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FAQs Updated!


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Mixed saves rules for FnP stops Corbulo shenanigans, but gives our power armoured HQs a bit more survivability since we get look out sir before saves, rather than after. Loving the fact that there were apparently last updated on July 31st, but its taken 6 weeks to actually upload them...


How does that change? Don't have my book.


If the unit all has the same saves (i.e. power armour librarian in with assault marines), you roll all the saves first, then take models starting with the closest to the firer, then if you reach the librarian/sergeant you start taking look out sir rolls.


However, if the unit has mixed saves, you take Look out Sir before rolling armour saves, to stop nonsense such as Ghazgkull in a mob of orks (or any other 2+ save character) from effectively giving an entire unit a 2+ save by standing in the front; if you took saves then LoS you'd roll them all on the better save, then potentially be able to dodge all the ones you fail.


What this changes is now if you have (using the same example as before) an assault squad with a librarian at the front and Feel no Pain from a nearby priest being shot at by, say, a tactical squad, you take look out sir rolls on the librarian -before- you start making saves on the unit.


The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain - previously you would get his 3+ save, followed by a 2+ feel no pain (against anything S7 or below), and if you failed those you could ping them onto the squad on a further 2+. By having to decide what's getting put elsewhere first, you risk losing him to a couple of bad FnP rolls. Example: honour guard rapid-firing plasma guns, Corbulo is closest. Pre-FAQ: 6 hits, 6 wounds, roll FnP saves of 1,1,2,4,6,6. You then palm off those 2 1s on a further 2+. Post-FAQ: 6 hits, 6 wounds. Bravely take them all on Corbulo electing not to look out sir, roll FnP saves of 1,1,2,4,6,6. Corbulo is now dead. He's still a pretty solid sponge, but now there's a much greater element of risk involved.


@CitadelArmyGuy - the FnP applying to perils has been there from the start of 6th. Perils says no saves allowed, and the Feel No Pain special rule specifically states "this is not a save". In fact, FnP is now the only defence against Perils unless you're a pointy-headed space elf wearing a ghosthelm

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How does that change? Don't have my book.

The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain...


Actually, that's how I played it anyway so no change for me.

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Page 15 – Shooting Phase, Mixed Saves

Change subheader to “Mixed Saves and Characters”.

Change the first sentence to read “If the target unit contains

several different saving throws, or at least one character…”


Page 16 – Shooting Phase, Look Out, Sir

Delete “(or unsaved Wounds)” from the first paragraph.


Page 16 – Shooting Phase, Look Out, Sir

Change the second sentence of the second bullet point to:

“Determine which model in the unit is closest to the character,

and resolve the Wound against that model instead.”


Can someone explain the changes to LoS to me? I don't have my rulebook on me atm so I don't know the exact implications to this.

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How does that change? Don't have my book.

The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain...


Actually, that's how I played it anyway so no change for me.

I was playing it that way before too.
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How does that change? Don't have my book.

The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain...


Actually, that's how I played it anyway so no change for me.

I was playing it that way before too.




In other news - Dante + Sang Guards with Lance Encarmines + Sang Priest = win? Certainly tempted to try it that way.

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How does that change? Don't have my book.

The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain...


Actually, that's how I played it anyway so no change for me.

I was playing it that way before too.




In other news - Dante + Sang Guards with Lance Encarmines + Sang Priest = win? Certainly tempted to try it that way.




Second post after the first i know but i only just got to the end of the thread. Maximus, that my friend is exactly what i wanted to do from the start myself! :jaw: I felt that mastercrafted and two handed counted as special rules, so i went the way of many and treadted them as ap3. This ruling makes me sooooo happy its not even funny. My hit and run army lives once more! :jaw:

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How does that change? Don't have my book.

The reason it stops the Corbulo tank tactic is because you now have to decide what you want to look out sir onto his squad before you get the benefit of feel no pain...


Actually, that's how I played it anyway so no change for me.

I was playing it that way before too.




In other news - Dante + Sang Guards with Lance Encarmines + Sang Priest = win? Certainly tempted to try it that way.

I've seen in played both ways. It removes the potential for abuse, anyway.

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Corbs got stomped a bit (not excessively) but, before, Corbs in a squad of regular marines, could roll all the saves, take his FNP and then if he failed the FNP, could then LOS. You cant do that anymore.


Its cool, its a bit of an abuse killer- so all good.


To my knowledge the other implication in the wording of LoS is jsut to clarify how it works - and i think it works as before - just clearer...like mud.

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I will point out (pretty sure this has been mentioned in other threads) Dante can still fight at I6, just chosing to use his pistol as a CCW (say you are fighting something where you need to go first but don't care about the AP2).


