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Sanguinor's Glaive

Drunken Angel

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The Sanguinor just got very nasty give him an AP2 axe and watch him hack HQ's to bits in challenges, with EW he will survive pretty well and the extra strength the axe imparts puts him at what strength 7 ?

AV2 3++ invun and after that maybe FNP depending on the priest if nearby

That is nice. Sanguinor is a great spot for an axe now.

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I don't think you will have many people accepting you modelling Sanguinor with an Axe and saying he has a Master Crafter Power Axe "because a Glaive can be a Sword or an Axe'


'Glaive Encarmines follow the rules as described in the Types

of Power Weapon section on page 61 of the Warhammer 40,000

rulebook, but also have the Master-crafted and Two-handed

special rules.'


I'm not seeing a whole lot of room for 'accepting your modelling' here. Page 61 says to look at the model to determine it's weapon type. And not just any model, but the one being fielded, on the table, right there. As long as The Sanguinor is unbound by further clarification, the limit on what he's modeled with is the limt to which you can model it.


+1 for options!

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As long as you have no shame, then knock yourself out. I doubt it will run in pick up casual games or tournaments though.


There is a model for The Sanguinor. He has a sword


Never seen an entry for him with a sword its always been a Glaive Encarmine, this is sounds like mary sue backwards "lets see how much we can gimp ourselves".


Dante and Astorath just got shafted or not shafted depending on your local meta and now an option has been handed to us with the glaive encarmine.


AV2 and an AP2 weapons on the same character are pretty rare (looks over at Draigo and his AP3 titan sword)

Its not bad and all that has happened is the option of loading out the Sanguinor with either AP2 or AP3 is there now and why not? he is a 275 point model. Think about it how often would you field him? he just got better but he is still a very situational character. It would be worse if he was ruled with only one or the other which is what happened to Astorath and Dante.


I have 3 Astorath models one with a sword and two with an axe I will convert one of the axe guys to a sanguinor, very few non IC HQ's will stand before him now and that was exactly how he was intended to be played in his fluff and with his re-rolls on HQ's. Good luck to me I need it because I have also just tied up 275 points in one model and thats always a handicap in itself.


To be prefectly honest the biggest bogey man we can field now in 6th is Mephiston if both landed on the table I would fear Meph more.


Sanguinary Guard and Vanguard Veterans are/can be all jump infantry, As far as inititiative blows and piling in on I! and I4 how does that work after Hammer of Wrath ? you must be in B2B to get your I10 attacks which means you are already piled into combat.

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I have to agree. Meph has carried FAR mroe than his far share in many a game I've played. As an aside... He has a force weapon, not a force sword.. 'Cause the Codex says so...


Edit reason:

Looks like I have suffered a major 'reading comprehension' failure. I saw the words Power Weapon (with refrence to 'Power Sword' on page 2), and my mind did a mental backflip and inserted 'Force Weapon' and 'Force Sword' in there for no apparent reason.


Ahem, sorry :)

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Well, unless you are one of those who argue that a model can only have gear that comes in its own box set




People really do that?


sadly yes. There were a thread when 6th stated by chaos players wondering if they had no choice but axes or mauls for their terminators.


I don't think you will have many people accepting you modelling Sanguinor with an Axe and saying he has a Master Crafter Power Axe "because a Glaive can be a Sword or an Axe'


Giving the Sanguinor an axe is legal by rules, but yes, people might object.

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I think people need to be careful about taking advantage of the Sanguinor having an undefined weapon here, because GW will notice/receive the question of what sort of Glaive Encarmine does he have/can I model him to have a specific weapon, and then they might define it themselves. If they do this, you could end up with an Axe equipped model that is described as having a Sword.


Not that it really matters, because WYSIWYG still holds true (the Sanguinor is the Sanguinor after all), but on a personal level I hate having the wrong models/equipment modelled on my models when gaming.

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If you are using a specific Unique character from the codex, it doesn't really matter what the model has on it, you go by the what the rules say it has anyway. The only time this is an issue when it is an undefined weapon type such as Force or Power Weapons

Right, Mephiston and Sanguinor are undefined other than Glaive (so could be an axe or sword) or force weapon (sword, axe or staff). All the others are defined so what they are modeled with is irrelevant.

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The Sanguinor model has a sword, are people really suggesting that we remodel it to take advantage of the Glaive rule?


I'm not adverse to some shenanigans here and there but surely this is a little too far? I'm not having a go at anyone or anything, but wouldn't you feel like a bit of a *insert expletive* doing that in tournys and even worse, to friends?



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If both were equally good, why would people remodel him? :sweat:


I just don't think it's legit, and at the very least it falls under the old "Just because you can doesn't mean you should". I'd feel like I was ripping my friends off if I did it at my local club, and I'd also feel like "That guy" at a tourny when my opponent asked why my sanguinor had an axe.


"Ah well you see good sir, by the letter of the rules I'm allowed to do this and I know it'll make him an unstoppable death machine. His model from GW you say? Good sir, I won't be able to kill terminators as easily if I use that now will I?"


I'll pass ty.



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Personally, I don't use the Sanguinor. And if I did my model is built with a sword. But, there is nothing illegal in changing the sword to an axe based on current rules.


What the model comes with is not rules. Drawings of the character are not rules.


Rules say Glaive Encarmine and the FAQ says Glaives can be axes or swords.

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But, but, but... what if GW defines his weapon as a sword and you have him armed with an axe? How can you sleep at night?


I'm a little OCD at times and I couldn't cope with such an abomination! :sweat:


Game wise I don't think it's too chessey to take such a thing, since part of the Sanguinor's charm to me is that lovely stat line of his! What is he, like initiative 12?

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I remember a DA interogator chaplain whos "official" model came with an optional upgrade....


The Sanguinor comes with a glaive.

A glaive is a 2 handed master crafted power weapon of any type.


My assault marines come modelled with flamers, am I "converting for advantage" when I give them meltas?


Should GW release four Sanguinor models?


"But, but, but... what if GW defines his weapon as a sword and you have him armed with an axe? "


Then he will have to be remodeled.

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