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Working out sizing for truescale/artscale Rhino.


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Righto, round two, lets try B&C. I'm going to preface this post by saying that if your reply has anything to do with moaning at me that truescale is stupid, or that I should scale all my normal humans down to 21mm and use normal Space Marine models, or insisting that I should just sod off and use the official GW vehicle, don't bother, I got enough of that over on Dakka and I'm not in the mood to argue.


So, I am attempting to work out what size I should build my truescale/artscale rhino, and I'm struggling a wee bit. The measurements given by FW and GW for the Rhino are;


Length: 6.6 metres

Width: 4.5 metres

Height: 3.6 metres


These measurements are actually slightly smaller than the official GW model once you translate them into tabletop scale(assuming that a 28mm model is a baseline 6' tall human - for the purposes of this thread that is the premise and it is correct, another thing I don't want to bleeding argue about). Below is a quick sketch showing the rough dimensions of a Rhino with one of my artscale projects;




As you can see, there is evidently no way to fit 11 Marines in such a scale inside that space, have room for weapons, backpacks, spare ammo, internal features of the vehicle, and still leave the Marines room to actually disembark. So, I have some basic shape templates I drew up myself based on pics of a scrotty old Razorback that's beyond salvaging, but I need to figure out how to scale them for printing. My figures are "artscale" meaning I take a little license; they come in at about 8' tall rather than 7-7.5' when you convert them(39-41mm in height rather than 37.5mm), and I want to do a detailed interior, meaning it needs to fit one chap in the driver seat, another on the pintle weapon, and nine in the troop compartment, accounting for the fact that the side doors are almost dead centre.


I'd appreciate any input regarding how to accomplish my stated aim( ;) )you chaps have.



Had quick look at a real apc diamensions a m113 carries 13 men and is 2.5m High and 2.7m wide and 4.9m long approx Even given the super humans that will ride it GW given diamensions look generous, remember little consideration would be given to comfort and the stc templates were designed before marines were created so they maybe tight for your boys.

Don't know if that helps but best of luck and can wait to see the end results.


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