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New FAQ for base rules is up.


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However, the bad things. After that amazing ruling, they then had to ruin it by re clarifying that hits, not wounds, cause grounding tests and that markerlight hits and other non-wounding shooting attacks cause grounding tests. Well done GW. (that was dripping with sarcasm.)


The markerlight thing was odd, but not game breaking. You still have to hit with them on a 6, and then stll fail the Grounding test.


It's still a massive downgrade from fliers. Fliers don't have to take grounding hits if they're hit, or even glanced/pened by an attack, and so are consistently hard to take out. The only defence against shooting a flying MC has is Hard to Hit and then Evade. Grounding removes both, making them a sitting duck as they're still at the same model elevation. This is especially true with Harpies. I just don't think it's a well thought out or fair rule, that's all.

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With the change to how you allocate Wounds when a Character is in the unit you now must always decide whether to Look Out Sir the Wound before making the save, regardless of the value of the save. It makes it consistent, even if it is slower.


Given the ruling on Assault Vehicles, I'm surprised they didn't just change the wording of the Assault Vehicle rule...

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RAI is now showing itself to be a bit more dominant now

Sorry tournies, thats my observation from so many BRB FAQs


I couldn't agree more. The clarification on challenges/extra wounds really emphasized that for me, for example.

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I'm not that surprised they are on the ball with answering questions people had, they put up an email address for people to send queries they had, that would be addressed in faq's. I did wonder why they never did that before though...
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I'm not that surprised they are on the ball with answering questions people had, they put up an email address for people to send queries they had, that would be addressed in faq's. I did wonder why they never did that before though...

One of my questions is in the FAQ word for word from the email I sent them.

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Nice! Great FAQ, very thorough.


Aaah! Let's all wash down that Signum snapfire ruling with a tall, cool glass of "I told you so" :yes:


The Bolster defenses ruling makes me happy that they made it consistent again, but sad that they changed it back to ruins only ;)

Yea that made me sad, when i saw that it was updated i was hoping it changed to all terrain pieces, but it was not to be...


But they killed the imperial guard faq, a total failure on their part... No longer can my lowly commissar execute Calgar or Azerael if the platoon fails its leadership check...

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A friend of mine pointed this out:

Behold the BRB FAQ -

"Q: Land Speeder Storms, Stormraven Gunships and Stormtalon

Gunships are all listed as Space Marine vehicles in the Reference

section. Does this mean that every Space Marine Chapter now has

access to these vehicles as well (i.e. Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Grey

Knights etc.)? (p411)

A: No – you may only select units and vehicles that are

available in the army list section of your Codex. The one

exception is the Stormtalon (as its rules were featured in

White Dwarf), but it is only available to armies chosen from

Codex: Space Marines."

Note that "forgeworld models" are not an exception to what is available in your codex. For the time being atleast, GW has made their stance known.


I hope they change it eventually... but its atleast solid.

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One thing is settled: snap shots are always BS1. No help from Signum or Telion. That ought to put a stop to some bickering.



Erm... this was never actually an issue as the rule book stated something along the lines to first apply bonus to bs and than refert to snapshot bs.

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Nice! Great FAQ, very thorough.


Aaah! Let's all wash down that Signum snapfire ruling with a tall, cool glass of "I told you so" :confused:


Does make me laugh when people say "I told you so" on a rule that has, by virtue of a FAQ, effectively been changed to make it that way. Still, if people feel the need to gloat, however mistakenly...

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Nice! Great FAQ, very thorough.


Aaah! Let's all wash down that Signum snapfire ruling with a tall, cool glass of "I told you so" :o


Does make me laugh when people say "I told you so" on a rule that has, by virtue of a FAQ, effectively been changed to make it that way. Still, if people feel the need to gloat, however mistakenly...


Morollan, i raised the same point earlier today! Very amusing!

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Some good things in there, especially swooping MCs getting skyfire, expect to see more dakka flyrants now as Nid AA.


However, the bad things. After that amazing ruling, they then had to ruin it by re clarifying that hits, not wounds, cause grounding tests and that markerlight hits and other non-wounding shooting attacks cause grounding tests. Well done GW. (that was dripping with sarcasm.)


Watch out for the laser pointers of doom!



A friend of mine pointed this out:
Behold the BRB FAQ -

"Q: Land Speeder Storms, Stormraven Gunships and Stormtalon

Gunships are all listed as Space Marine vehicles in the Reference

section. Does this mean that every Space Marine Chapter now has

access to these vehicles as well (i.e. Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Grey

Knights etc.)? (p411)

A: No – you may only select units and vehicles that are

available in the army list section of your Codex. The one

exception is the Stormtalon (as its rules were featured in

White Dwarf), but it is only available to armies chosen from

Codex: Space Marines."

Note that "forgeworld models" are not an exception to what is available in your codex. For the time being atleast, GW has made their stance known.


I hope they change it eventually... but its atleast solid.


Actually I believe that Forgeworld models are listed as counting as an entry in whatever codex it is intended for, so as far as I can tell it's still up in the air.

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Since all flier armies are fairly hard to kill and all MC armies even worse since they are on the board every turn when they want to assault, I have no qualms about the odd marker light being fired at them that might make them crash to the ground!


I mean, what are the odds of that happening anyway!

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Nice! Great FAQ, very thorough.


Aaah! Let's all wash down that Signum snapfire ruling with a tall, cool glass of "I told you so" :lol:


Does make me laugh when people say "I told you so" on a rule that has, by virtue of a FAQ, effectively been changed to make it that way. Still, if people feel the need to gloat, however mistakenly...


You are wrong that the rule has changed ... Asking and answering a clarifying question, which the FAQ did, without changing any of the wording, means the rule hasn't changed. But, if it makes you feel better to believe they changed the rule, then go ahead and believe that.

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Actually I believe that Forgeworld models are listed as counting as an entry in whatever codex it is intended for, so as far as I can tell it's still up in the air.

Nope: they say "is an option for codex ______"

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There's now a 1.0a version of the BRB FAQ up. Not sure what has changed, other than this:


Q: If a Flyer suffers Locked Velocity and was moving at Cruising

Speed (18"-36"), what speed is its velocity actually locked at? (p81)

A: 36".


No need to remember how far that vehicle moved last turn.

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They must have added something - last page was only half-filled, now it's almost full.

This one (last one) is new for sure:

Q: Are the psychic powers listed in the Codexes all assumed to be

Warp Charge 1? (var)

A: Yes.

Nope, that one was there the first time.

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