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Dark Angel DIY successor chapter

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I started the project on Friday which took about 6.5 hours to build and let the glue cure over night. Saturday started to paint the Ares which took 9.5 hours. In total from start to finish 16 hours of work. This version of the Ares is 350pts my own rules for it. No troop are carry by this tank. Later I will list the rule fo you guys in the homebrewed rule section of B&C.

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  • 4 months later...

You don't need an artist.. you need just the right tools.

Your chapters is Angels of the Storm, so, a winged lightning could be a choice. You can get wing from DA decals and lightning from many sources or even free hand.  You can even modify Ravenwing decals and just draw a lightning in the winged raven claw.

Give it a shot. :D

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You don't need an artist.. you need just the right tools.

Your chapters is Angels of the Storm, so, a winged lightning could be a choice. You can get wing from DA decals and lightning from many sources or even free hand.  You can even modify Ravenwing decals and just draw a lightning in the winged raven claw.

Give it a shot. 



I was just thinking of that but was kinda torn between the winged lightin bolt or just a lighting bolt is self. I was thinking of using photoshop to create the image.

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I like the idea of a lightning bolt with wings. Very Heavy Metal Magazine feeling. Think of it: a stormy, black night. Lightning strobes overhead as tracer fire rips through the sky. As a band of Traitorous Forces begins to crest a hill from the valley below, the last sight they see is an after-image of steel and purple warriors each bearing the winged bolt of Zeus.

Anywho, I made vectors (I guess that's what they're called. I'm a bit confused when it comes to Photoshop-like stuff) from black and white images found on the web. There's an option to do something called "auto-lasso" to erase the white part of the picture. I loaded two images into GIMP, messed about with them, and then had my Chapter Badge. It looked pretty cool when it was just a scimitar with a slain snake wrapped around it and then someone mentioned that it looked like a treble clef off of sheet music. It went from cool to permanently awesome in my mind.

Play around with the software and see what happens thumbsup.gif!

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  • 1 year later...

I have made a change to my Angels of the Storm color sceem. let know what you DA brothers think and be honest.


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