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What sort of blob squad have you guys got in mind? I just put together one with 5 squads, 5 commissars and 5 power weapons (no point putting power weapons on challenge fodder) and the platoon command squad, and nothing else it. You're looking at 505 points there.


I don't know but I've never thought of a blob squad as some throwaway minor-league unit, it's going to be somewhere between a third to a quarter of the guard's army. I'm not sure what I'd throw at it, but a Defiler to tie it up isn't a waste; nor would throwing a couple of squads of Bezerkers be a bad idea.


Whereas even a Khornate lord with a Bloodfeeder is going to take a few turns to plow through it, while Abaddon and TDA just don't have enough attacks to whittle it down. In fact, the challenges might even help them; if the guard player is careless you might end up killing off the commissars keeping it in the combat. Also the way the wound allocation works if he arms his commissars with power swords for damage then they've got to be close enough to the front for you to wound; whereas if they're at the back with no good stuff, then he's lost a large portion of his damage output.

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I may not play Chaos but one thing to remember, if the squad is big enough just charge where none of their characters are engaged right away. Unless they leave Sergeants within 2" of most of the line of guardsmen you can probably hit them where none of their characters can issue or accept a challenge. Sure they might be able to issue one next turn but one round of no challenges can do a lot of damage to an IG squad that big.
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I think it's mainly that working towards each squad only having one character leading it. Nobz/Wolfguard are only characters when leading units, not in full groups. However, they're either leaders or in a homogeneous unit; Terminators can have 3 Champions and 2 standard terminator, arguable one of the champions should be the character but which one? Bearing in mind the assumption that they're moving away from squads of characters.


They only just introduced 6th edition 2 months ago so how can they be moving away already? With the new FAQ, yeah it looks like they are but it can still go either way. We won't know anything for sure until the new codex hits.


Really? Ward hate is sooo 2010. Anyway, Draigo and Paladins while related and not the exact same thing. And whether or not you like it, it's how GW view the world and in their world Paladins are super-awesome champions.


Ward hate is never old. I don't consider anything in that book "fluff".


Mate, I've heard a lot worse than a self-censored whatever-it-was. Whether or not I'm mortally offended and likely to keel over in shock is beside the point, I thought that we were trying to have a civil conversation and it'd be nice if it can remain so. Passive-aggressive swearing like that just makes the place a little less pleasant to be in.


EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm really not offended or anything; nor am I looking for an argument. Sorry if I came across a little aggressive myself.


That's cool. I'm aggressive by nature and in the military culture I live with swearing comes naturally. It's a forum, how would it not be civil?


So was I initially. I don't think everyone is talking about MCs though, and I disagree with you on how bad challenges are for them. Also, what SM squads are 100-150pts? Combat squads, sure. Maybe a Devastator squad? I'm just trying to picture your scenario here...


You can disagree all you want, the point is your expensive MC can possibly waste turn after turn on sergeants/squad leaders instead of doing its job. I was doing a guesstimate without grabbing my SM codex, but tac squads are 90. Adding in more marines and weapons would likely come to about 100-150.


You're assuming they'll get away. You can catch them and keep them in CC, one place that a Slaaneshi Prince has an advantage I guess. And that's still better than him getting into CC and punked by a hidden powerfist. He's still alive, they still need to spend a turn shooting and hoping to kill him.


Still though alot of turns wasted for that. You do have a point though you can still catch them.

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IG are the worst offenders, the sargeants and commissars within the blobs will keep you tied up for the whole game.
Okay, I'm really failing to see how this is a problem. A single model is holding up ~55 enemy scoring models, worth more than twice and many points, keeping them out of the game and nullifying them for the win? And too many of you are complaining about having such an easy button win strategy?? Where did the world go wrong...:D


I believe a hard rethink on the utility of some units and adaptation to the current system is required, not mere complaining about something awesome.

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Even better this a unit which is at least 300 points and likely closer to 400, or even 500. If my opponent gave me an opportunity to charge that, then sit a Prince in combat steadily killing it's leadership and probably not receiving any wounds back, I'd do that all day every day. Only problem would be that if they're sitting on an objective with 50 models my Prince might not even be close to contest it; but that's cool he's having fun and I can always get something over there later.
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IG are the worst offenders, the sargeants and commissars within the blobs will keep you tied up for the whole game.
Okay, I'm really failing to see how this is a problem. A single model is holding up ~55 enemy scoring models, worth more than twice and many points, keeping them out of the game and nullifying them for the win? And too many of you are complaining about having such an easy button win strategy?? Where did the world go wrong...:)


We are of course assuming that there is more than a single model involved. Nobody in their right mind is going to issue a challenge to a single model unit when they have 55 models with which to attack it and kill it through sheer weight of attacks.

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IG are the worst offenders, the sargeants and commissars within the blobs will keep you tied up for the whole game.
Okay, I'm really failing to see how this is a problem. A single model is holding up ~55 enemy scoring models, worth more than twice and many points, keeping them out of the game and nullifying them for the win? And too many of you are complaining about having such an easy button win strategy?? Where did the world go wrong...;)


We are of course assuming that there is more than a single model involved. Nobody in their right mind is going to issue a challenge to a single model unit when they have 55 models with which to attack it and kill it through sheer weight of attacks.

Assuming of course that they are indeed in their right mind. Which statiscally speaking, the average person in the world isn't it.

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We are of course assuming that there is more than a single model involved. Nobody in their right mind is going to issue a challenge to a single model unit when they have 55 models with which to attack it and kill it through sheer weight of attacks.

Because it forges a narrative! ^_^


Well, that's the thing. If I had a Daemon Prince in that combat he'd be issuing challenges every turn just to stop one of the characters from attacking. And if they actually accept, well that's a free turn of that rolling a bazillion invulnerable saves.

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