast approaching targets whilst answering questions from their tutelage, on the history of the Decimators and the legacy of their gene-father, Ferrus Manus.

The second major test is one of combat expertise, where the recruits are sent to the remains of Kairus, the now inhospitable surface providing the perfect challenging environment for the final test. Each recruit is given a sword, krak grenade and a shield before being put against an array of deadly monsters, recovered from the numerous worlds the Decimators patrol. Many initiates fail at this point, either by the harsh climate of the Decimators? former homeworld, or from the monsters themselves, but those who pass are taken to the crypts of the Decimators, still intact beneath the fortress monastery on Kairus, to make the final test before the statues of the great fallen commanders of the chapter; the largest statue being that of their founder, Anton Grevius. The initiates must chisel their name into the ?Stones of Kairus?, placing their name alongside the many warriors who have served the Decimators over its history. When they have finished this task, the initiates are sent back to the Decimators? flagship, the Divine Eradicator and are implanted with the Black Carapace by the Apothecaries, becoming fully fledged Astartes warriors.

Combat Doctrine

The battlecry of the Decimators is commonly where the senior commanders shout ?In the name of Ferrus!? and the rest of the chapter bellow in response ?Hammer down the foe!?. In some cases, though the marines simply shout out the latter cry as they rally their brothers for a charge against the enemy.
The Decimators are generally a codex-oriented chapter when it comes to their combat doctrine, but they have a tendency to use Devastator Squads and heavy weaponry more than their Assault Squads. The chapter do however use Landspeeders and Bike Squadrons often, utilising their speed to strike at an enemy whilst they are being bombarded by the heavy weaponry brought to bear. Due to their origins from the Iron Hands, the Decimators utilise a large amount of exotic and rare technological weaponry, using them in lieu of less advanced weaponry, such as the use of plasma guns and meltas being favoured in lieu of the more traditional flamer. The Devastators typically use the more exotic Lascannons and Plasma Cannons over their other options, having grown used to dealing with the heavy armour of Chaos Marines. Due to their constant battles against mechanised forces in offence and defence, the 6th squad of every Battle Company is regarded as the ?Tank Hunters?, in which the squad is armed with melta weaponry. The squad is always attached to a heavily armed and armoured Rhino, ensuring that their mobility is at maximum to deal with any armoured threats quickly and effectively.

The chapter excel at destroying fortified defences more than fighting in close quarter combat, but after a number of engagements against the forces of Khorne, led primarily by the remnants of the Chalice Knights, the Decimators have developed a unique fighting style for the frenzied attacks of the Bezerkers, the chapter?s developed method proving useful against the Ork menace. The chapter?s recent actions has seen them face an array of xenos, including the sadistic Dark Eldar and the ever marauding Orks, but their most common enemy is the forces of Chaos. As a result many of the bolters and other weaponry of the chapter have been painted gold to reflect the Emperor?s light and have been anointed with holy oils, to ensure the purity of the machine spirit within. Thunder Hammers are the most common close combat weapon amongst the veteran sergeants of the chapter and the Assault Terminators commonly prefer the use of them over a pair of lightning claws.


Well that's that, any and all comments/critique/opinions are welcomed fully!


Edited by Brother Cambrius
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Very cool, enjoyed reading it. It's good to know others favor the Destructor pattern predator, too, and an excellent inclusion that they have developed a couple vehicle patterns of their own.


My only question comes from the recruit section, and may simply be born of my own limited knowledge: Your recruits face a challenge of taking on a fast/agile foe while being distracted with questions about the Chapter and its origins. Where would they get this knowledge? Is it part of the education system on worlds governed by the Decimators (That'd be good to know, I have no clue what an imperial 'educational system' entails)?


Interesting Chapter though, nice work.

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Very cool, enjoyed reading it. It's good to know others favor the Destructor pattern predator, too, and an excellent inclusion that they have developed a couple vehicle patterns of their own.


My only question comes from the recruit section, and may simply be born of my own limited knowledge: Your recruits face a challenge of taking on a fast/agile foe while being distracted with questions about the Chapter and its origins. Where would they get this knowledge? Is it part of the education system on worlds governed by the Decimators (That'd be good to know, I have no clue what an imperial 'educational system' entails)?


