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My Bahltimyr Reavers log


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This topic has been a long time in coming. The Bahltimyr Reavers are supposed to be my "second" army, after the Steel Wings, but have kept being pushed back, and pushed back, mainly due to ETL, real life, writing other stuff on B+C (6 DIY's, three stories, involvement in the Liber campaign and a bLog :P )and my more recent *ahem* infatuation enthusiasm for the Rainbow Warriors :cuss


Well, no more. Dark Vengeance has seen me be able to paint both a Loyalist and Traitor army at the same time. Before DV arrived I had one Chaos related mini, that of the Termi Lord/Sorcerer and he has been left unpainted for over a year :cuss I would have liked to have bought others, but I was simply uninspired by most of them. Even the Abaddon mini gave me no impetus to buy more Chaos as he looks too small! Having seen the models within DV, I feel that perhaps now is the time to get my 'Reavers up and running


Anyway, for those of you who aren't familiar with them their Liber Astartes topic is Here. They're based (broadly) around the American Football team I follow :cuss My main aim in this thread is to keep everything I do regarding them in one place rather than have threads scattered all over the place :) It's about time I explored the...dark side of my modelling, so hopefully I can keep the momentum going! :cuss


Pictures etc, to come soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's taken my a lot longer than I'd have liked (work etc as ever gets in the way :) ), but I've finally finished my first Chaos Marine from the DV boxset (I've also finished a Cultist, but as posting said minis may still be a grey area, I shall refrain from posting until said grey area becomes black or white :P )

In any case, I present Flah Kuo, Aspiring Champion of the Bahltimyr Reavers:

Front view:


Rear view:


Whilst I still have a way to go until my painting skill is where I want it to be, I'm very pleased how he's turned out. The purple isn't as dark in real life, and I still have to find a way of steadying my hands when doing fiddly stuff, but still I'm quite happy.

C+C most welcome :P

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lookin good. You might want to consider a few line highlights on the armor to make that purple really pop.


Thanks ^_^


I have considered some form of highlighting, but I'm still learning that kind of thing, so it's something I can add once I've had some practice.

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