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new chaos player needs help starting 1k sons..


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So after a long break from all things 40k, I have come back. A big part of that decision was due to the new chaos models in the starter set, I am hoping they keep up quality on the new chaos line. So with the new rules coming out for chaos, I wanted to know what would be a safe buy for right now. As of now I have 3 sets of the new chosen, 1 helbrute, 1 new chaos lord, 1 plastic daemon prince kit, some random chaos chain swords, bolters for conversions. I also just got a order in for 10 tac squad upgrade kit to thousand sons models and 6 upgrade kits for thousand sons terminators. Anything else that is a must have going into the new edition? I want to wait to see if forge world does something for another thousand sons tac squad and thinking of getting the new CC oblits.
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So after a long break from all things 40k, I have come back. A big part of that decision was due to the new chaos models in the starter set, I am hoping they keep up quality on the new chaos line. So with the new rules coming out for chaos, I wanted to know what would be a safe buy for right now. As of now I have 3 sets of the new chosen, 1 helbrute, 1 new chaos lord, 1 plastic daemon prince kit, some random chaos chain swords, bolters for conversions. I also just got a order in for 10 tac squad upgrade kit to thousand sons models and 6 upgrade kits for thousand sons terminators. Anything else that is a must have going into the new edition? I want to wait to see if forge world does something for another thousand sons tac squad and thinking of getting the new CC oblits.



Well, it's hard to say for certain we do have a new codex coming out shortly. This means everything that used to be good will probably no longer be good if GW goes along its standard structure....


The only thing I can say for certain is fortifications, and of those bastion and aegis defense line are pretty safe placed to drop money. If we get cultists then putting them behind the Bastion or a Aegis Defense line will give us a cheap scoring unit.

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My FLGS can't order the C:CSM anymore, and that's usually a sign of imminent codex changes for said army. I wouldn't go overboard ordering things until the new book releases. Perhaps a couple of boxes of Dark Vengeance, or trade your DA models for a mates CSM models. There's a pretty good bet those models will be in the new codex, and the mini rulebook is a fantastic resource to have.
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Thanks for the replies so far, good advice. It's a nice idea that you can put out fortifications to block line of sight. Are fliers really that deadly or considered a auto include? I was able to grab a couple of the chosen squads just not sure if I want to keep them as is or try to convert them to a normal 1k sons squad. They do look little bigger then older models so I might just leave them alone for now. Would 1k sons even have a chosen squad? Thanks.
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I started playing sons in 4th ed and my old list just came back better with 6th. I can't recommmend screamers highly enough, in 4th they were good now they are stupidly awesome face wreckers. I consider myself a pure sons player but i use a sor lord on a bike and 2 x 9 squads of sons as my allies and mono tzeentch daemons as my 'main' force. Take two full or at least one full unit of screamers, hope for invis for a power and go nuts. I've never been able to table players with my sons in any incarnation but now it's happening regularly!!! The full unit is led by the sorcerer and followed in the air by fateweaver if i have the points.


Screamers make your enemies scream in despair.

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I was think of sticking to the 1000 to 1500 max army size, can you use allies at that level? I am trying to get a rulebook to help with some of this but until then that's why I am asking questions. Has anyone picked up Sayl the faithless? I think he would make a good HQ after a few conversions.
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Ok. The first thing you need to do is get a rulebook: You should have got one with the Dark Vengeance minis you bought :)


Also what are the: "10 tac squad upgrade kit to thousand sons models and 6 upgrade kits for thousand sons terminators"?


Take a step back, breathe, and read this and this.


The thing from that list that will definitely be in the next codex are the units of basic Thousand Sons. Depending on your views after you have read the material in the links, you may decide that you do not want chosen in your TS army, or even a Lord. When the new codex comes out, all this may change. None of it may change.


As for sticking to 1000-1500 max size...then you've blown it. Assuming the 6 upgrade kits = 30 terminators, with all your other stuff you're looking at 2000+ points.


It seems also like you only have one unit of basic Rubric Marines. You need 2 troops minimum, so get another one.


The best way to start a TS army is:

2x 9 Rubric squads with sorceror

Use your lord as a sorceror.


That's probably around 700pts of stuff there. 9 terminators will make it up to ~1000.

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So I traded for the chaos marines from DV, which is why I haven't gotten the rulebook yet but I should have it by next week. The upgraded tac squad and terminator squad are kits off of eBay made by irina_est, they go by the name of galactic knights but are thousand sons. Also I only have 6 upgrades for the terminator as in a 5 man squad and possible lord. Thanks for the links it should help when I build my army.
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So here are the first few chosen that I have started to paint up. They still got a long way to go and I think Ithe final colors for them will be a tad brighter then normal. Also I was thinking of how to explain why these guys are not dust like most of the marines. Other then they are a new group of renegades that are starting to get trapped in their armour or as a group of lesser sorcerers. Any idea how the thousand sons replace their ranks if they are just suits of armour? Well I hope this works. http://s1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg558/...nt=9964e2c9.jpg
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Any idea how the thousand sons replace their ranks if they are just suits of armour? Well I hope this works. http://s1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg558/...nt=9964e2c9.jpg

The models are coming along nicely. I was thinking the Chosen models look very Tzeentchian as they look mutated in some very understated ways.


To answer the question, the only thing I have read in the fluff is that Thousand Sons carry out dark rituals to fill out their ranks. Whether this means they are summoning back casualties to continue to serve, or if they are carrying out mini-rubriks, there's nothing that specific. I think this is just an area no one has really explored yet.


The new Codex should serve to answer some questions about 1k sons. The one big drawback to using them is the lack of overwatch fire, which would be very nice considering what they pack in their bolters. OTOH, the relentless rules do give them the ability to lay down a lot of shots when footslogging, and their saves are not too bad. I would like to see what a large army of them could do under the new rules.

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