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ChaplainMikey's Blog ( Emperor's Children)


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If youve never played before, youll be better off learning the rules from our group bro. We wont lie to you and try to sell you stuff you dont want or need. It breaks my heart what has happened to our beloved store.


I first went in there 25 years ago and it was a magical place, full of community spirit and energy. It was like a big family. Now nearly every one of my friends will take every possible measure to avoid going in.


Point in case. Being forcefully encouraged to buy multiple boxed sets of AOB (I didnt) because apparently they were going off the shelves the week after (they didnt)


Thats just lame. Similarly, I went in a few months back (just before the price hike) spent all day painting in there. Listened all day to the manager fleecing customers telling them that there would be a 30% increase in prices across the board after the weekend, so spend as much money as possible now. When the hike hit it was something like a 3% rise on 30% of the products.


Super lame.


Just thought id warn you.


Anyhoo. All that aside its always nice to meet new people nearby who are just as geeky as we. Swap modelling/painting ideas etc. I can tell just from looking at your lovely work here that well get on like a house on fire. You have to have something about you to be that passionate and creative.


Ill meet up with you at the store sometime if you like and we can take it from there?

To be fair thats one of the things thats always put me off from going in regularly to the store. The current manager is a really nice bloke but some of the previous guys have been very sales 'focused'.

I used to go about 10 years ago with a mate when we just started out but he won't go near the place because he hates the hassle.


I'm not naive enough to walk in then walk out with something I didn't wan't /need, but the hounding can be quite an annoyance at times. :)


Where do you guys meet up and game?

I still need to get my army together first, just 1 or 2 marine squads and the 'Dex and i'll be ready.


Thanks for the invite though, very nice to know that there are some decent people in this city. :huh:

Picked up a box of Raptors today and se about kitbashing some marines and ended up with these 4 :





So thats 2 marines each to add to my shooty squad and a squad tooled for death of the personal kind. ;)


Also a bit of progress on the guys i've already started:



It also looks like i've now got a regular opponent in Rhetoricus, so i'm very much looking forward to getting in the game, though I suspect his Fists while give me a few good thrashings while i'm still picking the rules up. ;)


Hopefully i'l be picking up a Heldrake and /or a Forgefiend soon so there will be something nice and big to be painted pink( that sorta sounds wrong) ! :D



Looking super sweet bro (middle 2 are my fave) and that space crusade marine brings back fond memories. Cant wait to see your new marines painted up to the same standard as your DV stuff.


Regarding the thrashings, i'll apologize in advance, but thats just what Fists do see. Dish out thrashings haha. Youll probably sonic blast me back into the age of strife now ive said that haha. Either way dude I cannot wait for our inaugural match.


Get painting! :huh:

  • 2 weeks later...

So, for the Call of Chaos i've vowed to finish 15 Marines, 20 Cultists and a Heldrake.

Now, I do actually like the Drake model but wanted a more 'military' looking vehicle, so i've decided upon just using the Stormtalon in my force.

Painted pink and black and with a few Slaanesh symbols it should fit quite nicely.


The base for the Talon was larger than I had expected which was a pleasant suprise, meaning I had a chance to do something fancy.

This is where i'm at so far;










The only conversions on the Talon itself are the pilot, the lack of those stubby little wings on the thrusters and the Baleflamer in place of the usual Assault Cannon.

The base was pretty fun to make and is pretty much done, though the loyalist is without a backpack as I can't seem to find one in my bits box. :/


Really looking forward to painting this one, just need to finish my DV Lord first. :P



Looks to me like those traitorous dogs are in trouble. Yep that Fist seems to have things perfectly under control :D


I'll sort you a backpack out I've got loads spare.


Its looking great bro, fabulous work :P


EDIT: Just a suggestion but if you create a gallery on here and then copy the image link from your gallery to your thread I think the pics will be slightly easier for people to see and you'll get more feedback.

+1 for the piccies being hosted here, its a PITA being dragged off somewhere else. :tu:


Looks like you've made plenty of head way thus far. One idea I'll chuck out there for you is to was a little blue into the deepest parts of the pink. If I can dig up an example of what I mean I'll do it asap.


PS. Love the basing on the Minime!


Edit: here you go...





EDIT: Just a suggestion but if you create a gallery on here and then copy the image link from your gallery to your thread I think the pics will be slightly easier for people to see and you'll get more feedback.
+1 for the piccies being hosted here, its a PITA being dragged off somewhere else.

Hmm, I suppose your both right. Next time I have an update i'll start a gallery and go from there. ;)


Its looking great bro, fabulous work

Glad you like it.

You will have to help me out with painting the doomed Fist though. :lol:


Looks like you've made plenty of head way thus far. One idea I'll chuck out there for you is to was a little blue into the deepest parts of the pink. If I can dig up an example of what I mean I'll do it asap.


Those are some pretty amazing models, far beyond my painting capabilities. I do like your siggestion for blue shading and its something i'll give a go once the Call of Chaos officially starts and I can get some painting done.


Cheers again guys.



I know how much you love your photobucket, but there's nothing stopping you uploading the same pics there and then here. Just look so much better when hosted here.


Also I don't think you're as far away from those pics as you think, a little practice, practice , practice and the world is your teacake! :)

I picked up a Daemon Prince today to lead my force.

I've always like the idea of a towering Daemon leading his cursed marines into battle and the plastic model is one i've liked the look of since its release.

So, here is my lightly converted Daemon Prince:





He is all but finished with just a marine helmet or two needed to adorn his base.

I'm not 100% sure how i'll be painting the model but I reckon the armoured parts such as the torso will be black with Pink highlights rather than the full on black or pink.

I hope he will be a fitting leader for my army, which I've decided will be a splinter group of the EC called 'The Abyssal Lords' ,whom are fully dedicated to serving the Daemon-Primarch Fulgrim and will be raiders with the aim of enslaving as many imperial worlds and dragging thier populace kicking and screaming back to Fulgrims Daemon world in the Eye.

Cheery bunch then! ;)



I love him. Proper good job you've done there me old china plate! He really does look brilliant. Its almost gonna be a shame to smash him ;) looking forward to seeing the model in person.


Nice fluff too. You're on a roll bro. Keep it up. :D

Right, so it's the 2nd of November meaning we are officially allowed to begin painting our Call of Chaos vows.

Good job that, because I started first thing this morning. :)

Here is my start picture:


You will notice that there are a few things missing, mainly Chaos marines. Well, thats because they still need putting together. :P

I have 40 Cultists in total so I might consider converting some for the call if I feel I have enough time. We'll see.

Some wip shots:


These 2 aren't part of my vow sadly as I started painting them a while ago.

Mostly done now but areas such as the left Marine's head still have some work to be done.


These 2 I started early this morning and I'm really happy with how much progress i've made ( at the expense of my back :( )

so far.

Again the marines face needs work as does all of the black parts.

I used Druchii Violet as a short cut on these and its most easily seen on the Plas Gunners torso.

It's not quite as effective as building the layers up from a purple base but it cuts the time down a fair bit.



So, here is the current state of my DV lord.

He's very close to completion with just the black armour, base and the green parts of his cloak needing some love.

I'm pretty happy with this model though as you can see the paint has chipped really heavily on his cape. My own fault and a lesson that has persuaded me to start mounting the based model on an empty paint pot whilst painting!

I'm looking forward to seeing if I have the drive and dedication to complete all the models I have vowed ( those 20 Cultists are looking like my Everest!) . If I do manage to complete the vow then I will have the core of my army painted and will then be ready to expand with the more exotic units from the 'dex.




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