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Jago Sevatarian

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Hey there guys,


As of late i've been quite obsessed with the character above Sevatar because from what i've read the guy is awsome...

Now i've been racking my brains about one concept which i'd like your input on, Sevatars Chainblade Halberd.

The conversions i've seen soo far as pretty much a chainblade ontop of a pole which i thinks a little simple for a guy of such caliber so i was wondering what ideas you would have for whats probably a mastercrafted ornate to buggery weapon. :huh:


My own idea of it is rendering it as a winged skull, the curve of the bat wing the path which the teeth will run down and the skull being at the topmost end of the halberd with something akin to a spear tip poking from between his teeth.


You guys have any thoughts? :)

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