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New Models hiding

Brother Chris

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Don't know if this is covered already - I'm just popping over from the BA board. In the latest WD do those look like new Obliterators in the background? Or one obliterator and a Mauler? They look very different from the metal ones I'm used to fighting (a big splash battle pic near the end with DV set painted as Black Legion.


Probably got old here, too, but the rulebook seems to have new plastic Chaos Dreadnoughts in the big battle scenes near the end. They have 4 exhausts like the Venerable Dreads, not the usual two,

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I know what he is referring to. I`ve seen something strange in that September issue too.


There is a double page depicting a large battle. Plenty of Dark Angels there, facing the new chaos models (chosen) along with older models (2 sets of the starter set variants I think). In the background, there are loads of units, but also to the left (I think, if I remember correctly) you spot 2 obliterators, but one of them looks strange, and you only partly see it, and the model is not in the pictures focus (at all...).


Anyway, I am pretty certain that this is what he is pointing to. It did stand out. As for it being a mauler or not or just an obliterator conversion, I dont know.

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I think I found what you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure that's just a regular Oblit.


Your probably right. I just remembered that I too saw one obliterator model stand a bit out. But I also remember that (dont have the magazine with me here) I couldnt really make up my mind just looking at the picture (you know, bad Chtulhuesque angles making it hard to spot ;) ). It`s just that when I read his post, I immediatly knew what he must have been talking about, because it did look odd from the angle the picture was taken from at least.


But yeah, probably just a pidgeon, so I`ll try to move along...

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