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Booyah!! +1S AP2 at normal initiative Daemon Weapons for Undivided! Just a 2-handed power axe without the drawback, time to open up some termies.


And Typhus no longer has the issue with the Hive being pointless since he's no longer nerfed to always strike at initiative 1. Khârn's still been watching too much 300 though, trying to mimic the slow-mo is not a good move there buddy.


Wait, scratch that Typhus remark, just saw "Unwieldy" sitting at the top of the next column all on it's lonesome.

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Daemon Princes are now FMC. :(

Wow. That was a shocker.


Time for the Tzeentch Prince to hit the table...


So now Daemon Weapons are AP2 except for Drach'nyen.

Ahh, GW, you never fail to amaze me.

Personally, I think since all other DW are AP2, its safe to say Abbadon is AP2 as well since I never saw in there it explicitly says he's only AP3...

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So now Daemon Weapons are AP2 except for Drach'nyen.

Ahh, GW, you never fail to amaze me.

Isn't Drach'nyen a undivided Daemon weapon which double Str instead of +1 with shred ?


"Lords without a mark".

Weird, right ?


They should have detailed the profile of the weapon.

It's AP3, until they state it's AP2.

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It fairly obvious that a new CSM codex is incoming, i mean, listen to this from the Daemon FAQ.

"Q: If Chaos Daemons are allied to Chaos Space Marines, do they roll

for scatter if Deep Striking within 6" of a Chaos Icon carried by a

Chaos Space Marine model? (p73)

A: If the wording on the Chaos Icon’s description refers to ‘all

friendly units’, then yes. If not, then the Chaos Icon only

affects the specific units referred to in its description."


Lulz, in the current codex it only affects specific units, so why would they spell this out if new rules were not incoming?


Sad about Abby, and it seem like they forgot Tzeentch Daemon Weapons. I assume they are Ap 2 in cc, but otherwise follow their normal rules.

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Time for the Tzeentch Prince to hit the table...

Indeed, especially against tau because the markerlights counts as hits as well, lol :D


But FMCs, YAY!!! Daemon weapons, YAY!!! No more character units, YAY!!! Less wound shenanigans, YAY!!!


...and so on...

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Fateweaver's Oracle of Eternity ability no longer applies to allied Chaos Space Marines.

It was awesome for the current codex, imagine how powerful it would have been in the coming one! :D

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Lots of good, a few things missed.


Still wish they'd kill barrage sniping, fix challenges, and stop FMCs from being knocked out of the sky by shots that they shouldn't even notice in the first place.

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Flying Princes might suffer, but my Lord of Change is gonna be a flyer wreaking machine! Vector Strike and then a Bolt of Change will make short work of the flyers I most often face (AV 10 ones that is).

I'm really happy that our CSM DPs Swoop properly now. That amount of mobility is really useful, and Vector Strikes can be quite useful.

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