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demon or guard allies


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Heya all, looking for some advice, got a game vs orks coming up on sunday with my csm, and I can't decide between guard allies and demon allies.


I know on paper guard are the better bet, allowing me to flood the battlefield with more models than I could ever hope to use of my csm, plus kick arse vehicles, but there is just something so appealing about demons, even though they don't really play to shoring up any of our weaknesses.


And models wise I can field or proxy almost all of the different options from both dexes, so that's not a deciding factor.


So what say ye all, demons or guard?

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There is no reason I have to take them, but I have been noticing the games I lose tend to be from running out of troops to hold objectives (a guard infantry Platoon would remedy that nicely) plus I like the idea of a Valkyrie to give me a flier, or a greater demon/dp for a fmc. Tbh I was thinking to use the allies to shore up what I perceive to be the gav dex weaknesses (not enough bums on seats in the troops section, lacklustre fast attack options.) I tend to run two or three squads of unmarked csm in rhinos with asp champ with power weapon/fist and special weapons, 1 squad of kb, and the rest in havocs or tanks, with an aegis line with quad gun. I'm considering the allies to mix it up a little.
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Personally I'll be using daemon allies so that I can get the Masque and a nice unit of Screamers into my army. The new rules for screamers are pretty nice but if you're after an objective holder Plague Bearers are quite handy.
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Both are a bit meh.

I am wondering why you would take allies at all, is it mandatory for some reason? (narrative campaign, fluff, etc.)



Since when is IG "meh"? :D


Take a Lord Commisar, Veterans with 2 Flamers, 1 Heavy Flamer and Camo Cloaks, a Manticore and a Valkyrie.

Get an Aegis Defense Line with a Quad Gun, let the Commisar fire it and put the Veterans behind the ADL (3+ cover).

Lots of firepower for around 600 points (ADL included).

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I have rune the following as allies with great success.


IG Allies = 670


HQ: Primaris Psyker w/ Divination powers (one should be Prescience)

Troops: Platoon Command w/ full flamers & Blob squad of 30 Guard with 3 plasma guns, 3 Power "Axes" and one Commisar

Fast Attack: Vendetta

Heavy Support: Manticore


Blob Squad that re-rolls hits and breaks only on a roll of 11 or 12. Killing even terminators (Aegis Line makes them even that more potent). Flyer and a Str 10 Ordnance



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Both are a bit meh.

I am wondering why you would take allies at all, is it mandatory for some reason? (narrative campaign, fluff, etc.)


Going to go ahead and strongly dissagree with you on both points.


IG are well, IG. They are good at everything and have very few holes on their own, so you can certainly use some of their stuff to shore up the CSM weak spots. Daemons are just beastly right now. Flamers, Screamers, Fiends, Daemonettes on Steeds, Flying Daemon Prince, Flying Greater Daemon, wicked abilities (like Pavane). They are apsolutely brutal, and work wonders with the current CSM codex.


The Screamers arent wasted on Orks, they still get four attacks on the charge and are str 5. They are super fast, hard to outmaneuver, and hit an enemy unit very very hard. Flamers are the same way except for different reasons. They can do damage the turn they deepstrike, are jump infantry so move well, enemy CANNOT assault them as they get ripped apart by the "wall of fire" special rule for templated weapons. They have to dedicate a fairly large amount of firepower to be able to remove the entire unit from the table, they are far more durable than they should be. Fiends are still great. Super fast, act as calvary with all their special rules goodness, rending allows them to hurt anything in the game, six attacks each on the charge at str 5.


Literally it goes on and on, there is no downside to taking either codex as an ally. Both have a HUGE amount of potential with the CSM book.


My opinion however has to go with "Pariah Mk.231", troll him and take Orks :P

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Honestly, there is _no_ reasons to build your army and choosing your allies depending your opponent's army lists.


That's tailoring _too_ much.


Plus those allies are meh. If you need an ally, choose from your heart, from your playstyle.


Do you like to protect your CSM with a green tide, or rule the sky with a few Valkyries, or deepstriking into their lines, some long range from Tau ?

Don't forget the problem comes from the sucky ally rules. You won't suffer from Daemons, but appart from the Elite/FA slot, they are not much interresting.

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Troll him with Ork allies. Paint them as Blood Axe and claim they're mercs and they've been promised all the Orky loot once the battle is over.


I like this idea, its fluffy and would be a humorous ploy (assuming your opponent has a sense of humor of course).

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Troll him with Ork allies. Paint them as Blood Axe and claim they're mercs and they've been promised all the Orky loot once the battle is over.


I like this idea, its fluffy and would be a humorous ploy (assuming your opponent has a sense of humor of course).


It's exactly what I plan on doing. I have a bunch of Orks I was going to paint as Bad Moon, but my mate already has a Bad Moon army, so to avoid confusion and to troll him, I've decided to go with Blood Axe instead.

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Lol, as much as I like the idea of trolling him with orks, its an army I dont have the models for.


@talon darkshade, I thought primaris could only take from biomancy, pyromancy, telekinesis and telepathy? At least that's what the errata I have pdf ed on my phone says.... I wish they could use divination, as the primaris is beautiful.

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Lol, as much as I like the idea of trolling him with orks, its an army I dont have the models for.


@talon darkshade, I thought primaris could only take from biomancy, pyromancy, telekinesis and telepathy? At least that's what the errata I have pdf ed on my phone says.... I wish they could use divination, as the primaris is beautiful.


You are correct, however Biomancy is probably the best all around one anyhow so not a loss there :)


If you have the models take a few units of Daemons, trust me you will not regret it.

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Question on Screamers new warp jaw rules, is there any place other than the new WD that you can find them? I have the FAQ and it says nothing in there, this seems like something that should be in a FAQ not just WD...


I would advocate what I myself did a couple of days ago when I could no longer find that stupid WD pamplet (misplaced it somewhere, as the only thing I can now find is the useless actual WD magazine).


Hit Google and type: white dwarf daemon update.


It`s really that easy :lol:


Note: This is not a "tactic" I usually advocate, particularly when it comes to products I am fond of. However, the WD update is stupid in the first place (hard to get unless you bought the magazine when it was out or live in a very big city where they have stores that sell old WD magazines) and its rather annoying that its not to be found for free at GWs home page.


So yeah...Go hit google and download it from the warp which is the internet.

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I am wary of this due to being unceartain of forum rules. But I think its stupid that you cant read the rules for a codex you own, and I will argue that then posting a torrent link is as such not especially problematic, as I myself only found it by google in the first place.




Hope your able to download them there, Tanith.

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I am wary of this due to being unceartain of forum rules. But I think its stupid that you cant read the rules for a codex you own, and I will argue that then posting a torrent link is as such not especially problematic, as I myself only found it by google in the first place.




Hope your able to download them there, Tanith.



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I am wary of this due to being unceartain of forum rules. But I think its stupid that you cant read the rules for a codex you own, and I will argue that then posting a torrent link is as such not especially problematic, as I myself only found it by google in the first place.




Hope your able to download them there, Tanith.




Hahahahaha! :lol:

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