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Dark vengence Word Bearers


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So when I saw this set I immediately thought Gal Vorbak.

A friend of a friend loves Dark Angels so I gave him that half.

I only wanted the new Chaos pieces.

Always one for eating my ice cream first I started on the Hellbrute.

I added books where the Horus Eyes were and added a large Dark Angel book from thier upgrade.

This is what I see happening when you inter a Gal Vorbak into a Drednought chassis.





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You're flames don't look that great. Either your paint is too thick or something along that lines. Flames aren't that hard to paint. There are a variety of techniques. What color of basecoat did you use? You could have painted the shoulder white then, yellow, then red over top of that, using the last color to shape the flames. This is actually an easy way to do things. You just have to remember to paint from lightest to darkest where you want the flames.


Other things you can do to make your flames look better is outline them. Pin stripers on hot rods and choppers use this technique. Some purest will tell you, you have to the lightest to darkest flames and that it is wrong to do it the other way, but I paint a lot of purple flames, so I'm not going for realism. I've written some tutorials and there are others on the B&C and elsewhere. Dig around because if you're going to do Wordbearers you need to get better at painting flames. Don't be like those Salamander players who don't do any flames, that just chose the chapter for the special rules of Vulcan or whatever his name is...

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This guy has plenty of flames of the purple variety but also that warm orange yellow lava thing going on with his sword. Practice on some rank and file models before attempting the bigger and fancier models.



Lefty Sorcerer of Slaneesh by Muskie McKay, on Flickr


Good luck!

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Nicely converted. Love the addition of the book.

As others have commented on the flames, I'll add a couple of suggestions for scribbletext. Firstly is to add the occasional upward or downward spike to give the impression of tall letters and those that hang down. My second suggestion would be to use either a superfine pen for the writing or, an idea I stole from a GD winner, use a wooden toothpick that you've whittled down to an extremely fine point. Takes a lot of time to do the scribblescript but it looks so good once you get it right.

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And here is the finished Hellbrute








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Your yellow has bleed onto the trim. I'd fix that right away. Too sharpen your flames I'd do two things. I'd take your base red, or even a slightly darker read and do pin stripes on the edges of the flames. Then you have to decide if you want to go from light to dark or dark to light. I think in real live flames are dark to light. So take an orange, even an orange wash or better still glaze and dirty up the bottom of the flames. Then take a light light yellow even a cream and paint little V's on the tips.


I've painted a lot of flames in my time. There is an excellent tutorial here. It is like 20 steps, so after you clean up the outline, a highlight and a lowlight is enough to make your flames pop. The dark outline ie black-lining is an old school trick that doesn't get used much now a days. Some people use a drafting pen for it, but I prefer I good brush. You don't have to use black, a dark red or even a brown would work, you can sharpen your flames like this. I gave some more tips on two ways to do flames (lava) when I did the Hakanor's Reavers Tutorial.


Good luck, flames can look really great and isn't as much work as other freehand, as they can come in just about any shape. Look at what the bikers and hotrod guys do on those TV shows. They've mastered flames, some tattoo artists too. I wanna get an air gun and do a gas tank one day because I'm good at flames and skulls. ;-)

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Thanks that is an awesome flame tutorial.

I'll try to add some of your tips for them.

There are some really good airbrush realistic flame tutes out there and it does not seem too hard either.

Well not hard on a large space a model would be a challenge,but there was a guy who did LotD with them,so it can be done.


I would like to blackline the trim again tons of spots I missed and the exhaust needs fixing at the base of it too.

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Very nice! I too struggle with painting flames. I do enjoy seeing the scripture of Logar all over the place. I am deciding wether or not to use the L-R method or the B-T method as some of our brethren/sisteren (sp?) suggest. Either way suitably red and nasty the gods shall be pleased!
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Very impressive Esinhorn!


I have several of those DA books in baggies lying around just waiting to be used in this way :)


Awesome tut on the flames Muskie! gonna give it a go on my WB dred to livin him up some. Thanks for posting it!



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Here is the Chosen Champion he has that Dark Apostle look to him.

Still need to fine tune him a bit and do the base.





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A few more in progress

I figured out an easy way to convert the Lord into a Dark Apostle by just adding a chaos icon ontop of the sword.




I also did these two as well





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