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The eightfold path...

Lord Kallozar

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Chosen Path: Chaos Undivided


Reasons: Many, many reasons. First of all, I like the freedoms Chaos offers. Tying yourself to one path isn't what I'm after. Such structure suits some, for others it doesn't. I like the idea of "I have my gods, but I make my own way." Rather than dedicating your existence to one of the gods, you do what you like, and dedicate that to the gods, knowing they watched over you and guided you along the way. Plus I love all the aspects of Chaos, and want to be able to include all the benefits they offer into my force.

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Chosen Path: Nurgle


Reasons: Life is pain and anguish already, might as well embrace it; we derive strength from the agony, feed off our own bitterness and spread the misery and corruption until everyone and everything is as wretched and foul as we. Our beneficent and loathsome lord cares for us, which is more than can be said for the other Dark Powers. Death holds no fear, for in death we join with Nurgle forever in his verdant gardens.

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Chosen Path: Chaos Undivided


Reasons: Many, many reasons. First of all, I like the freedoms Chaos offers. Tying yourself to one path isn't what I'm after. Such structure suits some, for others it doesn't. I like the idea of "I have my gods, but I make my own way." Rather than dedicating your existence to one of the gods, you do what you like, and dedicate that to the gods, knowing they watched over you and guided you along the way. Plus I love all the aspects of Chaos, and want to be able to include all the benefits they offer into my force.



Well said. This.

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Chosen Path: Slaanesh.


Reason: Slaanesh embodies transgression and transcendence; the will to perceive and step beyond the parameters of self imposed upon us by cultures whose basis is infantile neurotics. It is living art; the conscious manifestation of inspiration, ecstasy, epiphany...Slaanesh is beauty, and the scope to find beauty in all things; pleasure, and the wit to find pleasure in all experience. It is the highest aspiration of the inspired soul; to step beyond all limits, all notions of restriction, definition, and to become art in oneself; in flesh and thought and spirit. It is the point where agony and ecstasy intermingle, becoming indistinguishable; where the base and the ascended no longer stand divided. Flesh is clay to the servant of Slaanesh; medium, inspiration and subject; the songs played across exposed nerves, composed of the whimpers of the grateful damned...Slaanesh offers a key to understanding beyond all others, for Slaanesh is the condition where self can be ripped apart, and gloriously refashioned according to inspiration, rather than imposition.

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Chosen Path: Slaanesh


Reason: One of the two main aspects of Slaanesh is the quest for perfection, which I think we would all agree is a Good Thing. The major minor face, as it were :P, is dominance and control, which is the main reason that my 40k character is a Slaaneshi. And to get as far away from Nurgle as possible, people are too messy and biological already :lol:.


She does not, however, shy from using her god given charm and charisma to ally the followers of other gods to her cause, and actually spends most of her efforts on destroying other powerful Slaanesh worshipers in order to take a bigger share of the love and power for herself. "In the name of the Prince of Pleasure, burn all the noise marine scum!".


I think that the strongest argument other than this must be any and all Doomrider imagery on the interwebs. A quick browse of :( and you will be ours for ever.

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Chosen Path: Chaos Undivided


Reasons: Many, many reasons. First of all, I like the freedoms Chaos offers. Tying yourself to one path isn't what I'm after. Such structure suits some, for others it doesn't. I like the idea of "I have my gods, but I make my own way." Rather than dedicating your existence to one of the gods, you do what you like, and dedicate that to the gods, knowing they watched over you and guided you along the way. Plus I love all the aspects of Chaos, and want to be able to include all the benefits they offer into my force.



Well said. This.


Agreed. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Chosen Path: Chaos Undivided


Reasons: Many, many reasons. First of all, I like the freedoms Chaos offers. Tying yourself to one path isn't what I'm after. Such structure suits some, for others it doesn't. I like the idea of "I have my gods, but I make my own way." Rather than dedicating your existence to one of the gods, you do what you like, and dedicate that to the gods, knowing they watched over you and guided you along the way. Plus I love all the aspects of Chaos, and want to be able to include all the benefits they offer into my force.


Yes yes! :)

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Chosen Path: Slaanesh


Reasons: Disclaimer: If you're a Slaaneshi cultist and you've not read the Libra Chaotica: Slaanesh, you've done yourself a great injustice. The Libra[i/], I feel expands better on the original work introduced by Slaves to Darkness. Obviously, Slaves, written in the late 80’s, is a little bit of horny teenager associated with it, while the Libra is more of the darker side.


