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The lure of Chaos(models in the new box set)

Jonny Roxtar

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So yeah I want a chaos army.

The only reason I want one is because of the new models in the starter set. There I`ve said it. Im addicted to new shiny things and I want them.


Having said that I dont want some rabid cultist coming up to me during a game in a big strop cos Ive made some faux pas regarding how chaos legions dont do that or why have you got that in a certain legion.


I have little to no background knowledge of the chaos legions. Previously they had just been those evil guys I had to kill with my Salamanders or those wannabe evil guys I taught how to be really evil with my Dark Eldar.


Soooooo... anyway Im talking to the guy in the GW store and hes asking what legion Im gonna paint my chaos stuff.

I kinda blanked at that moment. I said Thousand sons.


Then I read some stuff on the various forums and discovered thats maybe not a good choice , but what is?


Word bearers seem to fit but I really really cba painting red again and I still have a lot of it to paint on my Angels Sanguine.


Pink on Emprahs chi.....no..... just.... no.......



So for my chaos legion I will make up my own, I think... I was always going to do it for the loyalists marines but I love the background of almost all of them (dont like dark angels....dont ask I just dont) so I just used those ones instead of making my own.



Pitfalls : Specialising in 1 brand of chaos limits options. Hence I wont be doing it. I dont like the look of nurgle though but then I dont need them all to turn up at once do I?


Naming them and parent legion. Yeah no clue at the moment. Leaning towards The Exploited. Yeah yeah Im from Edinburgh and I like punk music. Could get some nice mohawks going on the marines too and..... maybe not.... Disallusioned traitor marines who agree with Horus that the Emprah has used them, but cba with the whole chaos thing, but over time have learned that chaos has it uses in killing stuff, used it then got caught up in the whole scene, probably with some awesome tragic moments and all that good stuff.


yeah....sounds like a plan....


Quick addition .


This will be my legions symbol.


Just the skull for shoulder pads and the whole circle emblem on banners.




Any ideas?

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So yeah I want a chaos army.
Good choice.


The only reason I want one is because of the new models in the starter set. There I`ve said it. Im addicted to new shiny things and I want them.
A valid reason.


Having said that I dont want some rabid cultist coming up to me during a game in a big strop cos Ive made some faux pas regarding how chaos legions dont do that or why have you got that in a certain legion.
You've come to the right place then.


Soooooo... anyway Im talking to the guy in the GW store and hes asking what legion Im gonna paint my chaos stuff.

I kinda blanked at that moment. I said Thousand sons.


Then I read some stuff on the various forums and discovered thats maybe not a good choice , but what is?

Never say never, the next book might see the TSons viable, it would be a first, and it would be glorious if it was true. Until then, why make the commitment? I like your DIY idea very much so my advice is to go with that.


Pitfalls : Specialising in 1 brand of chaos limits options. Hence I wont be doing it. I dont like the look of nurgle though but then I dont need them all to turn up at once do I?


Naming them and parent legion. Yeah no clue at the moment. Leaning towards The Exploited. Yeah yeah Im from Edinburgh and I like punk music. Could get some nice mohawks going on the marines too and..... maybe not.... Disallusioned traitor marines who agree with Horus that the Emprah has used them, but cba with the whole chaos thing, but over time have learned that chaos has it uses in killing stuff, used it then got caught up in the whole scene, probably with some awesome tragic moments and all that good stuff.


yeah....sounds like a plan....

With a little work, it could work. ;)


Quick addition .


This will be my legions symbol.

Simple and effective. :devil:



Post pictures please!

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Punk Chaos Renegades? Sounds awesome!


For appropriate heads, bits and Cultists, if you could track down some Goliaths I reckon those'd help enforce your theme. Find the old plastic ons, lop off their heads and use them for your Chaos Marines? I'm just spitting out ideas now. :lol:

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I have seen this done well before, it's shocking how much you can do with a very limited knowledge of how to work with green stuff.


Mohawks are just a thin line of green stuff. Use a shaper tool to push some dimples in it for texture. This method is also good for creating a Mr. T variant.


Liberty spikes are just a bunch of small wads of green stuff twisted to a point.


Something else good is to model Glenn Danzig style hair. Make it long on one side and bare on the other. This can be done with just a thin layer of green stuff.

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Back in third edition, I did liberty spikes on marines using toothpick ends... My chapter was called Anarchy's Angels and my friends always bugged me that they were bordering on Chaos and thet the Inquisition was coming for them. I guess I belonged in this forum even when I played Loyalists! lol
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I like the idea immensely. A suggestion? Make a Loyalist Chapter that has gone renegade, desireing freedom (and anarchy) over the dour existance as slaves to the Throne. This would tie in the Symbol you chose (I love that ' Liberty, Anarchy, Fraternity' line, that's pretty sweet), and would make for some characterful fluff and conversions.



Damn. Now all I can imagine is Sid Vicious in corrupt Power Armour....

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Some awesome ideas guys. Slightly worried about the strength of greenstuff liberty spikes but Im sure I can work something out with paper clips or something. I have quite a few spare spacewolf heads too which is nice, some of the DE heads might even work for emo punk outcasts within the hard core...... er.... core.....


Hoping to get painting soon as my nightshifts are over on Monday but the bulk of the chosen and cultists are built as standard for the moment awaiting GS and primer.


Colour sheme will be black red and bone or Black purple and bone . Will try one of each to see which looks best.


Anarchy in the 40k


Heres something to get you all on my planet thoughts wise.


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Just had a look at the leaked pictures and I have to say Im conflicted. Well maybe more worried than conflicted.


The models mostly look fantastic. The flier is amazing the raptory things will look great when Ive replaced their feet (dont like the claws for feet never did on the last raptors either) the rest is ok I guess.


Im more worried that they might not update the basic marines and terminators . I hope they have and they look awesome but I havent seen them so I worry that if they havent then their gonna look a bit crap next to the bling of the new stuff.


Anyway progress report before I have to start a new set of night shifts.


Decal sheets.


I had no idea how much pain I was letting myself in for. Mental pain. I have never used Gimp before or any other programme of its ilk, to do anything other than resize photos. Making an A4 sheet full of little pictures, very nearly cost me my sanity and a new monitor.


Long story short I wasted Tuesday fannying about before finally figuring it out.



Print it . Looks good.


Print it on the decal paper. Change the setting to T shirt transfer (only thing that looks reasonable on the list for my printer)

Looks aweso...hang on this is backwards golly!!!!!!

Its ok I have more paper.... set it to photo paper.


It comes out fine.


and breathe.....


Suffice to say I now have about 150 marines worth of skulls in varying facings, ahem.... , plus stuff for vehicles and banners .



Painting begins soon.



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