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Unit sizes in 6th? Upgrades? Transports?

Talon Kaine

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I haven't play 40k in nearly two years and I'm getting back into it now. After reading 6th Edition and the changes to a few rules I was wonder what people find works for them these days.



1: With having to assign wounds starting with the closest models to the firer. This removes wound allocation tricks and was wondering if you guys still took additional models in certains squads and just try and place them ahead of your special weapon models. Ie: Havoc and Chosen squads just at 5 models in size? Do you still upgrade troop models to champions with power fists fot the extra 40 points even though they can easily be singled out now? I'm aware of the Look out Sir attempt however still unsure it's worth the risk.


2: With the changes for Transports/Vehicles how are people finding Rhinos these days? I find that shaken/stunned transport even preventing models from disembarking and shooting can cause big problems. Also not being an assault vehicle with the new rules, it delays Khorne/Possessed assaults and extra turn of being out in the open. Our land raider only option is one designed for parking it and letting loose all the Lascannons, and not so much transporting models into thick of battle.


3: Deamon Princes with Lash still considered cheese with the changes to it being a shooting attack requiring a roll, and the Deny the Witch rules? If, so how are people gearing out there Princes these days? Pyromancy any good?


Thanks in advance to any who take the time to reply.

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Pyromancy, I really like it, and have a dedicated sorcerer who became a Pyromancer after 6th edition came out. I just hope to roll the one where "the psyker concentrates all of his rage into the intended victim, causing them to explode" though I like all of the powers. He's "Me" on the tabletop.


I've only ever used my Daemon Prince as a Khorne Daemon Prince...so I'm not familiar with the Noodle of Fail.


As far as unit upgrades, taking a Chumpion in any squad you intend to place an Independent character is a pretty good idea, since loyalists get Sargents + free stuff in their tactical squads, that's already likely two characters when they place their Independent characters with a tactical squad, and their ICs get all sorts of really nice options like Storm Shields and Artificer armor (fingers crossed for equivalent-or better in the new codex). The idea being that upon close combat ensuing, they would make a challenge, and if you only have your IC who is good at wiping units (which most of our ICs are built for wiping units-again crossed fingers for next codex), he gets into a fistfight with Sargent Bob, while the loyalist IC wrecks your squad's crap. So it's better to take a Chumpion with no upgrades if you can't afford to give him anything useful like a power weapon or such.


On that note, the new power weapon profiles have opened up some interesting combinations. Giving say, a Skull Champion a power maul would make his attacks s7 on the charge, with a Thunderhammer concussive like effect-albeit at AP4, but 2s and 1s come up. Axes seem to be the "go-to" for more than a few people here, as your champs will be hitting slower than ICs anyways, and those ICs will likely be in either Terminator armor or Artificier Armor, and +1s ap2 at i1 isn't great-at the same 15 points as a standard power weapon, you get +1 attack for being double armed with a pistol, and it's less of an investment than a powerfist, especially since you'll pit him against some guy that will probably roll him anyways.

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Yeah I see what you mean with having some characters for the challenges. Still iffy about using power fists now with the new rules.


How about special weapon units like Havocs/Chosen? Do people still field full units of 10 or just take minimum squads since the casualities have to be whatever model was closest to the shooter?

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Based on the "Chaos Champs must always Challenge" and the leaked Cultist bit where the champ was included in the starting squad. You might see that become the norm. 4 Plagumarines + 1 Champ for X points or better yet 6 Plaguemarines + Champ for Y Points with additional Plagumarines costing Z. Ditto for all other 'troops'.


Even if this doesn't become a rule. I think I may run a champ in every unit just for theme. I never was a big Obliterator fan, so I'm not feeling the Maulers... I'm still annoyed that rumors imply Chaos has no troops that can infiltrate, how can Imperial Guardsmen learn this skill or half trained loyalist marines, but Chaos can't figure it out...


I have two ideas now, one sort of a maneuverable force, I guess quick strike. The other a throw back to how I ran my army in 2nd or dawn of 3rd Edition. All Nurgle, all foot slogging, with some walkers for heavy weapons and just take the beatings until I get into range. With the emphasis on scoring and denying and Plaguemarines being Fearless it might earn a lot of ties. I'd need one or two units that could move whether that means Rhinos or Terminators or Assault Marines I don't know.


There is no incentive to play a mono-God army now and I got tired of not being able to use 70% of the Codex so I doubt I'll do this except for throwback games. I used to use Plaguebearers, Nurglings, and Beasts of Nurgle a lot too. So at some point I'm sure I'll get talked into a large game with allies, but I tend to think 1500 points. I'm not sure 6 squads of even 5 plaguemarines fits into 1500.


6 * 5 * say 120 = 720

6 * Champ and Special Weapons say 40 or 50 points = 300 points

Lord on bike = 150

Terminators = 300

Defiler = 150

That is over 1500 points but it is also guess-tacular.

It would require zero painting by me. I used to do 7, 7 man squads, plus dreads and a token HQ and lesser demons. I took something like that to a Grand Tournament once. Did all right. Having 7 man squads got you a free champ back then. If they just put into the rules 150 points for squad plus champ then you bought gear it would simplify things and encourage the use of the sacred ie default number. I'd vote for that.


No idea how to combat flyers other than ignore them. I'll probably have to sacrifice a troop choice for the anti-flyer dragon if I want to win... Not sure what Nurgle Terminators are going to cost, I'm used to paying a premium for underperforming troops.


With the latest Dark Apostle rumors they seem to be super-champs, not sure they help cult troops, but you could make the big bad cultist unit. I might build towards that, but I think just playing the game has some appeal not waiting and painting...


Another rambling post. :-D

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