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Land Speeders vs Attack Bikes


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There are LOADS of threads in this forum from 5th ed about this, and a few from 6th ed.


With Jink, the ability to shrug off a lascannon shot and the overall flexibility, the attack bikes seem much better pound for pound. Depends what kind of a list you like to play. Typhoons are the best comparison since simple MM skimmers are in enemy pain range way too quickly.

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I use squads of both if I have the points but if points are an issue I always opt for the MMAB squadron first hands down. It's simply too effective to not use. Low profile, higher than average toughness, 36" threat MM and all for 50 points. Sounds delicious. Speeders are used as additional dakka platforms to mop up infantry.
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Don't forget to look HERE for additional information.


As someone was kind enough to point out, the MMAB driver can throw his Krak grenade 12" instead of shooting the TLBolter. So you get both the MM shot in Melta range and the grenade toss.


Of course, I might be a bit biased because I ride a modern military bike with sidecar.




Though, I can't seem to find the Multimelta attachment at any of the local bike shops... :P

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