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http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; ">The Angels of Salvation - Traitors? Or Bringers of Salvation
"My Brothers. It would seem that despite our best intentions, we are truly alone this day. The others are bent on perpetuating The Lie. They are without honour, their words mean nothing. It does not matter how many Fallen are captured, only the God-Emperor himself can forgive us. THIS is what we must seek above all else..." - Chapter Master [insert name] after being told the truth of the Unforgiven....

<div style="background-color:#006400]Background

Angel of Salvation colours (Tactical Marine)

The Angels of Salvation were originally created to bolster Imperial strength in the far reaches of [insert Segmentum]. In their early years, they were swept by a fervent desire to prove themselves worthy of their heritage to the Dark Angels and undertook a series of Crusades to purge the Alien and destroy the Heretic.

The Chapter rejoiced as their efforts to prove themselves were rewarded as the Chapter Master and his staunchest advisor's were summoned to attend a meeting of the highest importance at the Rock itself. Due to their position at the furthest edges of the Imperium, it took some time to reach their destination. A meeting was subsequently called to gather all of the representatives together to honour this new Brother within the Inner Circle. But before this meeting could take place, a smaller, more intimate gathering was called between the Angels of Salvations' Chapter Master [insert name] and the Chapter Master of the Angels of Absolution.

[skullheaderhalf=006400]The truth is revealed

Chapter Master [insert name], when he was told about the dark secret the Unforgiven keep was incensed. He pleaded to the Chapter Master of the Dark Angels himself, but was denied an audience. He was subsequently denied entry to the very meeting he had travelled so far and for so long to be part of. Forcing his way through the guards, he gave an impassioned speech about how they should beg forgiveness from the one being who could give it to them - the Emperor. He was shouted down, denounced by some as a traitor, others remaining silent, knowing the truth of his words, but were unwilling to speak up. Realising that the fate of his Chapter was at stake, he made an Oath to all present. His Chapter would never reveal the Secret, indeed carry on the hunt for the Fallen, but they themselves would travel to Holy Terra and beg an audience with Him on Earth.

And beg forgiveness.

The Journey

The Chapter is at the very far reaches of known Imperial Space, and have travelled a great distance towards Holy Terra. Despite this, their journey will take centuries, perhaps even longer, for whilst they are charged with an important task, they still undertake the role they still share with all Space Marine Chapters - the defence of the Imperium.

Conflict within the Chapter

Unlike the rest of the Unforgiven, all members of the Chapter know the secret. Chapter Master [insert name] was unwilling to hide the truth from his Brothers and shared everything that was told to him. Most of his Brothers share his belief that this is a righteous task they undertake and will stop at nothing to ensure it is completed.

There are a small minority who have doubts, those whom believe as the Unforgiven do, that the task of capturing the Fallen is more important, before asking for forgiveness.

In either case, all Brothers in the Chapter are honour bound upon pain of death to keep the secret and tell no one.


As the Chapter is Fleet based, recruitment is made from worlds that they help to liberate from Xenos and Traitor incursions. As with their Cousinly Chapters, potential recruits are subject to the strictest checks to ensure purity of the Gene line.


The Angels of Salvation have a Raven Wing in place of their Second Company. Barring that exception, they are strictly Codex Adherent. Their First Company's colours are Green to honour their Primogenitor - the Dark Angels and to act as a reminder of their most important task - that of seeking an audience with the Master of Mankind.

Battle Cries

Their Battle cry is cryptic to all except their Cousins: "We bring the truth! For the Emperor and the Lion!"

Many thanks go to Archangel for helping refine the original idea... thumbsup.gif
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Before anyone mentions it, yes I am nuts to start yet another DIY when I have none of the others finished :lol: My reason for starting another is due to buying the Dark Vengeance box set, and I intend to keep to a self imposed vow I set myself (which was with the exception of Biel Tan Eldar, every army I make/paint/play/etc, WILL be a DIY one), so here is my fifth Space Marine DIY Chapter: The Angels of Salvation


The above post is bare boned, but will have more added as I go on....


