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The Commandments of Lorgar

Xin Ceithan

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I think people are and should be totally free to make WB who have rejected Lorgar, in the exact same way that people are free to make chaos-worshipping GKs. Not just using the rules from the GK book, but making an army of fallen GKs. Contradicting the background is something we can all do, and something most do to make our own version of 40k. I don't see the big crime if someone points out that; "Hey, did you know that the official story says that no GKs have fallen to chaos?"

All you need to do is say; "Yeah, but I see that as the 'official version', not the 'truth' as such. Otherwise how could I have this fine chaos-aligned GK army in the 40k setting?"


I just don't see what the big sin is? In my version of 40k, all chapters are 10,000 strong, not just 1000. Should someone hit me over the head because of that? I'm directly contradicting established background since 2ed after all.


And now that we have The Sanctified, we have a situation where official canon has WB offshots, or that GW canon contradicts itself. Same with Reynolds books. Is Lorgar actively leading the legion or not? We have directly contradicting sources, though BL might be considered less canon than GW, so if that is the case, GW has said that Lorgar is actively leading his Legion, yet we still have warbands who reject his rule, which doesn't really jive with other official info we have on the WB. So arguing over what is canon seems a bit silly considering the situation we are in.

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