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Help for deamon allies for mono Slaanesh


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The Dark vengeance box set has gotten my chaos all worked up again.


I am now thinking about restarting my beloved slaaneshi marine army, now with added allies.


I am not going to start until the new codex is out, but I thought I would start planning.


Marine army:


Cool lord (he is slaaneshi, he should be the best)


A few units of cult marines


maybe a chosen unit (I have the vengeance models).


Either the dragon flyer or a hellblade (depending on rules).


Basically the army is unknown until the new dex is realeased, however I can work on my allies.


My plan was a shredder style daemon support unit



Herald with unholy might, daemonic gaze and exalted chariot



12 daemonettes


12 daemonettes



Hell flayer


Heavy support

Seeker Cavalcade with 2 exalted chariots.



Now this could all change with the new chaos dex, but the plan is to drop the chariots turn 1, behind my lines for a turn two charge. And the daemonettes turn 2+ to put the heat on.


Would this help a mono Slaanesh army?


I haven’t played my chaos in about 4 years.

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I've found that, at the minute, the daemons are a great addition to a mono-slaanesh army as it allows your cult units to function at their best as a mid-range unit whilst being supported by units that have the rending ability so that they won't get bogged down or assaulted; It basically allows you to pick what combats you enter.
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