Slaanesh doesn’t simply embody pleasure. The core emotion of pleasure can be perverted, twisted and corrupted into so many forms. Lust and greed are but child’s play to She Who Thirsts. Envy and pride are also Her domain. The experience of each new sensation a fleeting moment before the craving for depravity consumes you.


Lust is not limited to just carnality. Lust can be thought of any excessive wants, hungers, desires or thirsts. Lust could be the intense desire to improve one’s station, or even as simple as to make more money. Greed is the inordinate need to desire to acquire more. Disloyalty, betrayal, treason and avarice, all done for personal gain, is but a drop in the ocean of excess. Envy. Ah… Envy. It starts with a feeling of discontentedness that spirals into the insatiable need to deprive someone else of what they have. Pride… The deadliest of Slaanesh’s arsenal of deception. One could argue that pride was the biggest contributor to the events leading to the Heresy.


Slaanesh is the most insidious of the gods. She, above all, caters to the most primal needs of mortals. Her corruption is slow, yet thorough. Once you’ve begun to descend into her domain, you will never escape.


I could lecture, mayhap even preach, more on the delights of worship, but I feel like I did a decent enough job conveying my thoughts on the subject.

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Chosen Path: Undivided


My reasoning: Chaos is simply a tool to be used to achieve whatever ends we need. So we have to keep the tool adaptable rather than have it sharpened to a fine blade. Sometimes its necessary to change your tactics up and so with Chaos Undivided, you can pick and choose your own destiny instead of having to follow one of the major four and be restricted to their doctrine.

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Chosen Path: Down and Left.


My Reasoning: The patron of my marines is dedicated to the total reformatting of the Warp through any means necessary. The use of genocide and gene converting retro-viruses are but 2 of the tools they will use for this task. Why Down and Left? I live the American SW, do the compass math.

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Chosen Path: Down and Left.


My Reasoning: The patron of my marines is dedicated to the total reformatting of the Warp through any means necessary. The use of genocide and gene converting retro-viruses are but 2 of the tools they will use for this task. Why Down and Left? I live the American SW, do the compass math.

Wait; the fluff of your chaos followers is somehow based on your geographical location? :P

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Chosen Path: Khorne


Reasons: Conflict breeds strength. In combat lies honour. If you can defeat your foe, you can live to fight another day. If you can not, then honor him as he bested you and earned his right to live. You must improve your skills to protect those who are close to you and strike down those who oppose you. Prowess is what matters to our God and he will accept our skulls kindly if we fought well in our lives and died honorably in whirlwind of gore with our last breath taken in a heat of battle.

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Down and left from the southwest USA... Hawaii? So, Slaanesh? Or just empty ocean if you have more down than left, so nothingness? Or New Zealand if you go further, which would be... sheep?


Chosen Path: Tzeentch


My Reasoning: The only constant is change. The only true power lies in manipulating others. To control change is to control the world. Obsession is destruction. Surrender is destruction. Destruction... is also destruction. Tzeentch offers power and freedom instead of slavish devotion. Plus, pretty sparkles.

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Chosen Path: Chaos Undivided


Reasons: Many, many reasons. First of all, I like the freedoms Chaos offers. Tying yourself to one path isn't what I'm after. Such structure suits some, for others it doesn't. I like the idea of "I have my gods, but I make my own way." Rather than dedicating your existence to one of the gods, you do what you like, and dedicate that to the gods, knowing they watched over you and guided you along the way. Plus I love all the aspects of Chaos, and want to be able to include all the benefits they offer into my force.



Well said. This.




Of course, the real reason for me is that I can never make my mind up, so Undivided or following the Pantheon suits me best :P

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Wait; the fluff of your chaos followers is somehow based on your geographical location? :P


Down and left from the southwest USA... Hawaii? So, Slaanesh? Or just empty ocean if you have more down than left, so nothingness? Or New Zealand if you go further, which would be... sheep?

:P I'm following my own path. Down and Left is SW on the compass, so it seemed appropriate.

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Wait; the fluff of your chaos followers is somehow based on your geographical location? :P


Down and left from the southwest USA... Hawaii? So, Slaanesh? Or just empty ocean if you have more down than left, so nothingness? Or New Zealand if you go further, which would be... sheep?

:P I'm following my own path. Down and Left is SW on the compass, so it seemed appropriate.


As long as it leads you to where you want to be, then that's what counts :P

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