Comments and Criticism welcome as always ^_^


Edit: Guess..... <_<

Alrighty then. *Cracks knuckles*


Over the ages, the Chapter Masters and their most trusted advisers assumed this was due to their relative young age and thus decided to prove their Chapters worth with a series of Crusades. After many successful campaigns, the Dark Angels themselves sent an envoy to their fleet bearing an invitation - the Chapter Master of the Angels of Salvation shall at last be given a seat within the Inner Circle.


Question (and it may or may not be silly): How did these Chapter Masters (and the advisors) know about the inner circle had they not already been informed? Surely proving themselves worthy of admittance would come after any invitation (accepted or otherwise)? I thought the whole inner circle thing was a secret? Or am I thinking of the secrets that come with being in the inner circle?


The Chapter rejoiced as their efforts to prove themselves seemed to have given them the recognition they wanted. Due to their position at the furthest edges of the Imperium, it took some time to reach the Rock.


You might want to sort out the BBcode relating to the word 'Rock', brother. :lol:


The Chapter is at the very far reaches of known Imperial Space, and have travelled a great distance towards Holy Terra. Despite this, their journey will take centuries, perhaps even longer, for whilst they are charged with an important task, they still undertake the role they still share with all Space Marine Chapters - the defence of the Imperium.


Has the chapter become, or was it to start with, a fleet based chapter? If the answer is no, then why would it take centuries for the chapter to visit Terra? (It doesn't have to be the whole chapter in one go, does it?)


If yes, ignore this (well, saying they're a fleet based chapter would be good). <_<

Alrighty then. *Cracks knuckles*


Over the ages, the Chapter Masters and their most trusted advisers assumed this was due to their relative young age and thus decided to prove their Chapters worth with a series of Crusades. After many successful campaigns, the Dark Angels themselves sent an envoy to their fleet bearing an invitation - the Chapter Master of the Angels of Salvation shall at last be given a seat within the Inner Circle.


Question (and it may or may not be silly): How did these Chapter Masters (and the advisors) know about the inner circle had they not already been informed? Surely proving themselves worthy of admittance would come after any invitation (accepted or otherwise)? I thought the whole inner circle thing was a secret? Or am I thinking of the secrets that come with being in the inner circle?


Damn you and your Logic! :lol: You're right. I'll have to rethink that. I suppose I should say something about the Chapter just wanting to prove themselves to the DA and eventually were given a seat in the Inner circle....


The Chapter rejoiced as their efforts to prove themselves seemed to have given them the recognition they wanted. Due to their position at the furthest edges of the Imperium, it took some time to reach the Rock.


You might want to sort out the BBcode relating to the word 'Rock', brother. :)


That's what you get for preferring to type everything in that using the buttons ^_^ So noted.


The Chapter is at the very far reaches of known Imperial Space, and have travelled a great distance towards Holy Terra. Despite this, their journey will take centuries, perhaps even longer, for whilst they are charged with an important task, they still undertake the role they still share with all Space Marine Chapters - the defence of the Imperium.


Has the chapter become, or was it to start with, a fleet based chapter? If the answer is no, then why would it take centuries for the chapter to visit Terra? (It doesn't have to be the whole chapter in one go, does it?)


If yes, ignore this (well, saying they're a fleet based chapter would be good). <_<


Yes, they were/are Fleet based to start off with. Because of this, the entire Chapter is heading towards Terra, although I dare say the closer they get the more eyebrows will get raised by the HLoT :lol: I'll make that more obvious when I take another look at the IA.


Thanks for pointing out the biggest flaw in the IA (so far) :lol:


Edits made to Original post.

I like the idea you have, however, I do have some issues, from a fluff perspective.


Now, while no-one knows how Unforgiven Chapters are created/Founded, I personally have my own views on this. I adhere to the idea that each Unforgiven Chapter is created using a cadre from one of the others who become the leadership team and are all members of the Inner Circle. Now, this would mean that the knowledge of the fall would not be hidden from him, as he would have been raised and trained up in classic DA style, meaning he would share the views of the Unforgiven. Indeed, it is likely that if he did not, he would not rise up the ranks.


Now, feel free to disagree with me here, but thats my only qualms with it so far. Other than that, I really like the idea.


