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Look outr sir


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So I just had a game with a mate BA vs Demons... Since 6th started one of my favourite squads has been a 10man squad of stern guard with Libby with terminator armour/storm shield and Corbulo. I was able to bounce the wounds around the squad with Corbulo's 2+ FnP and the Libby have 2+ armour and a storm shield.


How ever the new faq says that if you pass a look out sir roll the wound must go on the next closest model! So basically to use my corby/Libby tactic I must keep the pair up front and center right in front of the squad. The major problem is when you get hit by something str 8 + that denies FnP and can kill instantly! For example if I have my libby in front and I use look out sir I end up putting the wound on Corby! which is not cool cause it will kill him instead!


It just seem silly to me that if you have 2 IC in a group and they are the 2 closest to the enemy fire you have no way of look out siring the wound onto a rank and file trooper!


So really my question is. Am I playing this rule correctly and is there a way around this problem!

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That is indeed how the rule is played, and the way to play around it is to have a closer model than Corbulo. But of course that means you can't bounce the non lethal ones to Corbulo.


Just to be clear though, it looks like you were playing it wrong anyway. Corbulo had a 3+ armour save I believe? LO,S is taken when the wound is allocated to a model, not after. The way you've been playing it is taking LO,S after the wound is allocated and resolved, ie. when you've taken your armour save. The correct way to play it is to take LO,S before the armour save is taken, that's when the wound is allocated. So in this instance you allocate the wound to the Libby, if you take the save and fail the timing for LO,S has passed, you take the roll. Or you LO,S before taking the armour save, in which case you pass it to another model, that model takes the save, and then you can't LO,S it, you resolve it as normal.


Also, were you failing the test with the Libby, passing to Corb, and then when failing passing that to another model? Because each wound can only be LO,Sed once.


Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick there, but that's how your post comes across there.

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Its ok I have not got that part wrong. I always LOS before taking saves with Corby and my Libby as there saves are different.


I just wish you could allocate to a standard trooper over another IC if he's the next closest! The whole Idea of LOS is to save your IC's not condem them to eat a lascannon!


Oh well guess it makes placement even more important!

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Although it's not a Rules query per se, it serves one right really. You're trying to take advantage of the rules to make an unkillable unit; if you want rank and file to take hits then make sure they are at the front or the closest model to the character at the front.


Sorry if this sounds like an attack, but I've seen far too many players with the stronger Codex books complaining they can't keep a tactic rolling which prevents other Codex books from competeting fairly with the advent of this round of FAQs. The game just got fairer, that's a big win in my book.



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You could have the libby and a redshirt both right next to the priest so that they are both the same distance away... Not easy and you can't do that with the whole squad... and I guess you put yourself at risk when it comes to templates but those are the breaks.
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You could have the libby and a redshirt both right next to the priest so that they are both the same distance away... Not easy and you can't do that with the whole squad... and I guess you put yourself at risk when it comes to templates but those are the breaks.


Base to Base... No measuring; no arguing; equal distance each time, every time. You are right about the whole squad, but with the changes to moving and Rapid Fire, placing a new red shirt in B2B with Corbs only serves to move him closer to the action without limiting his fire rate.


Speaking of which, I think I'm going paint all my standard bolter marines with red upper armor and black leg armor :D

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