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Night Lord Raptors and Lord

Magnus Thane

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I was wondering if it was a good idea to mix and match Chaos Space Marine bitz and Assault Marines to emulate Raptors. I presume the Devastator kit comes with the same options as Raptors?

I also use the Night Lord hero with a devastator backpack to emulate a Lord with jetpack as i really don't like the offical assault pack Lord miniature (the weird 'anker chain' is odd)

Is a Lord with a power fist a horrible idea though? Or useful?

Also I was thinking of fielding him with 10 Raptors, making them an 'elite bunch' (using the upgrade kit)

Can they perform in assault? Or are they as useless as some claim?

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The assault marine kit fits in fine with chaos raptors, except you don't get any special weapons. Personally I don't like the combo that much because no matter how much you convert them, those giant blocky jump packs just scream "Loyalists!". Thats just personal opinion there. Also, outside of a terminator lord with the MoT, i think powerfists are a fairly poor choice for a Lord. Undivided daemon weapons are AP 2 now if thats what you were after, otherwise there's the nurgle daemon weapon for the extra toughness AND crazy poisoned attacks.


I think in 6th, with re-rollable charge range and impact hits (or whatever) Raptors are actually quite effective. I mean they're no Khorne berzerkers (or death company for that matter) despite costing the same points, but they're fast and relatively choppy.

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