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Fortune and Dark Eldar...doesn't change a thing?


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Folks at my FLGS are still arguing the semantics of the FAQ ruling disallowing Dark Eldar units from gaining Fortune/Guide.

Here's the FAQ ruling:

Q: Do Dark Eldar allies count as Eldar for the Farseer psychic

powers Fortune and Guide? (p28)

A: No.


Here's the wording of Fortune:

Nominate one Eldar unit with a model within 6" of the Farseer. This unit re-rolls any failed saves it makes until the start of the next Eldar turn.


Some argue that DE ICs attached to Eldar units still get Guide/Fortune benefits. Others claim the opposite.

How are your local groups playing it?


RAW feels useless, because the wording of the FAQ ruling is too loose. "for the...powers..." doesn't tell us what aspects of the powers are blocked. All aspects, only targeting, only the benefits?

It feels like it boils down to one of three options:


1) The power cannot target Dark Eldar units, cannot target Eldar units with DE models attached, and DE models do not benefit from them.

2) The power cannot target Dark Eldar units, can target Eldar units with DE models attached, but the DE models do no benefit.

3) The power cannot target Dark Eldar units, can target Eldar units with DE models attached, and the DE models do benefit.


Am I wrong in thinking this one is purely based on how you WANT to read it, as opposed to how you SHOULD read it, and there is no "clear" answer?

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The problem is the ally rules and ICs joining BB units "counting as part of that unit for all purposes".


The RAW here would be that;


1: You can Fortune/Guide an Eldar 'unit', but not a Dark Eldar 'unit'.

2: A Dark Eldar IC attached to an Eldar 'unit' would benefit from Fortune/Guide cast on that Eldar 'unit'.


GW need to tighten up thier ally rules...


Edit: Conversley;


You cannot Fortune/Guide a Dark Eldar 'unit' that contains an Eldar IC.

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Apart from the ally rules saying the IC becomes part of the unit for all intents and purposes (paraphrased).


Edlar unit with Deldar IC is still and Eldar unit.

Thats not nessecairily true- whats the definition of an eldar unit?


A unit chosen from codex: Eldar. I think that would be a reasonable assumption yes?


The IC is not part of Codex: Eldar, and is part of the unit for all intents and purposes- thus the unit as a whole is not an Eldar Unit.

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Thats not nessecairily true- whats the definition of an eldar unit?


A unit chosen from codex: Eldar. I think that would be a reasonable assumption yes?


The IC is not part of Codex: Eldar, and is part of the unit for all intents and purposes- thus the unit as a whole is not an Eldar Unit.


GM, you answer yourself here. :P


whats the definition of an eldar unit?


A unit chosen from codex: Eldar


The IC <snip> is part of the unit for all intents and purposes


For all intents and purposes, including the definition of what and 'Eldar' unit is. The inclusion of a BB IC cannot change the status or definition of the unit they have joined, becuase of the BB ally rules.


Fixed that for you!




MOAR allies I say! Battle Brothers for *everyone*! :lol:

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An interesting point raised over at Dakka: Dark Eldar are not the only Battle Brothers Eldar can take. Tau are available as well. Would an Ethereal or other Tau IC attached to an Eldar unit benefit from Fortune/Guide?

My local group is leaning toward allowing the DE IC to gain the effects, so long as the Eldar unit they are attached to was the target. Otherwise, you'd have to exclude the Tau IC as well, whcih there's no rule against.

The main complaint is realyl the rerollable Shadowfield 2++ save, which is seriously annoying. You have a 3% chance of dropping the field per wound inflicted, which is just nuts, and the main reason players hate seeing it.

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You could say that if the unit is mixed its no longer an "Eldar" unit. Its now a DE and Eldar unit, and thus cant be targetted....


This is exactly the same situation (correct me if im wrong) with BA and DoA joined by a SM character, no?

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