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Blood Gorgons


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Recently, I had the chance to re-watch all the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, and it got me to thinking about Chaos Marines in their renegade, piratical form. I set out searching for information, and the obvious choice would be to do an army of Red Corsairs, 40k's quintessential pirates. Not one to choose the easy path, I dug deeper, and remembered Henry Zou's Blood Gorgons. They meet the pirate criteria, and they have a similarity to Davy Jones and his ilk from the "Pirates" movies. For those who don't know, or who care, this is what the Blood Gorgons look like:




And their history: LINKY


So upon settling on them, with their cool backstory and Mesopotamian themes, I began searching for models to do them justice. They are described as wearing heavily corrupted power armor, encrusted in bone, barnacles, and other gribblies. Going off of that and the only image I could find of them, I realised that a combination of the newly released Dark Vengeance Chaos Marines, and the older Chaos Posessed models could do the trick. I'm also looking at some tulwars and swords/spears/shields from the Vampire Counts line. So before I put my order in with this coming paycheck, what say you? Am I headed in the right direction with these fellows?

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Thanks for all the replies brothers!


I promise to post pics as soon as I have the models in hand, I should be ordering the required stuff Friday if all goes well. I'm looking at a couple of highly converted Dark Vengeance squads mixed with Possessed goodies and various other gubbinz for starters as well as a lord/daemon prince similar to the Exalted from A-D-B's Soul Hunter trilogy, based on the torso bit from the Hellbrute. (Not the full Hellbrute torso, just the attachable bit with the maw-thing) He will be in *highly corrupted* Terminator plate, suitably converted. This is the most I've ever been excited to do a project, as I always thought the Gorgons would be cool modeled, and with the DV kit it is a whole hell of a lot easier to make it a reality. Can't wait to see what awesome kits the new 'dex brings! :D

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sounds cool. though i wouldnt blow your full budget till you see whats in the upcomming chaos releases, you might get models more suited than the older ones. then again it may be harder to get the older ones when the new stuff hits so make sure if you like it you get it...
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A fantastic idea! I was looking for another warband / Legion for my Dark Vengeance Chosen and you've helped me choose. :lol:


Personally I would start small. Build and paint the Dos Pares, then some primitive Carnibales or Ironclad as backup Cultists / Renegade Militia respectively. I think if you reach that point and you still want to go ahead with a full army then do it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hopefully they get some attention in the new codex besides the covershot. I'd love to see some good looking blood gorgon minis. You planning on custom transfers? That emblem looks to be a pain to freehand.
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I was hoping to get a word in with Phil Kelly at Games Day, allas that never happened, but I wanted to explicitly ask him if they were repaying the kudos for the Blood Gorgons by releasing some conversion sets or the like for them as they were used on the Codex cover...would be rude not to..now I shall never know, not for a while in any event.


Good luck with this project and keep us informed how it goes.

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