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UK Doubles

Sinful eyes

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I participated in last weekends UK doubles tournament! I brought my Blood Angels whilst my friend brought IG and we ended up winning 4/5 games! My army list consisted of:

Librarian - 115 pts

-Force Axe and Plasma Pistol


5 Death Company - 155 pts

- Infernus Pistol, Power Sword, Power Fist


10 Assault Marines - 240 pts

- 2 Meltaguns, Thunder Hammer


10 Assault Marines - 235 pts

- 2 Meltaguns, Power Fist


My friends list looked something like this:

Command Squad with autocannon

Vet Squad with flamer and lascannon

3 Leman Russ - 2 regular 1 Plasma



The results were as follows:

Game 1: Kill points vs SM/BA - Ended in a massacre for us. Our BA opponents army featured a reclusiarch in a Land Raider with a death company all wielding power weapons. We got the first turn and my friend fired the vet lascannon at the Land raider; immobilizing it. That was probably what gave us such an easy game as we effectively handicapped half of their army with a single shot. We out shot the other half and my jump marines just had to jump forward to clean up the ones out of LOS. The guys we were playing against took it well though. They were very friendly (I voted for them as the best match) and I enjoyed playing and talking to them.


Game 2: Random point objectives vs GK/GK - Slim win for us. These guys had 3 dreadknights which shunted up turn 1. We ended up winning 4 points to 3. They had one objective worth 2 points and killed my Libby, we had one objective worth 1 point (which was held by 1 single Guardsman), we had first blood, and we killed both their HQ's for 2 slay the warlord. The gods of this match were the death company. They took out 2 dreadknights, a unit of Grey knights and 1 inquisitor.


Game 3: Objectives vs Daemon/Daemon - I had a librarian left on the table by the end of the game. I messed this game up by being to conservative with my marines. I should have sent them forward before they had most of their army down. Anyways, they had some awesomely converted models. One of them went for a dark mechanicum look and it was done very well.


Game 4: Objectives vs SM/SM - We won by a lot, but probably should not have! Everything that could have gone right for them in the beginning did. They had 3 drop pods between them that wrecked some havoc (they killed what they aimed for etc.), they had a Orbital Bombardment that scored a hit, we rolled poorly for saves, and I failed 2 charges (one needed 5 and I rolled 4, the other one had the front dude die to over watch). However, once again the death company proved their worth. They killed 1 iron clad dreadnought, 1 librarian, 1 full tactical squad, 1 combat squaded tactical squad, and 1 chapter master. They tore apart everything they dropped in our deployment zone, the combat squad on a objective, and prevented the chapter master from killing the lone assault marine on another objective. Basically, when the game was over, we had 3 objectives to their 1. We had 1 assault marine on an objective, another assault marine on another objective, and 2 vets on the third objective.


Game 5: 2 objective mission vs Wolves/BA - We won by quite a large margin. They ran 2 vindicators and some razorbacks. The first two turns were relatively close, but we took the upper hand starting in our turn 2 and beat them soundly from there. The death company took quite a lot of fire and were wiped out turn 1 :D


So all in all I thought we did quite well. I am not sure about larger games, but I do feel like the Death Company can be golden even if they are footslogging. However, deploying and movement has to be done carefully for them to be where they need to be. I learned that lesson after our first game when they ended up stuck in some ruins all game (we did not really need them for anything that game though). However, I feel like they should be accompanied by a character that lets them re-roll hits for them to be at their best.


Jump marines are solid. I did not use them correctly games 2 and 3. In game 2 I think I threw them away too fast against the dreadknights. Had I used them more sparingly we might have won by a larger margin. The third game I should have been as aggressive as possible in order to get to the daemons before they had their full army down.


I had a blast at this tournament and I would highly recommend . It was my first tournament outside of local club tournaments and I am surprised at how well we actually did!

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Excellent performance, congrats!


For the Daemon/Daemon list, what were their army lists? I'm keenly interested in Chaos Daemon tournament performance, I feel that soon (if not already) spammed Flying Monstrous Creatures comboed with the new Flamers of Tzeentch will start posting up significant tournament results. Not to mention what might happen once the new CSM codex releases and allied choices for Daemons get juicier.

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Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.


@CitadelArmyGuy- Going through the daemon list by memory I think they had as follows: 2 units of flamers (1 of 5 and 1 of 4, these guys scattered away and we blasted them off the table first turn), 1 greater daemon with lash, 2 Defilers, 2 units of plague bearers, 2 units of demonets, that named character for nurgle, and a herald of tzeench on a chariot. I think that's it. I don't think this list is optimized, and I really blame my self for snuffing it up so bad. I should have been much more aggressive. Those two defilers were what really killed us.

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Excellent performance, congrats!


For the Daemon/Daemon list, what were their army lists? I'm keenly interested in Chaos Daemon tournament performance, I feel that soon (if not already) spammed Flying Monstrous Creatures comboed with the new Flamers of Tzeentch will start posting up significant tournament results. Not to mention what might happen once the new CSM codex releases and allied choices for Daemons get juicier.



daemons came second at nova

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Nice work, sounds like a fun tournament. The dark mechanicum list wasn't played as necrons was it? Kind of necrons bits with a nurglish theme?


No. The named nurgle daemon was this self made flying thing with a glass dome. Hard to explain. One unit of plaguebarers were fantasy chaos people in trees, whilst the other unit were Chaos hound titans from the Epic range. They were all diffidently used as chaos daemons :)

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