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Potentially Stupid Question...


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Hello all. I just recently got into actually purchasing 40K stuff, having been in love with the lore and look for a 8 years or so now. I've decided to assemble a Blood Angels squad, because... duh. They're awesome.


However, in perusing eBay for cheap options, I realized I accidentally purchased a set of Dark Angel Tactical Space Marines instead of Blood Angel... Being a complete newb (and low on funds...) I was wondering if it was still possible to use them in a Blood Angels army.


My apologies if this is overwhelmingly foolish, but I couldn't find the answer through cursory google searches.


Thanks for any help!

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Personally, I wouldn't see a problem with it. Both Chapters use winged iconography. The biggest problem would be the DA's symbol of a Winged Sword versus a Winged Tear of Blood. So if you can manage to fix that, paint them red, bam you have yourself a very unique looking bunch of Dark Angels.
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Easiest solution: Invent you own chapter and claim the DA icongraphy for yourself :lol:


This. Just call them The Blood Gulpers or some similar awesome name. Or paint the wings white and then paint the blade of the DA sword in the shape of a white blood drop (keep the hilt red so it will blend into the background). Honestly, any person who would have an issue with this is not any person you'd wanna play with anyhow =)

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