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Clarification on Reserves...Help!


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Ok, with the new rules on Reserves, specifically that no more than 50% of your army can begin the game in reserve...how would that affect the following army:

My friend runs Blood Angels, with Astorath and 3 squads of Death Company all mounted in 3 Storm Ravens. Since Storm Ravens are flyers they begin the game in reserve, with the squads embarked on them. That's his entire army...is this no longer legal? Ignore the fact that he has NO scoring units, that's another topic all together. I have read the rule book, and the codex, and the FAQ's, I'm still not entirely clear however on if this would work or not. Also, how about Drop Pod marine armies? If the entire force is in Pods, which MUST deep strike, is that ok? Or can only 50% be deployed in the pods?

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"Q: Do units that are transported in a vehicle that MUST start in

reserve count towards the number of units that can be placed in

Reserves? For example, must I count the units in a Drop Pod or

Valkyrie towards the 50% of units I can place in Reserves? (p124)

A: No.", BRB FAQ

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Dswanick- You are a scholar and a gentleman, sir. I salute you.


JamesI- Oh crap, seriously? Lol...he isn't gonna be happy about that little tid-bit.


Yeah James has it. With respect ot Pods, you could reserver everything in a pod and not lose on Game turn 1 because you MUST deploy half your pods on your first turn.

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Ok, crisis averted. I let him know and he has moved some points around to include some scout snipers in the back field. Now, I had another question in regards to this same rule...

On Pg 122 it says "if at the end of any game turn, one player has no models on the battlefield, his opponent automatically wins." How does this apply to Chaos Daemons or Drop Pod armies if you go happen to go second? Does 'game turn' mean as opposed to 'player turn'? I am assuming this is the case, but I figure while I'm here I might as well check.


Ok, crisis averted. I let him know and he has moved some points around to include some scout snipers in the back field. Now, I had another question in regards to this same rule...

On Pg 122 it says "if at the end of any game turn, one player has no models on the battlefield, his opponent automatically wins." How does this apply to Chaos Daemons or Drop Pod armies if you go happen to go second? Does 'game turn' mean as opposed to 'player turn'? I am assuming this is the case, but I figure while I'm here I might as well check.

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I thought this rule is from game turn 2 onward, so no auto-loose in game turn 1?
Q: If all of my units are either Flyers or embarked upon Flyers, will I

automatically lose the game as there are none of my models on the

gaming board at the end of Turn 1? (p122)

A: Yes.

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I would happily let him put everything in three stormravens weather it's legal or not. One auto win and he'll change his list pretty quickly.


This does bring up another question which I think is the core of the original post.... Do units embarked in a flyer count towards having half your models in reserve?

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