Interesting Chapter though, nice work.


Thanks for the comments Messor. ;)


Thanks for pointing out that bit in the recruitment session, I've reworded it a bit now to explain that part a little better for the readers.



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Bit of an aside, but I have posted up the custom rules I have for the Predator Decimator variant mentioned in this IA, as I currently have one of these in production and just needs to have its paintjob finished. :D



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I apologise as I haven't got the time right now to read all the way through your IA (it is quite long), but I do enjoy the first few bits I read.


I do however have one question: why did you mention the Iron Fists as being the Chapter that trained them when it was actually the Brazen Claws (at least that's what I gathered from the text)?


Oh, and the colour scheme looks really good :D





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I apologise as I haven't got the time right now to read all the way through your IA (it is quite long), but I do enjoy the first few bits I read.


I do however have one question: why did you mention the Iron Fists as being the Chapter that trained them when it was actually the Brazen Claws (at least that's what I gathered from the text)?


No worries Ludovic, take your time. ;)


Whoops. :D Old text is old. That bit has now been rectified.



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Some minor things,


You repeat the thing about descendants of sanguinius and subhumans twice, it prolly only needs to be said once.


There are a heap of minor grammatical things and some clunky sentences that can be cleaned up to make it a bit easier to read. I can give you a hand with that when I get home tonight or this weekend if you like? Currently typing on my phone on a train or I'd do it now



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Some minor things,


You repeat the thing about descendants of sanguinius and subhumans twice, it prolly only needs to be said once.


There are a heap of minor grammatical things and some clunky sentences that can be cleaned up to make it a bit easier to read. I can give you a hand with that when I get home tonight or this weekend if you like? Currently typing on my phone on a train or I'd do it now




Jacobius I would greatly appreciate any input you could provide in that manner. I'd be very grateful indeed. :( I'll look into streamlining the mention of the Decimators' mistrust of mutations later on this evening.



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Not sure how to do this so I'll break it up into parts which should make it easier for you. Some of the changes are quite subtle, a comma here and there etc. some not so much, so make sure you read closely :) feel free to change anything back you don't like.




We live in a universe of apathy, greed, corruption and power, where xenos attack our every front and heretics attack from within. When it seems that all chance of mankind enduring is lost, there is hope, there is courage, honour and justice to protect humankind. For we are the Decimators, we are the sons of Ferrus Manus and we are the hammer that strikes against the anvil of war, forging our victories. We cleanse the xenos, purge the heretic and eradicate all who attempt to destroy us. May our enemies fear our name, for we are their destruction! Chapter Master Fernos during the siege of Garosh.




The Decimators have a long history of executing justice upon the enemies of the Imperium. Forged from the gene-seed of one of Ferrus Manus’ successor chapters, the Brazen Claws, the Decimators were Raised up to be a great hammer to strike against and annihilate the enemies of mankind. Raised during the 17th founding, the young chapter was trained in the Segmentum Obscurus by their parent chapter in battles against the Eldar and Orks. Captain Anton Grevius of the Brazen Claws’ 3rd Company was bestowed the honour of becoming the leader of a new chapter, his blunt and direct style of warfare being key to building the Decimators’ battle doctrine over its growth as a chapter. After just over half a century under their parent chapter’s tutelage, The Decimators had built up their numbers and resources to become a fully fledged chapter with the strength of five Companies. To fully declare the chapter independent, Chapter Master Grevius declared a campaign against Ork Warboss ‘Eadcruncher’s building Waaagh!, which had begun to plague the Imperial worlds of the Nexus Ring. Leading his chapter as an example of heavy hitting annihilation, Grevius and his Decimators destroyed ‘Eadcruncha’s Orks with devastating ease. This doctrine grew into the Decimators’ most favoured method of war, using overwhelming brute force to utterly annihilate a foe. Stiving for perfection, the chapter would not declare their most righteous work done until every last enemy they faced had been eradicated.


