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Night Lords: Terminators and Bike units

Magnus Thane

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I was wondering if any of you have Night Lords forces devoid of Termies. As it seems pretty much everyone wants their Lord in termie armor and some Termie retinue.

Anybody opt to field regular lords?

Also I read people greatly despise bikers, are they better in a Chaos Force nowadays? And what roles can they perform?

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I run regular or wing/jump pack HQs, my regulars tend to stick in 20 man blobs, or 50 if I'm running guard allies. Both are fielded as "glass canons" so I need the bodies to make them worth their points. My raptor lords rarely do well, but when I actually do something not-stupid with them they can cause horrific hurt with a 2*meltagun unit, Mr Tarpit tends to actually be a Tzeentch sorceror with a familiar acting as an extreme special weapons trooper. But then again I am an Alpha rather than a Night Lord, so I don't fit the rules of your OP.
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I was wondering if any of you have Night Lords forces devoid of Termies. As it seems pretty much everyone wants their Lord in termie armor and some Termie retinue.


Yes, got 10 terminators, to play with my lord (Abaddon/Zhufor count-as).


Anybody opt to field regular lords?


Hell, no.


Also I read people greatly despise bikers, are they better in a Chaos Force nowadays? And what roles can they perform?


No, they are still way overcosted.

You can play them as a sub-par termicide-like unit, just like raptors. Put a melta on them, turbo boost to safety, use the melta, then die.

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from a fluff point of view, Night Lords are all about terror and rapid striking. What would cause more terror in your opponents army than a squad of heavily armed Chaos Terminators suddenly appearing next to their HQ. i think terminators are a great addition to Night Lords and would use them.
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Termies may have been rare in the ADB Novels, but like he would say himself, his novels only dealt with one warband. THey didn't have a large supply of Terminator Armour, so it was rarely seen. When the first company split, the suits would have dispersed through all of the warbands, and some warbands hay have scavenged suits, like Talos and his claw had in the final ADB book.


There could be a nightlords warband out there that has 40 suits and heavily relies on Terminators as heavy shock troops, but there could also be warbands that have no suits or very few, so they are rarely seen.

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Interesting... I was inclined to think they were used less often.

Guards to the supreme commander but no more than that unless it is a truly vital mission.

Sorta like in the ADB novels.


His was the story of just one little warband. Other warbands could be completely different or even have more terminators looted from loyalists or other warbands.


I used to use a power armored lord as my warband's leader but then I got my terminator lord. Now just the warband's lieutenants are in power armor (still use them more often then the termi lord because of point costs).

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Its pretty well understood by all marines that terminator armor is very powerful and very rare. I would assume that, if given the choice, almost anyone would opt to equip themselves in it unless they have a good reason not to.
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