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Bloody Vengeance

Brother Chris

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OK, I don't what to start up a Dark Angels force, not even as allies. So are the Dark Vengeance figures of any use to me? I've used various bits from the DA chapter upgrade for my BAs in the past, but how convertable are the DV snap together models? With Greenstuff? With paint? with BA stuf from the DC box or Forgeworld? And would a foot librarian, Captain and Chaplain, and the plasma armed Tactical squad and bikers be any use for BA anyway? Or am I better off selling them and buying things specifically for my own force/


(I mostly play Apocalypse in the 5000 - 7000 points bracket, mainly against Chaos Marines, Orks and Tyrannids, but my army is based on fluff rather than to mini-max against them, and regular 40K at 2500 points)

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Im trying to convert some of them for my ba army. Mostly for the variation in models. So faar ive just startet on the terminators and i plad to use fw ba shoulderpads since it seems anot easier then filing the existing ones down and add ba icons. Then ill gs all them fethers to hell making them look like purity seals. When thats done i dont really think people will notice they are da minis when you paint them red. Also alot of the iconography works well for BA aswell. The wings on the bikes and sutch.
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Having looked at them - the captain nees a head swap and a couple of feathers filed off, the termies need feathers clipped off chains and chapter badges either filed off or the sword turned into a blood drop and the lib has a little more work to do on his robe and shoulderpad but nothing too difficult to deal with. The tac marines - not sure if I can be bothered to deal with these guys but I will probably do a squad up as BAs and give away my second.
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They are all marines, they can be converted to any marine codex.

Chappy, Captain, libby: not sure is a good time investment, but I'm sure that is doable - file of swords\feathes and some blood drops, scrolls, m.b. put a Sanguinary Mask, Winged JP in there, -> win.

Tac: same as before + clip off arms and add spare bolter arms out of DC box ( bet you have a pile of them)

TDA: same as AoBR

Bikes: clip wings, file swords, add blood, scrolls, -> win. (best bet is to trade robed SGT for normal dude + bitz at LGS :P )


2nd way: Bolster Chaos side lol :devil: . trade master for another mini -> profit ))

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The DA are the reason I won't be buying the starter set. I love the chaos models but I have absolutely no use for the DA models and I suspect they will have a very low resale value on eBay etc. As for converting them, I looked at them in my local GW store and I really cannot be bothered to get rid of all the DA iconography to add a 4th Tactical Squad, Terminators that I don't use, character models I already have and bikes that I don't want to my BA army. The rulebook would be handy though...
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