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Biker Champions


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I know, I know, Chaos Bikers suck. Especially when they're Khorne, not Nurgle.


I'm crazy-into the models, though. I've started making a squad of six, to be modelled with meltaguns, one of the Banners of Rage, and a kickass Aspiring Champion. So far, I've got three: a normal Biker, and the two meltagunners. They're nothing flash, but between the Chaos Biker box, some Khorne Berserker bits, and some Forge World Mark III-V heads, I couldn't be happier with how they look.


But the Aspiring Champion and the Banner Bearer aren't really working with my kitbashes. Most unit champion weapons look a little off-angle or just wonky in the Aspiring Champion's hands, and it's hard to take the Banner Bearer seriously when he looks so unbalanced by holding up one of those immense Khornate flags.


Has anyone bumped into the same problem? If you use Bikers, how do you do your unit leaders to make them stand out? Have you seen any cool conversions that an inexperienced converter might be able to steal? The pointy Chaos power fist feels a little like a cop-out, but the only thing I've got looking reasonably cool.


The idea behind the unit, rules-wise, is to be able to tankhunt, but also inflict some punishment in melee if they crash through a MEQ unit first. I know I won't be earning a general's stars any time soon. Don't judge me.

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Pointy Chaos power fist works fine. I have a Bike Champ with one.


The banner is a bit tricky. My plan was to drill a hole through that flat backpiece right behind the Biker's seat and pin a short-hafted Icon down on it, so the Bike carries the banner, not the actual Biker.

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Coming at this from a diametrically opposed, Slaaneshi angle, I've basically re-imagined my biker units as "steed riders;" the current biker kits are somewhat tricky to convert without making them look like bits and pieces thrown together from different kits. However, I have seen some fairly decent Khornate bikers over the years; most are quit simple; just head and weapon swaps from the Khorne Berserker kit; bases littered with skeleton skulls. A simple way of marking out your command miniatures may be to elevate them slightly on piles of skulls, or to take the plastic Space Marine Attack Bike and have your champion standing free on the heavy weapon mount section whilst an anonymous chaos marine serves as driver. That way, you can have your champion doing what you like without him being necessarily tied to the bike. As for banner or icon bearers, that's a tricky one; bikes tend to look a little silly with massive tapestries hanging from them. Again, you could go down the attack bike route; have the icon bearer standing free on the heavy weapons platform whilst another chaos marine drives, or you could go more subtle; maybe the icon in question could be incorporated into the bike itself by adding Bloodletter heads, chains with skulls, trophies etc etc. Lots of impaled heads on spikes would more than suffice in my book for an icon of Khorne.
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I second the "bike carries the banner" option; what I was going to suggest as it leaves you a bit more free in how you can convert or otherwise pose the banner bearer.


For the Champion, I really have no idea as my Chaos bits knowledge extends to "some of it has spiky bits on..". Do you have pictures of your completed bikers? With some idea of how you've modelled the rest of the unit might b able to offer some viable options.


Whilst obviously not Chaos, my own C:SM bikers were modelled very simply; the current three built include two holding or aiming BPs and their Sarge pointing off at a target with a Fist - perhaps you could try something similar with yours.


Must has pictures though! :confused:

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Personally I'm loving the look of the Dark Vengeance Chosen Power Axe. It seems to be at the correct angle for if he had just had a chop, looks brutal enough, and should be easy enough to make work. The banner is a tricky one though. If you go too large it will definitely unbalance the model, but I guess with the right size, mounted onto the bike itself would be the way to go.


Just my 2 cents.

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Mount the banner pole on the bike, yeah.


As for the champion, try using torso, backpack, & shoulder pads, maybe a head and weapon arm as well, from the possessed box. Or wait for the chosen box that's supposedly coming out some time. Those kits are slightly larger and considerably more ornate. They work well for aspiring champions on foot, and theoretically could work well for biker champs, too.

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Make the champion doing a Wheelie, or a stoppie, maybe even Mission Impossible II style with two bolt pistols or something. I've been tempted more than once to make a Sons of Anarchy themed bike squad utilizing Space Wolf and Chaos Bits.
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Ah, time to boast a little bit... Originally those were Sorc and Lord+DW, but now I would not field them as such, only as champions.




Ok.....I'm impressed


Nice work there fella.....now crack on painting them :P




......or something like that

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I agree with the banner on the back of the bike, one thing I have seen that makes this far more real was a pair of anchoring wires from the top of the pole going diagonally forwards, one left one right obviously, and attached to the bike. As if they were stopping it from bending over backwards from the air resistance.


My image of your champion has him slightly above and forwards of seated, standing on the footplates rather than sitting, and with a massive axe sweeping out to the side at kneecap level. Might be a bit of a dynamic pose though, I don't know how you like them.

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It looks like they were made from loyalist bikes and chaosed up, is that correct?


Yes, that is correct. I had 2 SM bikes and 10 CSM ones, so normal bikers are on CSM bikes and HQ on modified SM variants. On simple CSM marines Chaos bikes are much cooler, but if you're still going to chaos them - it does not really matters.

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I find that the trick was to change the pose of the bike for a more dynamic look. Dead easy to do.






Swap out the weapons as you feel, just reposition the head so it has a more downwards incline.

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my 2c, look at the fantsy chaos knights for inspiration. the problem i find with bikers is most weapons are really too short a reach model wise to be of great use when you charge in, all you would be initially ale to do is clothes line guys you are passing, and you have o pass really close. really youd prefer somethin with more reach like a lance or long axe/sword, and the fantsy chaos knights have some really nice ones that arnt hard to adjust for 40k chaos. (as well as the 2 nice ones in dark vengence)

as for the fist, you have the similar problem, reach. solutions include longer clawed versions, power clawss from orks(though maby more like the iron warriors warfather model) etc. (this is where it sucks not having thunder hammers)


icon bearer, well if you doing the big banner thing then rear mounting it seems the best idea, or if youve seen how flags are carried you could have it single pole with no cross beam and a spear tip so he can stick the banner of khorn right through the enemy(sounds khorny right?) another thing you could do is well, its an icon not nessiarily a banner. you could take several of the khorn symbol and sttach them into a from of cage on the back of the bike and have it filled with skulls that the biker is picking up and placing in it?

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Banner on the bike. Conveniently, he's also my Champ for the unit so it's a double winner. I just glue down the rear wheel, leaving him free to pop wheelies at my leisure. I used the CSM champ's head and the left handed fist/claw from the Possessed box to make a nice daemonic power fist that hangs relaxed at his side as he speeds along. I also used a possessed backpack to make him more special looking. Pretty easy stuff!
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You could always extend the front forks of his bike, I've done it loads of times, I've also built sorcerers and icon bearers. For the latter I would suffer using the chaos knight kit previously mentioned and affix an icon of khorne to one of the lances. Alternatively mounting it to the bike could be good, try mixing arms and hands to get the pose you want from a champions arm, you can usually cut through the shoulder at a different angle to easily repose them, it's not too hard to get the shoulder pad to for and cover upp the worst of your crimes. Or just give him a lance from the knights, or put him on a juggernaut counts as bike. Or use the scenery on the base to make him stand out. I once built some shlaaneshi bikers that were doing motor Ross stunts and were mounted on flying bases, I had a bare chested marine swining around an icon pole mounted behind the handle bars of the bike mid-air. That was some fun modelling.
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Damnit, Amalricus stole my suggestion. I know you've already got the Banner of Rage for the Icon, but I'd have thought making the banner into a lance could work. Really makes the Icon Khornate as well, an Icon you can kill guys with.

If anyone wants to do this, I'd recommend using the banner from the Vampire Counts Black Knights...

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