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Blight drones in 6th


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Hey everyone I have just seen the rules update for blight drones and have to say I love them I plan to get 3 and run them in a full squadron of 3 but had done questions concerning them


1. How does the daemon rule affect them those it give them a 5+ save, make them cause fear also do they have to follow the Daemonic assault rule as well


2. If blight drones go into hover mode do they still have skyfire


3. Are they only really good in a full squadron or can they still do good on their own


Wasn't really interested in flyers but now I will defiantly be adding some to my CSM with some Plague Hulks and Contemptors in time for my next tournament, any idea on what I could make my own or use as count as blight drones as getting some might be an issue for me.

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1. Yes.


2. Page 81.


3. Squadrons of more than one are more durable, since they only have 2 HP, but then directing an entire unit's worth of fire (or more, frequently) to take out just a single one is often annoying.

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Wait since they have to come in using the daemonic assault rules does that mean unless they come in hover mode they will be destroyed since you have to move a flyer at least 18 otherwise they are destroyed unless they can move if they deep strike still trying to understand the rules so pardon my ignorance.
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I have used Blight Drones a few times since 6th came out. I have had mixed results, but mostly good ones. I enjoy fielding them.


Based on my limited experience with them, though, I won't run them unless it's a squadron of at least 2. One of any kind of vehicle outside of maybe a Land Raider just seems to disappear too easily, and Blight Drones aren't an exception to that. So for me it comes down to either Blight Drones or Hell Blades for the FA slot if I'm making a "fun list," and then it comes down to whether or not I feel like playing Plague Marines (I'm not a dedicated PM player.)

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Wait since they have to come in using the daemonic assault rules does that mean unless they come in hover mode they will be destroyed since you have to move a flyer at least 18 otherwise they are destroyed unless they can move if they deep strike still trying to understand the rules so pardon my ignorance.


I have seen this come up in other places online and I am pretty sure that Blight Drones are not subject to Daemonic Assault rules. While they can be taken in either a CSM or CD army list as a fast attack choice, they are not technically a part of the CD codex. They are thus "daemons" in terms of the 6th ed.special rules, but this does not make them "daemons" in of terms of the special daemon rules for units in the CD codex (If this were the case, the Forgeworld rules would certainly make that clear). GW made it a little confusing by giving the new 6th Daemon USR the same name as the old codex rule for Daemons.


This is a good thing, since it allows them to simply enter the board as fliers.

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Since GW is idiotic and didn't mention any difference, then Blight Drones do indeed get the Daemonic Assault rule when they are part of a Daemons army.


C:D Daemon says "This special rule applies to every model in this army..."


Then, the DA part of it says "All of the units in the army always start the game in reserve..." and "When a unit becomes available, it enters play by Deep Strike."


If necessary, we go to IA:Aa which says that they are a Fast Attack choice for a Codex: Chaos Daemons army. Being part of the army, they are subject to Daemons' Daemon, which includes DA and the forced Deep Strike.



Also, FAQ'd:


Q: Can a Flyer with the Deep Strike special rule still choose to arrive

from Reserves via Deep Strike? (p80)

A: Yes.

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Frustrating indeed. Do you think that the new FAQ and its wording change this somewhat?


"Change the second paragraph to read: “No model in a detachment chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons is ever placed on the battlefield during deployment."

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Can't you get around the daemonic assault silliness by fielding the blight drones as part of a CSM army or allied contigent? You need a Nurgle HQ if memory serves, but we're in the Morbidus forum- shouldn't be an issue. <_<
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Can't you get around the daemonic assault silliness by fielding the blight drones as part of a CSM army or allied contigent? You need a Nurgle HQ if memory serves, but we're in the Morbidus forum- shouldn't be an issue. :lol:


Yes indeed, I run both armies together- all Nurgle between CSM and CD, the question is which army to run as allies and which as main. I would lean towards CD as the allies until this gets FAQ'ed, since I want the flexibility of bringing the Blight drones on as flyers.

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I think the FAQ's don't take FW units into account at all. Consider this:


"Q: Land Speeder Storms, Stormraven Gunships and Stormtalon

Gunships are all listed as Space Marine vehicles in the Reference

section. Does this mean that every Space Marine Chapter now has

access to these vehicles as well (i.e. Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Grey

Knights etc.)? (p411)

A: No – you may only select units and vehicles that are

available in the army list section of your Codex. The one

exception is the Stormtalon (as its rules were featured in

White Dwarf), but it is only available to armies chosen from

Codex: Space Marines."


They outright state you cannot take anything that's not in your codex, but this is only in context to taking things from other codexes. Obviously, one can use units from FW, even though they aren't from a certain codex, otherwise this ruling would invalidate an entire company's worth of models, and that just doesn't make sense from a profit-driven company.


Then we go to the new DA rule:


“No model in a detachment chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons is ever placed on the battlefield during deployment."


This clearly says only units from that codex. Again, this is in the context of only GW's models and units, not FW add-ons. Blight Drones, no matter how they're chosen, are not in that codex. They are in IA:Aa. Therefore, the new wording simply breaks DA and makes it unusable if you include Blight Drones. The detachment is all primary and daemons, but since they're not all chosen from C:CD, it is a mixed detachment, not a detach "chosen from Codex: Chaos Daemons." Again, the system breaks down because the GW FAQ's do not take FW stuff into account.


So, in my case I'd say the drones can either deep strike with the army or come in as a flyer, player's choice. It's all FW and nutty anyway, so whatev's, yo.


@whythre: Yea, you could take a unit of 1-3 as a FA choice for a CSM army as allies, to get around the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes I know I this was started a while agao but very confused the FW 6th faq for their veichles http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Prod...e6thupdates.pdf states the blight drones have 3 hull points but in the Imperial armour aeronautica it is meant to have 2 is this true if so which is right the faq or the book (I don't have a copy of it yet so don't know)


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Yes I know I this was started a while agao but very confused the FW 6th faq for their veichles http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Prod...e6thupdates.pdf states the blight drones have 3 hull points but in the Imperial armour aeronautica it is meant to have 2 is this true if so which is right the faq or the book (I don't have a copy of it yet so don't know)



Aeronautica does indeed have the Blight Drone listed at 2 HP. This could be an oversight, or it could be an adjustment. I tend to go with whatever was published or updated most recently as being the proper entry to use, so I think in this case it would be the Aeronautica version. Someone correct if I'm wrong about that, but I think it's the latest thing published with the Blight Drone in it.


Do you ever find yourself wishing Forge World published their books in 3-ring binders and let you print out and replace data sheets every time they felt the need to update one instead of making you purchase a $50 book?

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  • 1 month later...
Blight Drones bought from Codex: Dameons have Demonic Assault. Blight Drones bought from Codex: CSM don't. Yes that means in an army with allies like mine, you can have some that do, and some that don't.
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