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Dante Assassination Run

Deschenus Maximus

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So, Dante's death mask... It removes one wound from a target IC, does it not? Am I the only one thinking that this helps tremendously to get the Slay the Warlord VP?


Thinking of this:



Sang Guards w/ 2 IPs

Honour Guard w/ 4 plasmaguns


The whole shebang will drop reliably on T2. Dante and the Sang Guard pop open the Warlord's transport, and the Honour Guard light him up with 8 S7 Ap2 shots to the face. The likes of Draigo may survive that, but the run-of-the-mill HQs probably wont.

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You need to remember for slay the warlord to be worht the trouble you can't loose your own, so their is no real point to taking dante and using HIM to kill the enemy warlord if you loose him in the process.


Now combo dante and say the Sanguinor and then we're cooking with gas....


Rerolls to hit and wound with sanguinor and un blokable de-buff's from dante's mask make that combo rather nasty.


Or alternatively use a big blob of DC and tear the heart out of the enemy army after killing their warlord. There is not a lot out there that the BA cannot kill if they really want to, we have some of the best "Assasination" units in the game due to their speed ferocity and survivability.

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You need to remember for slay the warlord to be worht the trouble you can't loose your own, so their is no real point to taking dante and using HIM to kill the enemy warlord if you loose him in the process.


Right, of course you will have to judge by what the opponent has. Nevertheless, Dante hiding in a unit of Sang Guard within range of a priest bubble will be no easy task to remove.


Now combo dante and say the Sanguinor and then we're cooking with gas....


Rerolls to hit and wound with sanguinor and un blokable de-buff's from dante's mask make that combo rather nasty.


It does, but I think that's really over-investing. Sanguinor could probably, given the chance to get into CC, knock out his target without Dante's help.

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Well dante and sanguinor combo is cheaper than the one you have propossed above, and remember that they offer a presence on the battlefield in multiple locations instead of one, there is also the added benefit of dante being your warlord so not risking your own VP as you do when you just take sanguinor.


EDIT: The unit combination you proposed isn't really too ahrd to deal with for most armies, considering you would be sitting in the middle of their force with those to units there is any number of ways for them to focus fire and take those units to pieces, such as, Assaulting the units on opposite sides of each other so dante and his squad is pulled away from the pries, focus firing on the honour guard to kill the priest and then assaulting dante's unit and killing him, and so on. also your units are vulnerable to being flanked with such small numbers meaning that the enemy likely has to kill at most 2 honour guard before the priest is eligible to drop with the correct positioning. and 3 marines aren't hard to kill even with FNP.

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Well dante and sanguinor combo is cheaper than the one you have propossed above,


True, but also 1) not scoring and 2) not being flexible.


and remember that they offer a presence on the battlefield in multiple locations instead of one,


Fair point


there is also the added benefit of dante being your warlord so not risking your own VP as you do when you just take sanguinor.


Well I wouldn't really advise in taking Sanguinor to being with. Just wanted to illustrate that you don't need Dante for Sanguinor to go murder some poor fool. I would rather go with Sanguinor + Libby than Dante.


EDIT: The unit combination you proposed isn't really too ahrd to deal with for most armies, considering you would be sitting in the middle of their force with those to units there is any number of ways for them to focus fire and take those units to pieces, such as, Assaulting the units on opposite sides of each other so dante and his squad is pulled away from the pries, focus firing on the honour guard to kill the priest and then assaulting dante's unit and killing him, and so on. also your units are vulnerable to being flanked with such small numbers meaning that the enemy likely has to kill at most 2 honour guard before the priest is eligible to drop with the correct positioning. and 3 marines aren't hard to kill even with FNP.


Right, but all that goes doubly true if you go with Sanguinor.

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Well I wouldn't really advise in taking Sanguinor to being with. Just wanted to illustrate that you don't need Dante for Sanguinor to go murder some poor fool. I would rather go with Sanguinor + Libby than Dante.


Yeha but then Sanguinor would be your warlord and you'd agian be gaining nothing beyond a dead model.


Right, but all that goes doubly true if you go with Sanguinor.


Fair enough, Personally I'd be more likely to got the Dante for the debuff/warlord and then use a nice big blob of Death Company to both kill the enemy warlord and crush the heart of their army.


But I'm fairly biased.

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Speaking of Dante's debuff, it has been pairing quite nicely with the JotWW rune priest I have tagged along to my jump squads. Knocking his initiative down by one makes it easier for whoever the warlord is to fail that initiative test! Not as worthwhile on the likes of elder and such though, but on slower HQ's, especially necrons and orcs, its pretty good.
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Remember that Dante doesn't have to be your warlord. If you take a cheap secondary HQ (vanilla captain or librarian) who sits at the back and hides, you can make them the warlord and send Dante in to smash face without fear. Only stipulation for Warlord is that it has to be the HQ character with the highest leadership - if you're tied you can pick who the warlord is. Little bit cheesy? Totally :(
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Speaking of Dante's debuff, it has been pairing quite nicely with the JotWW rune priest I have tagged along to my jump squads. Knocking his initiative down by one makes it easier for whoever the warlord is to fail that initiative test! Not as worthwhile on the likes of elder and such though, but on slower HQ's, especially necrons and orcs, its pretty good.


Good thinking there. What do you use as the RP's second power?

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first off, with Dante, your Sanguinary Guard is scoring.

second... you are looking at 1000 Points for Dante, Sanguinor, Honor Guard and Sang Guard. Thats alot ;)


*************** 2 HQ ***************

The Sanguinor

- - - > 275 Punkte


Commander Dante

- - - > 225 Punkte


Honor Guard

5 Ehrengardisten, Sprungmodule, 4 x Plasma, Upgrade to Sanguiniusaspirant

- - - > 225 Punkte


*************** 1 Standard ***************

Sanguinary Guard

5 Sanguinische Gardisten, Banner, 3 x Angelus-Bolter, 2 x Infernus-Pistol, 5 x Glaive Karmine

- - - > 250 Punkte



Total Points : 975

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