Possibly this quest could come a few hundred years later, after the founding. The last of the cadre are now dead, and he is a youthful Chapter-Master who feels that forgiveness is the best way forward. Why he believes this, well, could have an epiphany, a revelation, vision, whatever. I also feel that with your questly theme, you could really theme them as Arthurian Knights, sort of seeking their Grail.


Just my 2 pence

I like the idea you have, however, I do have some issues, from a fluff perspective.


Now, while no-one knows how Unforgiven Chapters are created/Founded, I personally have my own views on this. I adhere to the idea that each Unforgiven Chapter is created using a cadre from one of the others who become the leadership team and are all members of the Inner Circle. Now, this would mean that the knowledge of the fall would not be hidden from him, as he would have been raised and trained up in classic DA style, meaning he would share the views of the Unforgiven. Indeed, it is likely that if he did not, he would not rise up the ranks.


Now, feel free to disagree with me here, but thats my only qualms with it so far. Other than that, I really like the idea.


Possibly this quest could come a few hundred years later, after the founding. The last of the cadre are now dead, and he is a youthful Chapter-Master who feels that forgiveness is the best way forward. Why he believes this, well, could have an epiphany, a revelation, vision, whatever. I also feel that with your questly theme, you could really theme them as Arthurian Knights, sort of seeking their Grail.


Just my 2 pence


More excellent points and something that I didn't into account - that the Original Command Cadre would be from an established Dark Angel Successor/from the DA themselves.


Perhaps the following might happen instead?


AoS go on a massive quest to find Fallen. Whilst on this quest, the Chapter Master falls in battle and shares the secret with his appointed successor. He can't get his mind around such a thing, but is in due time summoned to the Rock to be...officially appointed or recognised by the others in the Inner Circle. He then voices his concerns to the others, beseeching them to 'fess up and when they refuse, storms off to return to his Chapter. The Dark Angels follow and thereby a stand off occurs. Do the DA risk exposure by destroying their successor or do they try to find a way to keep their silence? Eventually the DA allow the Chapter to make a massive pilgrimage to Terra to ask the Emperor for forgiveness on the understanding that the Chapter STILL Hunts fallen and sends them back to the Rock to be dealt with.


Because of the newer Chapter Master, the other successors and the DA themselves treat the AoS with suspicion/wariness.


Does that make more sense?

I like the idea you have, however, I do have some issues, from a fluff perspective.


Now, while no-one knows how Unforgiven Chapters are created/Founded, I personally have my own views on this. I adhere to the idea that each Unforgiven Chapter is created using a cadre from one of the others who become the leadership team and are all members of the Inner Circle. Now, this would mean that the knowledge of the fall would not be hidden from him, as he would have been raised and trained up in classic DA style, meaning he would share the views of the Unforgiven. Indeed, it is likely that if he did not, he would not rise up the ranks.


Now, feel free to disagree with me here, but thats my only qualms with it so far. Other than that, I really like the idea.


Possibly this quest could come a few hundred years later, after the founding. The last of the cadre are now dead, and he is a youthful Chapter-Master who feels that forgiveness is the best way forward. Why he believes this, well, could have an epiphany, a revelation, vision, whatever. I also feel that with your questly theme, you could really theme them as Arthurian Knights, sort of seeking their Grail.


Just my 2 pence


More excellent points and something that I didn't into account - that the Original Command Cadre would be from an established Dark Angel Successor/from the DA themselves.


Perhaps the following might happen instead?


AoS go on a massive quest to find Fallen. Whilst on this quest, the Chapter Master falls in battle and shares the secret with his appointed successor. He can't get his mind around such a thing, but is in due time summoned to the Rock to be...officially appointed or recognised by the others in the Inner Circle. He then voices his concerns to the others, beseeching them to 'fess up and when they refuse, storms off to return to his Chapter. The Dark Angels follow and thereby a stand off occurs. Do the DA risk exposure by destroying their successor or do they try to find a way to keep their silence? Eventually the DA allow the Chapter to make a massive pilgrimage to Terra to ask the Emperor for forgiveness on the understanding that the Chapter STILL Hunts fallen and sends them back to the Rock to be dealt with.


