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{Commission} Dark Vengeance set


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I much prefer your version of the Deathwing armour than GW's more recent colouring.

Pretty amazing paintjobs all round and nothing I could really say that I dislike on the models themselves.However, I'm personally not a fan of the bases you have opted for. Thats not to say they arern't executed very well, because they are, just me not being fond of Lave like bases. :o


I'd also mention that maybe a further highlight on the Sarge's robe as the colour seems to get lost next to all the other muted colours.


I'm sure however your doing these for will be a very happy chap!




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Cheers for the reply and the crit dude. All duly noted.


I had a nice surprise today, the tutorial I wrote on how to create the armour and chipping effect has been put on tutofig.com!




Over the moon about that. Part 2 soon. Will also take some decent pictures of the character models before they are sold on ebay and shipped away.



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Here are a couple of pics of other DArk Angels stuff.


Really enjoyed painting these. I never pegged myself as a lover of Dark Angels, but there you go!






So fired up about the new Heresy releases by forgeworld and i'm a little disappointed I won't be able to paint up the kits in Dark Angels Green, or introduce any gothic imagery or conversion like my Deathwing. Still, I have a lovely tactical squad and bikers to paint up.


Now which legion to choose?





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If you like the above and would like more angles (upskirt) please check this out:




I still need to whack up the Librarian and captain images! Silly me.

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  • 3 months later...



New Year and a new toy to play with in the form of a camera. This is one of the first shots i've taken and it's mightily frustrating trying to learn what all the bells and whistles do ona this thing. Anyway here is a quick update on how the Imperial side of the divide is going. Ravenwing and a tactical squad:




I also have a W.I.P shot of some deathwing terminators. Enjoy!





More updates soon as well as W.I.P shots on facebook.



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