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deep strike and marks


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I would like to preface this post by saying that I am 100% positive that I read this at some point. It is not an idea that I would have on my own.


When deep striking, units are allowed to arrive within 6 inches of an icon without fail.


Obviously, icon bearers of any kind, and units with personal icons use this.


I've read about people placing "terrain" that is marked with chaos symbols and laying claim to that being an icon. This is not ok to me.


What I am confused on: Can a unit deep strike without fail within 6 inches of a marked unit? By marked, I mean in particular, a unit of chosen with the MoN, or a Nurgle DP. If I am not mistaken (and i am not because i am reading the codex as i post), the IoCG and the marks are in the same category for the chosen CSM, which would lead me to a strong YES. But for units like plague marines, there is no icon selection, only an entry for personal icon. And for a DP, there is no icon at all listed. While I am sure I read about "deep striking next to plague marines, who already come with a mark," is this actually legit, or just a bad interpretation?


Supporting text appreciated.

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Units do not purchase marks as upgrades, per se; one model is equipped with an icon, which, in addition to its statline boosting effects (+1 Init for Slaanesh, for example), also functions like a personal icon for the purposes of daemons, termies, and obliterators deep striking. Units that are marked already, such as Plague Marines, may purchase a personal icon which will give the deep striking benefits.


You are right about Daemon Princes. Characters, including DPs, get marks, not icons, which do not help as far as deep striking is concerned. DPs are also unable to purchase personal icons to help with deepstriking allies.


By the way, you can have all the chaos iconography you want on terrain, but trying to use it as an in-game upgrade is bull:cuss.


Edit: Clarity

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That's pretty much what I read as well. My confusion was mostly due to the amount of people I saw posting to the contrary, and my critical reading skills. Though I am certain people believe marks = icons, i shall amend my ways.


edit: To clarify, I only made this mistake a few times at best, most of my deepstrikes were to the chosen csm, which take an icon of nurgle, not a mark of nurgle.

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You are right about Daemon Princes. Characters, including DPs, get marks, not icons, which do not help as far as deep striking is concerned. DPs are also unable to purchase personal icons to help with deepstriking allies.

Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that all 3 generic HQs can take a Personal Icon just like the Cult Troops can.

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Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that all 3 generic HQs can take a Personal Icon just like the Cult Troops can.


Yeah, I am sure; when I started out playing chaos a few years ago I was the only one in the area doing it, and I was daemon-bombing the crap out of everyone with flying DPs with chaos icons . . . I was quite embarrassed when I found out it isn't listed in their upgrades. :)

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Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that all 3 generic HQs can take a Personal Icon just like the Cult Troops can.


Yeah, I am sure; when I started out playing chaos a few years ago I was the only one in the area doing it, and I was daemon-bombing the crap out of everyone with flying DPs with chaos icons . . . I was quite embarrassed when I found out it isn't listed in their upgrades. :P


Which was sad because if memory serves DPs used to be walking Icons for the purposes of summoning, though I might be thinking of Greater Daemons (or both). I'm too far from my 3.5 Codex to check, so someone fact-check me on that please.

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Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure that all 3 generic HQs can take a Personal Icon just like the Cult Troops can.


Yeah, I am sure; when I started out playing chaos a few years ago I was the only one in the area doing it, and I was daemon-bombing the crap out of everyone with flying DPs with chaos icons . . . I was quite embarrassed when I found out it isn't listed in their upgrades. :P

Double-checked, and yes, the Daemon Princes do not have access to the Personal Icon, but the Lords and Sorcerers both do.


Easy to forget. Most players I see either use DPs or SCs, and not generic Lords or Sorcerers.

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