Because of the newer Chapter Master, the other successors and the DA themselves treat the AoS with suspicion/wariness.


Does that make more sense?


Yeeessss....I see where you want to go with your chapter, and to be honest, I love it. However, I really feel thats the area that really belongs to Cypher. The idea of redemption is what defines the DA Chapters themselves, but they are seeking redemption another way. They see only one way: fallen must repent.


Perhaps it would be better if the Unforgiven had no idea about these guys making a pilgrimage to Terra, that he decided to do it later. Remember, every Company-Master knows about the Fallen, unless they got totally crushed in battle, I am sure he would already be a member of the Inner Circle.


Its a complicated issue, how to make different Unforgiven, how to make them 'good'. They could follow the AoA route, make them a successor of the AoA who believe that they are not to blame, therefore they have no guilt, however, they hunt so the fallen will gain repentance and forgiveness. This could, conceivably, tie into next level, whereby the Emperor will absolve ALL the Unforgiven AND Fallen. Hence, no need for the DA to know anything. Perhaps this Grand Master met Cypher at some point as well?

I think a reason could be justified, or a compromise made that would allow for Aquilanus' successors to....not be destroyed. I would say by portraying the conflict in a way that doesn't include any near-violent stalemate's. A disagreement could fly easily, but in Lone Scout's favor, I don't think the DA are the kind of chapter you can threaten with such vital information and get away with. Like most of the imperium, Astartes being pretty high up there, a perceived threat is a real threat, and we all know how they deal with those.
You could have a scenario where the AoS delegation is travelling back from their fleet (or stopping off at a planet for a nice little war somewhere) and have a large DA fleet turn up 'for a chat'. Before anything goes down however a large inquisition/astartes/other-big-imperial-authority presence turns up and makes things awkward for the DA. Faced with the choice of blabbing the secret to save their lives or keeping schtum and facing the consequences the AoS make out to the third party that everything is honky-dory and the DA fleet is just an honour guard/allied force/etc. Said third party leaves and your chapter master explains to the DA that even though he disagrees with the manner in which the knowledge of the fallen is managed he is still a true son of the lion who believes that the secret is matter between the unforgiven and emperor, and no one else, if that means that they should die to protect that secret then so be it. Thus setting the scene for the grudging acceptance from the rest of the unforgiven that their dark secret will stay safe and its a difference of opinion rather than the outright heresy they first suspected.

Brother Sergeant Bohemond, Dragon Claw, Messor, thanks for your ideas :huh:


I've decided (tenuously) to have the situation similar to how it stands, except the Dark Angels are unaware of what the AoS intend to do. The Dark Angels, as far as I know, keep an eye on all of their Successors, and have noticed that the route that the AoS are taking is rather suspicious. Whilst they aren't sure of their intentions, they decide to investigate further.....


I think that the AoS decide on their course of action is when they are fighting along side one of the Unforgiven Chapters and see the full extent they are willing to protect their secret and hunt Fallen - that in the eyes of the AoS , the others don't care about the Imperium, only themselves. Thus starting a pilgrimage to Terra to ask for forgiveness from Him on Earth.


I'll take a day or so to word it better and then update the first post.


Thanks again to you all for your ideas B)

I quite like that, it suits the circles within circles and secrets within secrets of the Unforgiven. Perhaps the knowledge of the secret would affect how the AoS deploy with other Unforgiven, could be they're seen as aloof or standoffish with the other chapters or maybe Chaplains are attached to all mixed detachments as oversight to keep 'fraternising' from occurring.
I quite like that, it suits the circles within circles and secrets within secrets of the Unforgiven. Perhaps the knowledge of the secret would affect how the AoS deploy with other Unforgiven, could be they're seen as aloof or standoffish with the other chapters or maybe Chaplains are attached to all mixed detachments as oversight to keep 'fraternising' from occurring.


A very good idea! :huh: I was going to keep in that every Marine (except the initiates who aren't full members of the Chapter) in the AoS know the secret, but have taken an Oath to never let on that they know, so secrets within secrets would be a good theme to go with B)


With this in mind, I can see the AoS only deploying with other Unforgiven, only if there is no other choice, or if it would reveal their stance on the Secret...

