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Model Priming...without primer?

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Hi all,


So I've been painting for years, but I've never painted a model without some kind of spray on primer before. I find myself in the position where I don't have any form of access to a spray can, and my DV should be in the post soon. So...have you guys had luck painting models without priming? can I drybrush chaos black on the model? or use the Citadel Foundation paints to set the base?





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If you're in a fix, a basecoat of black or whatever will be fine. The only downside is (depending on the paint you apply next) it might take a few more layers because your base will be shiney rather than matt - but this isn't even an issue with most new colours.
I've found that watered down black will work in a pinch. If you do go the painted on route, follow the same principles as with spray priming, being don't go too thick with the paint. Given the amount of detail on the DV set, you will definitely not want obscure any of it.
i have used the new GW Imperial Primer (paint on black) recently due to humidity levels in my area. to my eye and opinion, it is slightly better than painting on a chaos black layer as a 'prime' as it does a good job of coating even an old, dusty figure without too much effort. Im not going to say i highly recomend it (ive only used it on one figure to this point afterall), but i will say it does beat a solo coat of Chaos Black over an unprepared surface.
Back when I was painting my vampire counts army I never bothered with priming any of the plastic models, just drybrushed on the basecoat and went from there. I found plastic minis take paint quite well even without being primed and with units of 80+ not priming really speeds up the process.

Well...I suppose we're gonna find out what happens when my DV gets here...that or I might go ahead and order some GW paints. But man I don't want to wait another 2+ weeks while the paint ships.


Thanks everyone for your replies!

I have basecoated straight over plastic and metal before with the old foundation paints. No problems whatsoever. I also once painted a whole rhino yellow in this method. No chips or lack of adhesion or anything.


I can't say the same about the base paints though. Haven't tried it.



I've had success with reaper brush on primer. I use it for accessing areas where spray didn't get to well and for spot priming small pieces on the model.


Also you don't have a local store that has krylon spray?

I love this stuff.


I live in Japan, but that's not where I'm at rightnow :( hence the issues. Normally I use Krylon matte black spraypait as my primer, it's cheap and coats great...


I got my DV set in yesterday, and despite some of the models not making it through perfect, and my mini rulebook got wrecked in the post, I went ahead and started working on painting one. I'll take some WIP pics later, but I will note that as long as you coat it thin and even the basecoat paints work. You just gotta do 2-3 watered down coats and be very careful not to overpaint the area.


makes painting much slower, but hopefully I can crank out a few quality minis. I'll be buying a second DV set and I'll prime/paint that one in my old method and compare...


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