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Rumoured Dark Apostle


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I'd probably work them as the 1-3 Aspiring Champion HQ choice from the Lost and the Damned armylist, leading hordes of cultists and menacing overseers and slavedrivers, albeit with a really unfortunate and poorly chosen name. (And I will continue the fight about how poorly chosen I think the name is. :D )





I agree. What seems to be being called a Dark Apostle here is much closer to a First Acolyte, or just a plain acolyte really, in terms of relatable fluff. In game terms, the rumours do make it sound more like the choice out of the Lost and the Damned, which is fine other than the poor choice in name.


Just disappointed that they had an opportunity to take something from the fluff and translate it into the game yet seem to have failed, if rumours are correct. Guess we have to wait and see....




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Looking forward to seeing all the Wordbear Hosts come to life with new hate and purpose.

Grudge number 97 670456780, paragrapf 89 497 D, under subclause 72Q; in the Lesser Sacred Addendum of "Spiritual and Temporal Laws" to the Book of Lorgar, clearly specifies the sin of "Dark Apostle" Impersonation. It also clearly stipulates the proper spiritual atonement for such foul impersonation as being forced (some would rejoyce and shout "allowed!") to take a sacred and binding Oath, swearing to strive to stimulate The Dark Prince attention, while only playing a lute though being allowed to dance, for 666 days. Many contemporay Word Bearers, it is said, argue strongly that none have yet survived this duty and so strangly the common rebellious practice seems to be a mere general pogrom of sinners and any possible nearby contaminated planetary bodies.

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Looking forward to seeing all the Wordbear Hosts come to life with new hate and purpose.

Grudge number 97 670456780, paragrapf 89 497 D, under subclause 72Q; in the Lesser Sacred Addendum of "Spiritual and Temporal Laws" to the Book of Lorgar, clearly specifies the sin of "Dark Apostle" Impersonation. It also clearly stipulates the proper spiritual atonement for such foul impersonation as being forced (some would rejoyce and shout "allowed!") to take a sacred and binding Oath, swearing to strive to stimulate The Dark Prince attention, while only playing a lute though being allowed to dance, for 666 days. Many contemporay Word Bearers, it is said, argue strongly that none have yet survived this duty and so strangly the common rebellious practice seems to be a mere general pogrom of sinners and any possible nearby contaminated planetary bodies.



Its kind of like the rage that would happen if the new "War/warp smiths" turn out to be little servitors that look like the little dwarf familiars or grots, but can only be taken if you have oblits, a vindi and a pred as heavy support choices and the "smith" must be an additional HS choice as well, thus bringing your HS choices to four when you are only allowed three under 1999 pts. :)

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Looking forward to seeing all the Wordbear Hosts come to life with new hate and purpose.

Grudge number 97 670456780, paragrapf 89 497 D, under subclause 72Q; in the Lesser Sacred Addendum of "Spiritual and Temporal Laws" to the Book of Lorgar, clearly specifies the sin of "Dark Apostle" Impersonation. It also clearly stipulates the proper spiritual atonement for such foul impersonation as being forced (some would rejoyce and shout "allowed!") to take a sacred and binding Oath, swearing to strive to stimulate The Dark Prince attention, while only playing a lute though being allowed to dance, for 666 days. Many contemporay Word Bearers, it is said, argue strongly that none have yet survived this duty and so strangly the common rebellious practice seems to be a mere general pogrom of sinners and any possible nearby contaminated planetary bodies.



Its kind of like the rage that would happen if the new "War/warp smiths" turn out to be little servitors that look like the little dwarf familiars or grots, but can only be taken if you have oblits, a vindi and a pred as heavy support choices and the "smith" must be an additional HS choice as well, thus bringing your HS choices to four when you are only allowed three under 1999 pts. :(


Actually I think you are quite right, though you probably didnt mean to. I mean, for me its obvious (though I might be wrong) that dark apostles and warp smith (doubt its a war smith) are simmilar, and they then probably both are 3 to 1 choice etc. If this is not the case, actually USING the warp smith will be probably difficult. Most probably they wil (both units) serve the same function (or a dark mirrior) of the IMP Guard priest and techmarines. That would be logical anyway, and its certainly what I hope for.

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I love the concept of a cultist buffing elite choice!

Still undecided what kind of background my Apostle will have.

One the one hand he could be a heartless monster who uses the cultists as little more than human shields on his quest for personal glory.

Or he could be genuinly attatched to his cultists hoping to free them from their miserable lives as slaves and helping them to fulfill their own potential (by debasing themselves in bloody rituals and bonding with fiendish warp entities. You know a real grim-dark good guy).

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I love the concept of a cultist buffing elite choice!

Still undecided what kind of background my Apostle will have.

One the one hand he could be a heartless monster who uses the cultists as little more than human shields on his quest for personal glory.

Or he could be genuinly attatched to his cultists hoping to free them from their miserable lives as slaves and helping them to fulfill their own potential (by debasing themselves in bloody rituals and bonding with fiendish warp entities. You know a real grim-dark good guy).


Hehe, yes, if they really are only 4 points as the rumours claim, it will be quite annoying for many, I suspect, to see 30 of them storming forwards while Fearless (or better, lodged securly in cover with an objective) with a crazy fanatic at the back.


Heh, I was lucky yesterday on Ebay by the way. Some UK store sold a Fabius Bile model converted to a word bearers chaplain (he has his pole and a nice book instead of all the syringes and crap), beautifully converted and painted for 8 pounds. I laughed with glee when I won that auction!

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The easiest answer is "There are no more legions, just warbands, and the Primarchs don't matter a :tu::" but that's my view so let's Go further than just that:


Generally: They are mercenary missionaries who offer their services out to the Warband/Legion/Chapter/:cussever, much like Aspiring Sorcerers etc.


Night Lords, they're particularly cruel, mean bastards who've been beating and Murdering since they were little kids, these guys were the reason why Bat-Dad went crazy suicidal. They show their Nostroman kin the true meaning of how to inflict fear.


Thousand Sons, they're an apprentice sorcerer to the Aspiring sorcerers, who act as an amplifyer of the gods' powers, leading to enhance the performance of Rubric afflicted Marines.


Iron Warriors, they are tech savants, carriers of a variation of the Obliterator virus that they can transmit and augment their fellow Iron Warriors' abilities in combat.


Black Legion and Word Bearers-can be played straight as remnants of the Lodge cult leaders.


Alpha Legion Specialists involved with Cult recruitment and utilization of warp elements.


World Eaters-Honored Headsmen who oversee the taking of skulls for Khorne-ensuring that only the choicest skulls, from the most difficult enemies are presented.


Emperor's Children - A model of perfection, second only to the two Lash Prince-er...Lord Commander. They have the best styling tips this side of Baal, and just adore coming across some Sisters of Battle for a little "test of faith" and "You keep praying to your God-Emperor, and I'll stop the moment he shows up..."


Death Guard - They're the guys who make new Plague marines, and are just checking up on things, making sure everything's working properly (some sort of Undead Apothecary?)

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