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Sternguard weapons box


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GW recently announced the Sternguard Weapons.


While I am happy that they finally released some more PA lightning claws for both arms, I have to ask what the quality of those bits will be if even the bits selected for display on the website does not even have straight blades. I wonder what they will ship/sell. Also I cannot deduce whether the bits are made from metal, plastic or resin.

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They're in resin


This pack contains Space Marine Sternguard Veteran Weapons - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in eight components.


But you do raise a good point in that they're not exactly the best repair for showing off. Also with these and the resin shoulder pads, I noticed the paint jobs didn't appear to be at that 'Eavy Metal standard we've come to expect. Certainly different from usual.

I'll have the heavy bolter and flamer they can keep the rest thanks. If they were going to release combi-weapons they should have put some effort in. The plasma and flamer combis are just naff. The melta one is OK but where is the expanded ammo magazine?



They must have copied the metal components without bothering to straighten the blades, a common ritual of necessity when equipping the old metal Lightning Claws. I'm not familiar with finecast, but if it's anything like the resin from Forgeworld, it's easy to imagine how difficult these mass produced claws will be to correct, where a gentle bending would suffice with the metal sculpts.


A grave error on the fabricators part, and one that extends to the Terminator Claws, which given their age, should have been recast outright before distribution. That third blade on the right claw has never been correct, and originates from as early as 3rd edition.


A step in the right direction is good, but when that step is imperfectly placed and fully committed, it takes more time and effort to correct than a stride well placed to begin with. I have no doubt, knowing The Workshop, that we'll be seeing these misshapen claws for many, many years before they're ever replaced or corrected, it'll be down to us to find a solution when perfection is required of them.


I must say, I am fond of the Combi-Weapons, however. Of course the Melta is a familiar sight from the Space Marine Commander box, and while the Combi-Flamer and Plasma have an underwhelming presence about them, the fact that they are one-shot attachments, the prominence of the Bolter section in both, is entirely pragmatic and believable.


The main question I ask of myself, is what a pair of Lightning Claws is doing so prominently in a Sternguard Squad armory in the first place. I understand their defensive merits, amongst a Bolter line, but they're far more the trappings of a Vanguard Squad. I'd have liked to see an equal set for Vanguards, perhaps filled with some other Power Weapons and the like, and in place of the claws in the Sternguard set, perhaps some Death Watch Bolters or extended drum mags. If I were to buy this Sternguard set, the Claws would end up as far away from my Sternguard as possible. An omission of necessity on The Workshop's part, I'm sure. We can't have everything, and what they do offer in this release wave, as I've said, is a step in the right direction to my mind. Shame about some of the pricing...


Yours in Brotherhood

Ser Ottendahl Vame,

Thunder Knights Chapter Master


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