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Angron painting/ conversion


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Hello brethren....is there anyone who has converted a plastic daemon prince kit to make Angron, to use the formation found in WD 344?


I'm thinking of converting a DP to make the exalted primarch of the world eaters. I'm thinking of using a spiked chaos circle symbol to go around is neck like in the pic, and then a big black sword.


Any ideas as to how to paint him? the fluff says his skin is "the colour of spilt blood," if so, how shoul I paint the armour? having bright red armour and bright red skin doesn't seem so cool to me.....

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Angron doesn't actually wear red armour like his sons and instead wears bronze armour so you won't have to worry about it being the same colour as his skin. However, I am sceptical as to whether the plastic daemon prince kit is large enough for Angron since he is described in the Emperor's Gift as being almost as big as a Warhound Titan so it may be kinda small. Of course it is your model for your army so build him as you like, hope it looks awesome.
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jeez is that how big it describes him as?? I thought he was just a three-metre primarch turned daemon so maybe 5 metres tall, not as large as a Titan!

I'll have to rethink his size.....


Emperor's gift...in which book is that?

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Ive never heard of him being described as that big before! :) I have used the plastic DP before and I am in the process of making one into an armoured Bloodthirster as well as I hate the GW one and cant afford the FW one. The only problem with the plastic DP is it can look kinda static without some heavy conversion work on the arms/legs.

Daemon Prince




Bloodthirster WIP





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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks buddy,


The first guys head was made from two Defiler faceplates and some ork jaws, along with some bits and pieces from the Ogre Kingdoms kit ie the shoulder plate.


The Bloodthirsters head is made from the Leadbelcher again from Ogre Kingdoms and some ork jaws. The horns are from the CSM Tzeentch icon the Soulgrinder sword and a CSM helmet. The armour plates are either from WHFB Chaos Warriors, the DP kit or Tomb Kings.

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i made one using the old daemon prince, which they are now recasting in finecast FYI. I think it fits the artwork better.

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