Crusade after crusade, the Decimators proved their aptitude and skill as the Emperor’s avenging angels of war. But, like all chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, the Decimators also learnt harsh lessons during their history which would shape their outlook on warfare. The greatest lesson being the loss of their homeworld, Kairus at the hands of those who were once allies.


The Desolation of Kairus



Chalice Knights: The Chalice Knights had descended from the geneseed of Sanguinius’ Blood Drinkers. The Decimators had worked alongside the chapter in a number of key campaigns within the Segmentum Obscurus against a variety of foes, both Xenos and Chaos. The two chapters had a close bond for over two millennia prior to the Desolation, aiding each other when required and sharing their knowledge of current threats to the Segmentum Obscurus. The Chalice Knights’ betrayal, falling to Chaos and eventually to Khorne, cut the Decimators deeper than any blow an enemy could inflict, leading to great changes in the outlook of the sons of Ferrus on the inhabitants of the Imperium of Man.



The fall of the Decimators’ home planet, referred to as the “Desolation” occurred at the start of the 874.M36, whilst a large force of the Chapter, including a large amount of its command staff was engaged in the retaking of the Calanus Gulf from an Ork incursion, leaving the Fourth and Seventh Company, alongside the Scout Company to guard and protect their world. When the expedition force that was sent to the Maratim Gulf returned, they discovered to their horror that their home system was ravaged and desolate, Kairus itself scoured clean of all life.

Were they both supposed to be Maratim gulf? If so, replace second mention with “When the expedition force returned…”

As the shocked and battle-weary fleet searched through the wreckage of a space battle above Kairus, it was clear that their planetary guardian force was destroyed by renegade Space Marines, a force that the Decimators had once regarded as allies. Discovering the distinctive black chalice symbol in front of an eight-pointed star upon the enemy ships, it was insurmountably clear to the chapter that their brother chapter and ally in campaigns past, the Chalice Knights, had turned their back upon the Imperium. Stunned to near the point of despair, Chapter Master Harmun ordered his Chapter to investigate the ruins of the Decimators’ fortress monastery. Mercifully, the chapter’s geneseed vault had been left intact, its hidden location deep underground protecting it from the destruction above. For the three companies guarding Kairus however, the same could not be said; each and every corpse had been desecrated and robbed of their geneseed. Enraged by this callous act, Harmun declared that the Decimators would engage in a crusade to find and eradicate every trace of the Chalice Knights from the galaxy to avenge the loss of the Decimators’ battle brothers and the inhabitants of their homeworld and that he himself would slay the leader of the Chalice Knights. Reporting the heresy of the Chalice Knights and recovering whatever they could from their planet, the Decimators began their crusade to purge all traces of the now traitor chapter. Over the next century, the Decimators searched for and destroyed any trace of wherever the Chalice Knights had been. The now renegade chapter leaving increasingly frenzied assaults upon planetary systems as they began aligning themselves to the Blood God, Khorne. The two former allies, now hated enemies, eventually faced each other in full force, ironically, within the Maratim Gulf, where the Decimators were located when Kairus fell. The sheer hatred and righteous fury the loyalist Decimators brought to bear eventually overwhelmed and defeated the bloodthirsty, frenzied attacks of the Chalice Knights. The chaos renegades were dealt a final blow upon the planet of Grimhold, where Chapter Master Harmun finally faced off against the Daemon Prince that now led the once honourable and loyal Chalice Knights. Engaging each other in singular combat as the battle raged around them, Harmun eventually felled the Daemon Prince with his mighty Thunder Hammer, at the cost of his own life as the Daemon Prince speared its warped blade through both of the Chapter Master’s hearts in a final hate filled strike. As the Daemon Prince was cast back into the warp, the few still sane remnants of the Chalice Knights began to fall back towards the small rift the death of their master had created as the body was sucked back into the realm of Chaos, knowing that the battle was lost and more slaughters awaited them in the future.




Edited by Jacobius
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Sorry I haven't done more, I'll have a go at the rest tomorrow, work and kid and getting sick got in the way...




