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Biker Champions


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Have you considered this guy for the champion :)


As an alternative to the banner on the back, you could extend two of them up off the front plating as pennants. Put them high enough and they won't be obscuring the rider's vision.


An alternative weapon would be some flails, the Empire flagellants box has them. Instead of them drooping to the ground, you could model them whipping back to show how fast the unit is going. The only issue I've found with them is that the cat-o-nine tails might be a bit small for a marine, but the two-handed variety aren't too bad.

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I would honestly wait for the next chaos dex and ( hopefully ) improved chaos miniatures.

If you don't want to wait then perhaps think about turning a standard icon bearer's icon into a spear/lance to better impal the worth slaves of the carriongod.

The arm should have the proper angle and there are plenty of spikes to find in the csm box.

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Ah, time to boast a little bit... Originally those were Sorc and Lord+DW, but now I would not field them as such, only as champions.




Oh. Oh, my. Yes.


Huron's axe works fairly well, and is Chaosy and an axe to boot.


I'm almost definitely going with this. He was my first Finecast purchase, as it happens. I have him in my bitz box.


Damnit, Amalricus stole my suggestion. I know you've already got the Banner of Rage for the Icon, but I'd have thought making the banner into a lance could work. Really makes the Icon Khornate as well, an Icon you can kill guys with.

If anyone wants to do this, I'd recommend using the banner from the Vampire Counts Black Knights...


Huh. You know, that does look cool...


I'd still like to see the finalized model, though...please?


Miracle of miracles (and after a freaking year...) my 40K campaign is back on the go. I'm balls to the blade on Betrayer's deadline, but I've got three units assembled now. Will post a decent campaign/progress thread in a few weeks, once the novel is with the editors.


I would honestly wait for the next chaos dex and ( hopefully ) improved chaos miniatures.


I hear you. One of my main worries is buying something, only to have it replaced within a year or so. Between slow preparation, slow painting, and infrequent playing, every model feels like a significant investment. I freak out at the idea of all this time and effort into a model that'll look crap compared to Version 2.0 the very next year.


But I love Chaos Biker models. Love, love, love. I don't know how to use them well, and I know they consistently underperform.


But they look lush.

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actually theres the possibility to do alot with ork warbikers, can make them look like alot of improvisation been done with them, like you would expect chaos bikes to have. and as for another ides for icon things, how about samurai styled back pack banners, akin to this but obviously chaossy...


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I would honestly wait for the next chaos dex and ( hopefully ) improved chaos miniatures.


I hear you. One of my main worries is buying something, only to have it replaced within a year or so. Between slow preparation, slow painting, and infrequent playing, every model feels like a significant investment. I freak out at the idea of all this time and effort into a model that'll look crap compared to Version 2.0 the very next year.


But I love Chaos Biker models. Love, love, love. I don't know how to use them well, and I know they consistently underperform.


But they look lush.


Hrm, in that case a very good paintjob can do the trick. This way even a rather bland miniature can look great. Assuming that you play Word Bearers I strongly suggest to have a look at Bohun's Huron Blackheart tutorial ( http://chestofcolors.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5888 ). If the red is too bright for your taste then avoiding the brightest highlights while deepening the shadows a bit, should create a darker red.

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