But, with Dante and Astorath being both I1, I can find little reason to use Astorath over Dante except in armies with more than 1 DC unit.


If I was going last, I'd rather ALWAYS have STR 6, and make whoever I plan on murdering re-roll those Invulns. Cheaper . . . by 5 points. Army buff.


Both are good, Dante is better math hammer wise, I suppose.


So, in addition to the Excutioners Axe's stat line does Astorrath also get the +1S or is it just the stat line?


Unless I missed it somewhere, Codex always overrides the Basic rules book (errata overruling both), and set values can never change (In the brb somewhere).

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Blood Lance power from Librarians now officially cannot hit Flyers. Signums cannot aid BS of Snap Shots, ever. Well... there goes some AA tools.


But... Feel No Pain applies to Peril Wounds!? Wow.... awesome.


Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)

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Blood Lance power from Librarians now officially cannot hit Flyers. Signums cannot aid BS of Snap Shots, ever. Well... there goes some AA tools.


But... Feel No Pain applies to Peril Wounds!? Wow.... awesome.


Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)


main rules FAQ

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Blood Lance power from Librarians now officially cannot hit Flyers. Signums cannot aid BS of Snap Shots, ever. Well... there goes some AA tools.


But... Feel No Pain applies to Peril Wounds!? Wow.... awesome.


Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)


Q: How do maelstroms novas and beams– or indeed any weapon that doesn’t need to roll To Hit or hits automatically – interact with Zooming flyers and gliding monstrous creatures? (p13)

A: Only Snap Shots can hit Zooming Flyers and Gliding Flying Monstrous Creatures. Therefore, any attacks that use blast markers, templates, create a line of/area of effect or otherwise don’t roll to hit cannot target them. This includes weapons such as the Necron Doom Scythe’s death ray or the Deathstrike missile of the Imperial Guard, and psychic powers that follow the rule for maelstroms, beams, and novas.


Q: Can the Feel No Pain special rule be used to resist a Wound

suffered from the Perils of the Warp? (p35)

A: Yes.


Both on Page 3 of the PDF for the main rulebook FAQ.

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Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)


Also, even in the main rulebook it explicitly says FNP isn't a save. FNP and space-elf ghost-hats are the only defences against perils wounds in 6th.

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Blood Lance power from Librarians now officially cannot hit Flyers. Signums cannot aid BS of Snap Shots, ever. Well... there goes some AA tools.


But... Feel No Pain applies to Peril Wounds!? Wow.... awesome.


Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)



the FNP was just a clarification. FNP is not a save. Its FNP. Saves are cover, armour or inv. That aside, its in the RB FAQ..

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Anyone noting the subtle difference in wording between lemartes and chaplains/Astorath on liturgies?


Lemmy "on the PLAYER TURN the unit charges".

Chappy/Asto "on the TURN the unit charges".


FAQ typo?



Lemmy "on the PLAYER TURN the unit charges".

Chappy/Asto "on the TURN the unit charges".


I suspect someone tried to argue that they could maintain the effect for 2 battle phases if their player turn came first, and they just forgot to make the proper ammendment to all of the chaplains


[rant] Cheesy *bleep*ing cheesemongering *bleep*ing Rules Lawyers [/rant]

Considering that the rules spells out that "turn" means "player turn"...

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Blood Lance power from Librarians now officially cannot hit Flyers. Signums cannot aid BS of Snap Shots, ever. Well... there goes some AA tools.


But... Feel No Pain applies to Peril Wounds!? Wow.... awesome.


Woah, where do you get this stuff from? I can't seem to find that Blood Lance does not affect Flyers or that FNP can be taken against Perils (from what I have read, it says that no save of ANY kind are allowed to be taken)


Q: How do maelstroms novas and beams– or indeed any weapon that doesn’t need to roll To Hit or hits automatically – interact with Zooming flyers and gliding monstrous creatures? (p13)

A: Only Snap Shots can hit Zooming Flyers and Gliding Flying Monstrous Creatures. Therefore, any attacks that use blast markers, templates, create a line of/area of effect or otherwise don’t roll to hit cannot target them. This includes weapons such as the Necron Doom Scythe’s death ray or the Deathstrike missile of the Imperial Guard, and psychic powers that follow the rule for maelstroms, beams, and novas.


Q: Can the Feel No Pain special rule be used to resist a Wound

suffered from the Perils of the Warp? (p35)

A: Yes.


Both on Page 3 of the PDF for the main rulebook FAQ.


Darn...there goes my anti flyer cheese...

I quess I'll have to get one of those fancy Storm Ravens then... (not really liking aegis lines)


But 1 thing that the FAQ failed to answer was if Mephiston, DC Tycho, and The Sanguinor are able to Issue a challange or answer them (this may already be covered in the BRB, if so I have just failed to take notice of it. But please give page number)

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