Jacobius what you have already provided is by far tonnes more than I could have ever wished for. Take your time if you want to add any more pointers and edits, your Real Life as always overrides and is priority one. So don't worry and thanks again for the help you've already provided! ;)



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Recovering their fallen brother Astartes, the Decimators felt their duty to destroy the Chalice Knights had been done, the traitor Astartes having splintered into small warbands as they fled into the warp rift before it closed. However, The Decimators were dismayed to discover that the body of Chapter Master Harmun was lost to them, having followed the demon prince into the warp. All that remained of Harmun was his mighty Thunder Hammer and his helm, which had been knocked aside in the battle against the Daemon Prince. Recovering these items of wargear with a reverence for Harmun’s achievement in fulfilling his oath, the Decimators returned to the remnants of Kairus to choose their new leader and prepare for their next action. Deciding that Kairus was lost to them as a base of operations, the Decimators, under the orders of their new Chapter Master, began the preparations to become a fleet based chapter, utilising Kairus’ now desolate surface as a place to train the recruits they would need and its Fortress Monastery as a crypt for the bodies of their fallen warriors. As the chapter regained its strength and reflected upon the horrific events of the Desolation, the Decimators became wary of those descended from the Blood Angels’ Primarch, Sanguinius as they were now convinced the flaws within the Blood Angels’ geneseed were a major weakness that could be utilised by the ultimate enemy of the Imperium, the forces of Chaos. This wariness also flowed on to a mild distrust of other chapters who had descended from what the Decimators regarded as “flawed and impure” gene-seed, including the sons of Vulkan and Corax.


In more recent centuries after the Desolation, the Decimators have faced the forces of Chaos again and again, as they seek to purge any trace of its twisted mutations and weaknesses from the Imperium’s worlds. Their location within the Segmentum Obscurus has also seen the chapter face the numerous Black Crusades the Despoiler has unleashed since their founding. The Decimators always committed their entire chapter strength against the Chaos armies during these crusades. The greatest and most hard fought defence the Decimators participated in was the 12th Black Crusade, when Abaddon’s forces emerged into the Gothic Sector, the region the Decimators’ protect. The chapter suffered heavy losses, but their duty in cleansing the region of the forces of Chaos was achieved with the aid of their fellow loyal Astartes chapters and the further armies and Ordos of the Imperium. The Decimators have now developed their combat methodology to specifically counter the power armoured forces of the Traitor Legions.



A small bit more, hopefully more tonight, assuming I can still move/think after the gym :woot: Again, read carefully, some changes are very minor.



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Thank you once again Jacobius for your help in ensuring my work's up to scratch! :cuss Further edits and alterations have now been made throughout article, along with a little extra piece of fluff from the aftermath of the Desolation.


Comments are as always welcomed!



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  • 1 month later...

Having been leaving this on a back burner and slowly refining certain paragraphs and adding and refining a little side piece of fluff in the Desolation section, I am happy to post up its refinements and show it to you all to judge and pore over.


How's it looking brothers? Librarium worthy yet perhaps? :)



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  • 4 weeks later...
Looks great, Cambrius, it's good to see such a characterful IH Successor, with the anti-abhuman sentiment, and the broken brotherhood, and the scheme is awesome! What did you use for the background on that pic? It looks a lot like the stuff you see in official IA articles(which it makes it even cooler!).
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Looks great, Cambrius, it's good to see such a characterful IH Successor, with the anti-abhuman sentiment, and the broken brotherhood, and the scheme is awesome! What did you use for the background on that pic? It looks a lot like the stuff you see in official IA articles(which it makes it even cooler!).


Thanks Messor! In regards to the pic, I cannot take the credit for its creation, as the amazing and generous Scally kindly made it for me way back in 2008, the scheme however I can take full credit for, it looks very nice on a miniature too. ;) I tried my best to invoke themes of the Decimators' Iron Hands heritage, despite my general lack of knowledge on Ferrus' sons, so I'm glad that I've managed to achieve something with it after much refining and work. :D


Thanks for having a look see Brother! :)



Edited by Brother Cambrius
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That really is a slick paint job. An army of those on the table would be impressive indeed.


Yes indeed, if I had enough moneys and miniatures I probably would make a small force of Decimators, with lovely Iron Handy conversions and actually make a Land Raider Gladius, as I have a Predator Decimator already built and just needs to be finished in painting.



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