This whole reversal is extremely interesting, and I'm wondering how much of it you plan to develop outside the IA. Are you planning to write any stories about them, or battle reports? Or just a lot of background here in the IA?


So far every DIY army I've started has been in a story I've done in some shape or form. Once I've gotten more of an idea about them, I dare say they'll get something similar :P

But if they are from the DA geneseed...wouldn't every librarian know the secret? Wouldn't the trianing cadre prepare and train the officers? Wouldn't the chapter master be a trusted DA - and thus already aware?


Looks like my last post might not have come across as I intended :lol:


To clarify and better refine the idea:


You're correct Trashman, that the training Cadre, and the eventual Command structure, would full well know the secret, but what if the AoS accompanied the Dark Angels or another of the Unforgiven in a mission to purge a planet/bring it back to the Imperium etc. The DA/Unforgiven Chapter's ulterior motive as ever is to find a Fallen, whilst they carry out the one they've been "given" As soon as they have captured the Fallen, they then fall back and effectively leave the planet high and dry, leaving the rank and file horrified and wondering why they have left them. The Command group of the AoS know why they have left, but they needed them to hold their position or suffer significant losses, and when the others DO leave the Chapter gets it's butt handed to them. Whilst the causalities were not enough to leave them seriously under strength, the resentment felt towards the other Chapter runs deep in the within the Angels of Salvation and results in the rank and file demanding to know why the others left. With the possibility of a Chapter revolt, the decision is made to tell the entire Chapter. Once the secret is out, many petition the Command group that their task is clear - that they themselves should journey to Terra and beg forgiveness for all of the Unforgiven.


If the others won't - they will. The Angels of Salvation truly feel it is their job to save the other Unforgiven from themselves.


Of course, the AoS know full well, that to tell the others, is to invite getting their butts kicked again....permanently.


Hope that makes more sense.

I have been thinking about the fact that all Marines know the secret. What if, as part of their vow, they also make a vow of silence to non-Unforgiven? Until they reach the higher echelons, that is. Make them even more secretive, but not secretive as in run away secretive, but secretive in an aloof, not-talking way.


Just a thought on how they might try and make sure no-one can inadvertently say something, and the rigid, drilled life would be a deterrent to heresy.

I think it would make more sense for them to silent treat Unforgiven Chapters, who'll at least understand why. With non-Unforgiven, that would just make them a nightmare to fight alongside as they'd be almost impossible to coordinate with.
I think it would make more sense for them to silent treat Unforgiven Chapters, who'll at least understand why. With non-Unforgiven, that would just make them a nightmare to fight alongside as they'd be almost impossible to coordinate with.


hence why upper echelons, eg. command, would be exempt from said vow. I'm talking run of the mill Astartes here.

I think it would make more sense for them to silent treat Unforgiven Chapters, who'll at least understand why. With non-Unforgiven, that would just make them a nightmare to fight alongside as they'd be almost impossible to coordinate with.


hence why upper echelons, eg. command, would be exempt from said vow. I'm talking run of the mill Astartes here.


My confusion stems from what is considered 'command'. For example are sergeants upper echelon? Because bouncing target info, battlefield blah blah up to a captain to then diffuse down to the appropriate squad would be a major challenge.

I think it would make more sense for them to silent treat Unforgiven Chapters, who'll at least understand why. With non-Unforgiven, that would just make them a nightmare to fight alongside as they'd be almost impossible to coordinate with.


hence why upper echelons, eg. command, would be exempt from said vow. I'm talking run of the mill Astartes here.


My confusion stems from what is considered 'command'. For example are sergeants upper echelon? Because bouncing target info, battlefield blah blah up to a captain to then diffuse down to the appropriate squad would be a major challenge.


I believe you misunderstand me. I would say that they could talk to each other and their brothers in the other Unforgiven Chapters, but not to, say, an Ultra or a Guardsman. Their oath is designed to make sure there is no chance that they might accidentally spill the beans so to speak. hopefully that clears it up.


However, it is Aquilanus' chapter, so will let him make his judgement on my idea ^_^


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