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New FAQ for base rules is up.


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Paladin are no longer Characters!


Plasma Grenades now no longer work, just like the amended Frags. Way to go missing the problem here GW...


O_O LoL! IF you "Ignore Difficult Terrain" you still fight at *step* 1 if you charge thorugh difficult terrain. LoLz..


Power Fists pile in and fight at Initiative Step 1. So Banshee's and Quicksilver are good to go for I10 AP2 attacks!


No charging from reserves with "Assault Vehicle". LoL. Way to miss the problem again... I can still fire Rapid Fire/Heavy wepaons and Assault though...


We all know you can *hit* with a Blast on targets out of LoS. The problem is you can't *wound* them...


I'm unsure now if Storm Ravens can actually start on board turn 1, in 'hover' mode, with the rest of your army. :/

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What does this mean?


Q: Do you get to twice in Fight sub-phase if you fight at two

different Initiatives (i.e. a Techmarine with servo-harness)?


A: No. You Pile In once, at your highest Initiative step.


So...a techmarine with a servo-harness piles in at I4 and attacks at 4 and 1. But! A sergeant with a powerfist still piles in at I1 and attacks at I1 due to the very next answer. Huzzah for inconsistency!

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We'll make it through. We always do.


Many of the FAQs are the way we've been playing it local to me (which is good); the changes to "Character units", the fact that Paladin squads don't get a sergeant (or anybody that can accept a challenge), and LOS! now being "closest friendly model" instead of "whatever's within 6 inches"...that stuff is interesting.

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Oh gee, lookit that. NOBODY GETS FLAKK MISSILES.


Q: Which missile launchers have access to Flakk Missiles? (p57/415)

A: Only those that specifically have an option to take them as

an upgrade in their army list.

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Page 35 – Special Rules, Feel No Pain.

Add the following paragraph “If one or more models in a unit

have the Feel No Pain special rule then the Mixed Saves

method of Wound allocation should always be used for

allocating Wounds and removing casualties from that unit; Feel

No Pain rolls should be individually made after each failed

armour save.”


Um, why? That's just going to slow the game down needlessly.

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Oh gee, lookit that. NOBODY GETS FLAKK MISSILES.


Yet. :(


A week or two after the new Chaos/Dangle 'dex is out, we'll all probably get TH/SS update FAQs that allow us all to purchase Flakk.


GW either *really* want to sell new Chaos/Dangle ML bitz, or want to hide the points cost of said upgrade till a new 'dex is out.

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Excellent, so no cheesey all character units anymore!


On the other hand, looks like Snap Fire can NEVER be over ridden regardless of Voice of Experience etc. Sorry greatcrusade08!


yup i think that was only one of two rules i got wrong, seahawk has already informed me of the other..

i believe i owe you 20p right?.. drinks on me at next ultrameet :(

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I'm unsure now if Storm Ravens can actually start on board turn 1, in 'hover' mode, with the rest of your army
They cannot. BRB FAQ.


Go Go Power Axe Banshee's of doom!
Nope, they got nerfed just like Bloodletters.


Page 63 – Howling Banshees, Wargear.

Change the entry to read the following:

Wargear: Banshee mask, shuriken pistol and power sword.



Q: If I have the classic Howling Banshee Exarch model with a power

axe, does she strike at Initiative 1 (for Unwieldy) or Initiative 10 (for

the Banshee Mask)? (p31)

A: Neither. Treat the axe as a stylised executioner for +10


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What does this mean?


Q: Do you get to twice in Fight sub-phase if you fight at two

different Initiatives (i.e. a Techmarine with servo-harness)?


A: No. You Pile In once, at your highest Initiative step.


So...a techmarine with a servo-harness piles in at I4 and attacks at 4 and 1. But! A sergeant with a powerfist still piles in at I1 and attacks at I1 due to the very next answer. Huzzah for inconsistency!


Actually I think it makes sense. Whatever initiative your weapon makes you strike out is the one you use, if you strik at 2 values you use the highest.

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Some good things in there, especially swooping MCs getting skyfire, expect to see more dakka flyrants now as Nid AA.


However, the bad things. After that amazing ruling, they then had to ruin it by re clarifying that hits, not wounds, cause grounding tests and that markerlight hits and other non-wounding shooting attacks cause grounding tests. Well done GW. (that was dripping with sarcasm.)


And then the interesting one of units with characters always being subject to the Mixed Saves rule, which is now Mixed Saves and Characters. I suppose it makes LO,S a bit easier I suppose, as you're rolling separately, but that'll slow the game down. Also, LO,S now redirects onto the closest model to the character, rather than one within 6", which is interesting to see.


Overall, a solid FAQ IMO. A lot of sensible rulings in there, may of which address some of the unresolved topics in OR, with only a couple of silly ones (mainly grounding tests IMO).


@Seahawk, no inconsistency there re. Techmarine. His attacks are at I4, the servo-arms are at I1. That's why it's like that. If you gave him an unwieldy weapon he'd pile in at I1 instead, because that's his attacks, the same as the Sergeant.

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Q: If a model makes a Pile In move which brings it into base contact

with a model with a lash whip, does it then fight at its normal

Initiative step or must it wait until the Initiative 1 step? (p83)

A: It fights at its normal Initiative 1 step.

D'oh! Typo fail :mellow:
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But I m wondering if you need to randomize weather you get quicksliver first or Unwieldy first, as it says later on that timeflow stablizer blarg set modifers blarg


Then says roll off each turn basically, do you think this effects all conflicts of rules that effect a models initiative.


Also don't see how not suffering Intitative penalties means you strike at intiative 1, you ignore the fact terrain effects your initiative.


RAI is now showing itself to be a bit more dominant now

Sorry tournies, thats my observation from so many BRB FAQs

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However, the bad things. After that amazing ruling, they then had to ruin it by re clarifying that hits, not wounds, cause grounding tests and that markerlight hits and other non-wounding shooting attacks cause grounding tests. Well done GW. (that was dripping with sarcasm.)


The markerlight thing was odd, but not game breaking. You still have to hit with them on a 6, and then stll fail the Grounding test.


Q: If a model makes a Pile In move which brings it into base contact

with a model with a lash whip, does it then fight at its normal

Initiative step or must it wait until the Initiative 1 step? (p83)

A: It fights at its normal Initiative 1 step.

D'oh! Typo fail :mellow:


Yeah, typo. They use the correct words in the ruling for Whip Coils.

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