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Brother Captain Andrew

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“State your name.” The vox in the room crackled to life and the mechanical voice blared through the caster set in the center of the stone room.


“My name is Inquisitor Antaro Victus of the Ordo Malleus” I replied, looking around black stone room for the vox caster.


“Antaro Victus you are hereby charged with heresy, subversion of the Imperium and aiding the Xenos race known as the Eldar by giving to them the warp artifact known as the Apex. The penalty for such actions is death, how do you plead?”


“Not guilty, as if that matters.” Suddenly I felt a shock run up my extremities as electricity was run through the chair I was strapped too. “I your hearing is getting sharper Thybalt, and your self-restraint has improved considerably you actually allowed your interrogator ask two whole questions before you started torturing me.” Another shock, this one made me convulse hard enough that the chair would have fallen over had it not been bolted to the floor.


“Now, Now Victus we can’t very well have your sarcasm punctuating your confession now can we,” a new voice shrill and annoying came over the vox “I need a dry recitation of the facts to give to Inquisitor Lord Wolfe, you know how he likes his reports.”


“No, unlike you Thybalt I don’t know how Wolfe likes his reports, as I do not screw up frequently enough or badly enough that I need explain my failures to my superiors.” Another shock, but completely worth it in my mind, even if it only to force that idiot Thybalt to stay silent thinking up another retort. In my experience it was best to force him to be silent as often as possible given he never had anything of use to say and his voice was as annoying as chainsword on ceramite.


Unfortunately, Thybalt’s temper got the best of him and he screamed his reply before I even finished thrashing. “Listen traitor, the best option you have is that haul you back to Titan the Lord Inquisitors have you mind wiped and then make you into a servitor, and that is only if you cooperate.”


“Temper, Temper. Thybalt, we both know I’m not guilty and we both know why you’re doing this now.” I replied attempting to stoke his anger further, angry people make mistakes, and Thybalt had never been the most temperate or careful member of the Emperor’s Inquisition in the first place. “Trust me when I say that I will make you pay for what you are doing. You know of my colleague Balthazar, he and I found the library on Ceti Prime, I destroyed the cult you were involved with on Devi secundus, I worked out you were coming here and secured that chaos artifact, damnation Thybalt I know you’ve turned radical, so stop pretending that your taking me back to Titan.”


Suddenly, and unexpected Thybalt a bass laugh started to rumble through the vox a deep sinister chuckle far worse than Thybalt’s grating voice. “You think that’s what is going on here Victus? You think I’ve turned into some Xanthite radical bent on using the Apex to fight chaos?”


“Thybalt?” I replied a cold sweat breaking out that was exactly what I had thought was going on.


“Yes, its still me you imbicile.” Thybalt’s voice rose back to its original register and fell again, retaining a danger in the tone. “What do you think the Apex is? A warp conduit, maybe? A foul daemon weapon? No, it none of those things, it is far more sinister, it’s a key. Once long ago on great terra there was a myth of Pandora, she somehow released all the horrors of the world. And class with what do you release the horrors of the world? A key, a key that will open a doorway between the warp and reality greater than any you have ever even read about in the Inquisitions archives.”


“Your insane, Emperor preserve me you’re a warp damned traitor. You’re going to destroy this whole planet aren’t you?” I said struggling to keep my voice even, after all I still had my ace in the whole.


“Antaro, you know your problem, you always thinks so small. The planet will be nice, but the Apex was only one piece of my plan. I also have a warp conduit and with the two combined I’ll suck this entire subsector into the immaterium.


And with that admission I had no choice; I needed to make my move. I reached back into my mind grabbing hold of the power I have so often given thanks for. I took hold of the power, that river of psychic force, and bent it to my will. My shackles snapped off and I moved for the wall a battering ram of psychic force ready to smash through the wall, when Thybalt’s voice drifted into the room again. “I wondered how long it was going to be before I saw the fabled power of Antaro Victus. Did you really think that I was stupid enough to not cut you off from your power?” My skin turned to ice in the nanosecond after those words were uttered; the one ace I had left to play and he’d known about it all along. But there was no time to dwell on my misfortune as seconds later reality warped and the walls of my black cell turned into a dark crimson waterfalls of gore.

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I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

I only noted a couple of grammar errors, with commas and such, but I won't rip it apart due to the fact that I am tired and the storyline was too good for me to pick at.

Just remember, after you type something out, read over it again to try and see if there is any places where you can add a break to the sentence.



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